
  1. 第二节阐明了证券欺诈行为可以构成侵权行为。

    Section B clarifies the securities fraudulence can form a tort action .

  2. 补充民事处罚行为,在法律上处理与证券欺诈行为。

    Added civil penalties for violations in the law dealing with securities fraud .

  3. 证券欺诈行为的法律责任

    Research on Legal Liability of Securities Fraud

  4. 内幕交易行为作为证券欺诈行为的典型形态之一,是对证券市场公开、公平、公正原则的严重践踏。

    As one of the typical forms of security fraudulent acts , insider trading is a severe violation to the publicity equity and justice doctrine of securities market .

  5. 损害赔偿是承担证券欺诈行为民事责任的主要方式,在实践中要不断完善证券欺诈民事责任制度。

    The damage compensate undertakes the negotiable securities cheat behavior civil liability fundamental mode , must consummate the negotiable securities cheat civil liability system unceasingly in the practice .

  6. 证券欺诈行为主体基于主观上的故意或过失对正常的市场交易秩序的破坏行为,造成权利主体的财产利益的损害。侵害债权的构成要件包括:(1)主观上为故意;

    Out of intention or culpability , the conduct of destroying the securities market order impairs others ' interests . The component elements of infringement of claim include : ( 1 ) subjective intention ;

  7. 金融侵权行为是一种特殊的行业性侵权行为,必须依法认定金融机构的储蓄侵权行为、借贷侵权行为、贷款欺诈行为、证券欺诈行为、票据欺诈行为等。

    Financial rights violations are special industrial criminal actions which can be defined according to the law as violations of saving rights , loan rights ; loan fraud , bond fraud and voucher and receipt fraud .

  8. 内幕交易是一种严重的证券欺诈行为,内幕交易者利用其自身的特殊地位或着非法手段获取了内幕信息,取得了相对于广大普通投资者的信息优势,并从事证券交易行为。

    Insider trading is a kind of serious securities fraud , insider traders used their own special status or illegal means to gain inside information superiority over the majority of the ordinary investors for engaging in securities trading behaviors .

  9. 证券欺诈行为是指在证券发行、交易及相关活动中发生的内幕交易、操纵市场、虚假陈述、欺诈客户等行为。

    Paper abstract : The negotiable securities cheat behavior is market , false statement , cheat customer behavior and so on refers to the inside story transaction which in the negotiable securities release , the transaction and correlation occurs , operates .

  10. 阐述了几个基本概念,并将本文的研究范围届定在虚假陈述、内幕交易、操纵市场三种证券欺诈行为上,还着重探讨了证券欺诈民事赔偿的性质。

    Expatiate several fundamental concepts , range the research scope of this thesis between three securities fraud actions as Misstatements , Inside Trading , Manipulation , and pay some extra attention to the research of nature of the civil compensation of securities fraud .

  11. 证券欺诈行为是证券市场上常见的侵权行为,它严重损害投资者利益,但是投资者却很难通过诉讼获得民事赔偿,原因主要在于欺诈行为与投资者损害之间是否存在因果关系难以确定。

    Security fraud is the most frequently appeared torts in security market . It hurts investor 's interest seriously , but the investor is hardly to get civil compensation with action because whether the causality existed or not between fraud and investor 's damage is hard to confirm .

  12. 对证券市场欺诈行为监管的博弈分析

    Analysis of the Game Model of Supervision on Swindle in the Securities Market

  13. 浅析我国证券欺诈犯罪行为的成因及对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of China 's Securities Fraud Crime

  14. 所有这些新特点又与传统的证券交易欺诈行为暗合表现出巨大的杀伤力和社会危害性。

    These new features , continued with the traditional securities exchange fraud , cause great damage to the society .

  15. 我国证券市场欺诈行为盛行的重要原因之一就是,证券民事赔偿制度的缺位。

    One of the major reasons for these securities frauds is without civil compensation system of security tort in China security market .

  16. 证券交易欺诈行为的法律适用:在有管理的市场中的证券交易行为,其各相关主体的行为应以适用交易所所在地法为原则。

    As for the negotiable securities cheat behavior , we should directly apply to the laws of place of exchange & Chinese laws .

  17. 依据证券欺诈的行为样态界定外延可分为虚假陈述、内幕交易、操纵市场和欺诈客户四种。

    The securities fraud can be defined as false statement , inside transaction , manipulation of the market , and cheating clients according to the features of the securities fraud .

  18. 证券市场欺诈客户行为的司法认定

    Judicial Conviction of Securities Fraud

  19. 在该案中,施奈德曼指责摩根大通在宣传和推销抵押贷款支持证券时有多项欺诈行为。

    In that case , Mr Schneiderman alleged the bank committed multiple fraudulent acts in promoting and selling MBS .

  20. 近年来,中国证券市场上的证券欺诈行为层出不穷,而现行的证券民事诉讼制度不能为投资者提供全面而有效的保护。

    In recent years , fraudulent securities activities emerge in an endless stream in the Chinese securities market . However , the current securities civil action system fails to provide full and effective protection to investors .

  21. 证券市场操纵行为作为证券欺诈行为的一种重要类型,是证券市场的一大痼疾。

    Manipulating the Securities Market , a type of Securities fraudulent action , has become a chronic disease of the Securities Market .

  22. 在国务院先后颁布的《股票发行与交易管理暂行条例》以及国务院证券委员会发布的《禁止证券欺诈行为暂行办法》中对证券违法行为及处罚都作了相应规定。

    In the State Council has promulgated the " Provisional Regulations on issuing stocks and transaction management , " the Securities Commission and the State Council issued the " Interim Measures against securities fraud " for securities violations and corresponding penalties were provided .

  23. 虚假陈述行为是证券市场上一种严重的证券欺诈行为。

    Misrepresentation is a kind of serious security fraud on security market .

  24. 证券内幕交易作为证券交易中的欺诈行为,对证券市场的稳定发展无疑构成了极大威胁。

    Being one of fraudulent behaviors in security trading , insider trading constitutes a very serious threat to the steady development of security market .

  25. 第四章在比较研究和分类研究的基础.上,归纳论述了证券欺诈民事责什的构成要件,即证券欺诈行为、证券欺诈损害事实、证券欺诈因果关系及证券欺诈过错与归贯原则。

    Chapter IV On a basis of comparative and classified analysis , it concludes essential formations of civil responsibility of securities fraud : conduct , damage , causality , fault and the principle that how to lay the blame on the right shoulder 's.

  26. 近年来,我国上市公司重组不断增多,而重组所带来的股价的异常变动不仅使得正常的证券交易秩序受到干扰,更成为滋生内幕交易和市场操作等证券欺诈行为的温床。

    The abnormal stock price fluctuations brought up by restructuring has not only disrupted the normal transaction orders , but also become a hotbed of security fraud such as insider trading and market manipulation .

  27. 同时作为中国墙制度和信息披露制度等事先防范措施的补充,各国证券立法也都建立了证券分析师民事法律责任制度,作为对受证券分析师欺诈行为侵害而受到损失的投资者的一种事后补偿措施。

    Meanwhile , as the supplement of the Chinese Wall and information exposure system , most countries ' securities legislations also set up the civil liabilities of the securities analyst , which acts as the compensation to the investors ' loss incurring from the swindle of the securities analyst .

  28. 在我国,内幕交易伴随着证券市场的发展也从来没有消失过,并且近年来已成为最为严重的证券欺诈行为之一。

    In China , insider trading has come into being and never disappeared since China securities market was established . In recent years , insider trading has been one of the most serious securities frauds .

  29. 第三章分类探讨了证券发行欺诈、欺诈客户、内幕交易、操纵市场、虚证券欺诈民事责任研究假陈述_h种典型的证券欺诈行为民事责任的相关理论和现实问题。

    Chapter III It goes further into relevant principles and practical problems governing five typical civil responsibilities of securities fraud practices : deceptive issuing , cheating consumers , insider trading , market manipulation , and false statement .