
  • 网络Supervision and inspection;Supervisory Review;supervisory review process
  1. 第三部分详细论述巴塞尔新资本协议的三大支柱,即最低资本要求、监督检查、市场纪律;

    The third part discusses the three pillars of the New Basle Capital Accord in detail , minimum capital requirements , supervisory review of capital adequacy , and public disclosure namely ;

  2. 其次从最低资本要求、监督部门的监督检查和市场约束三大支柱入手,分析新协议对我国商业银行风险管理可能产生的不利影响;

    Secondly , it analyses the probable effects through the three great props of " minimum capital requirement , supervisory review process , market discipline " .

  3. 公安消防机构的工作人员在进行监督检查时,应当出示证件。

    Working staff of public security fire control institutions , when conducting supervision and inspection , shall produce certificates .

  4. 公安消防机构进行消防审核、验收等监督检查不得收取费用。

    Public security fire control institutions , when conducting fire control examination and approval and acceptance check , shall not collect fees .

  5. 第二十四条公安消防机构应当对机关、团体、企业、事业单位遵守消防法律、法规的情况依法进行监督检查。

    Article 24 Public security fire control institutions shall monitor and conduct inspection on state organs , organizations , enterprises and institutions in terms of their observance of fire control laws and regulations .

  6. 第六十七条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:

    Article 67 In performing their supervising and examination duties , the land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level have the right to adopt the following measures :

  7. 第六十九条有关单位和个人对县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门就土地违法行为进行的监督检查应当支持与配合,并提供工作方便,不得拒绝与阻碍土地管理监督检查人员依法执行职务。

    Article 69 Units or individuals concerned should provide active support and cooperation to land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level in their supervision and examination of violations to land administration and provide all the conveniences to facilitate but not in any way refuse or obstruct their work in such a regard .

  8. 选船工作对于高效、科学地开展PSC具有重要的意义,同时选船工作又是我们港口国监督检查中遇到的第一个难点。

    Ships selection is the first hard point in our PSC inspection .

  9. 试论PSC中的ISPS检查如何接受和配合港口国监督检查

    Discussion of ISPS inspection regarding PSC How to Meet and Cooperate with the PSC Inspection

  10. 监督检查报告和处理意见需上报我部和农业部兽药GMP工作委员会办公室。

    The supervision and examination report and the opinion should be reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and the ministry 's veterinarian medicine GMP working committee office .

  11. 对新药安全性实验实施质量监督检查是药物非临床研究质量管理规范(GLP)赋予质量保证部门(QAU)的重要职责。

    Study inspection of preclinical safety evaluation of drug is an important responsibility for quality assurance unit ( QAU ) with good laboratory practice ( GLP ) .

  12. 本次地震也是一次机遇,将使我们注重“建设更美好的海地,同时加强工程建设规范和监督检查制度,”Tsikata说。

    It will also be an opportunity to focus on " building better in Haiti while strengthening codes and the institutions that supervise constructions ," Tsikata said .

  13. 文章对E-PSC(电子化港口国监督检查)进行研究,以理论与实际相结合的方式,对E-PSC流程进行介绍分析,并对进一步发展提出建议。

    The article studies E-PSC ( Electronic Port State Control ), introducing and analyzing the E-PSC procedure in a way combining theory with practice , and makes suggestions on its further development .

  14. (九)绝卫生行政部门监督检查的。

    Refuse the supervision and inspection of the public health authority .

  15. 污水污物潜水电泵监督检查的技术标准

    Technical standard for the supervision and check of waste submersible motor-pump

  16. 加强合同管理的监督检查;

    To strengthen the supervision & check in the contract management ;

  17. 分析港口国监督检查的技术规范;

    Analysis on the technical specifications of the PSC inspection ;

  18. 439家公共场所禁烟情况监督检查结果分析

    Investigation on situation of smoking banning in 439 public houses

  19. 谈建筑节能监督检查中常见的质量问题

    Common Problems Found in the Supervision and Inspection of Building Energy Efficiency

  20. 监督检查下属各部门的安全状况,合理调配、使用各种资源;

    Supervise and check the safety conditions ; allocate the resources reasonably .

  21. 离心式潜污泵监督检查的技术标准

    Technical standard for the supervision and check of centrifugal submersible sewage pump

  22. 论建审和消防监督检查的消防行政许可

    Discussion on the fire administration permission of building inspection and fire supervision

  23. 消防监督检查手持工具系统开发

    Development of hand-held devices for fire fighting supervision and inspection

  24. 谈在新形势下价格监督检查的作用

    Functions of price supervising and checking under the new situation

  25. 2006&2008年河北省职业卫生监督检查报告分析

    Analysis of Supervision Reports of Occupational Health in Hebei Province during 2006-2008

  26. (四)拒绝、阻碍监督检查人员依法执行职务的。

    To prevent or obstruct supervisors and inspectors from performing their duties .

  27. 防火监督检查岗位资格考试浅析

    Discussion on the qualification examination for fire supervision and inspection

  28. 七是加强了对工程质量、计划执行及资金使用的监督检查工作。

    Strengthening supervision of project quality , plan implementation and fund use .

  29. 很快我们将进行全面的监督检查。

    We will soon start a comprehensive examination and inspection .

  30. 广东省采供血机构监督检查结果分析

    Analysis of the supervision results of Guangdong Provincial blood collecting and supplying unit