
  • 网络Regulatory risk
  1. 3G也不是惟一的监管风险。

    Nor is 3G the only regulatory risk .

  2. 英荷消费品集团联合利华(Unilever)屈服于北京方面的压力,推迟了原计划的提价,凸显通胀环境下一种新的监管风险。

    Unilever , the Anglo-Dutch consumer goods group , has bowed to pressure from Beijing to delay planned price increases , highlighting a new regulatory risk in an inflationary climate .

  3. 布勒旺霍华德(brevanhoward)、摩尔资本(moorecapital)等对冲基金已得出结论,认为针对欧元区个别国家的头寸所面临的政治与监管风险目前已经难以接受。

    Hedge funds such as brevan Howard and Moore capital , have concluded that the political and regulatory risks associated with positions against individual countries in the currency bloc were now too unpalatable .

  4. 普遍而言,一国实行QDII制度必然面临利率、汇率等市场风险,海外投资操作风险和跨国监管风险等。

    In general , the implementation of QDII system of a country is bound to face the risks of fluctuation of interest rate and exchange rates . And also it has to face other market risk such as overseas operational risk and transnational supervision risk .

  5. 城市商业银行非现场监管风险指标体系设计与实证分析

    The Design and Demonstration of the city Commercial Bank of Non-scene supervision Risk Index

  6. 而采用公司型特殊目的实体虽然目前的监管风险较高,但能彻底实现破产隔离。

    Though SPC contains higher inspection risk , it can practise complete bankruptcy segregation .

  7. 期货市场是一个高风险的市场,因此需要有效地控制并且监管风险。

    Futures market is of high risk , so we need to control its risk efficiently .

  8. 股份制商业银行的客户集中度与财务风险和监管风险正相关。

    The customer concentration of Joint-stock Commercial Bank has positive correction with financial and monitoring risk .

  9. 监管风险是指监管机构未能实现既定监管目标的可能性。

    Regulatory risk refers to the possibility that a regulatory body fails to achieve its pre-set objectives .

  10. 其风险则包括道德风险、机制风险、投资风险和监管风险。

    The risks are the moral risk , mechanism risk , the investment risk and the supervising risk .

  11. 青岛海港口岸散装杂货船垫舱物料检疫监管风险分析及对策研究

    Risk analysis on quarantine inspect for the dunage of bulk cargo ship at Qingdao Port and its countermeasure

  12. 他说,一些银行可能会作出结论认为,由此导致的额外成本和监管风险是不值得的。

    Some banks were likely to decide that the extra costs and regulatory risks are not worth it , he said .

  13. 不过,监管风险可以有利有弊,这还要取决于美国等国家对亚洲事态进展的反应。

    But regulatory risk can cut both ways , resulting also from the response in countries such as the us to developments in Asia .

  14. 能源,材料,工业和公用事业公司具有最高的直接碳排放强度。因此,碳排放计划施加给这些企业的监管风险也是最大的。

    Energy , materials , industrial and utility companies have the highest direct carbon intensity and therefore the largest regulatory exposure to emissions compliance schemes .

  15. 但是,另一份报告指出,近三分之二的受访董事表示,他们不监管风险管理流程,或者只进行临时监管。

    However , another report revealed that nearly two-thirds of surveyed directors indicated they either did not monitor the risk-management process or did so only ad hoc .

  16. 可能性成本是违法主体在实施违法行为过程中或实施后可能支付的成本,由法定成本、监管风险成本和其它成本构成。

    The possible cost which consists of legal cost , supervising cost and other cost is the possible cost of the lawbreakers when they carry out the illegal activities .

  17. 但同时,外资进入会给我国证券市场带来巨大的风险,这些风险包括市场风险、价格风险、金融机构风险以及证券市场监管风险。

    But in another way , the foreign capital also brings risks to China 's security market , including market risk , price risk , financial institution risk and supervision risk .

  18. 他说,投资者如果觉得没有监管风险,或者实名制是一个过时问题,那么他们就是在开自己的玩笑,何况是在当前政治环境之中。

    Investors who think there is no regulatory risk , or that real name is an expired issue , are kidding themselves , especially in the current political environment , ' he said .

  19. 认为招聘人员考察社交媒体是为了杜绝他们个人不喜欢的隐私活动,就是轻视了真正的危险,以及有可能代价很高、并且旷日持久的法律和监管风险。

    To suggest that HR professionals monitor social media to root out private activity that they personally disapprove of is to make light of real dangers and potentially costly and protracted legal and regulatory risks .

  20. 建立政府安全监管风险预警方法与模式,对于提高政府安全监管水平以及企业安全生产意识和水平都具有重大的意义。

    The establishment of the risk of early-warning method and mode of government safety supervision is significant , which is helpful to raise the level of government safety supervision and improve safety awareness and the level of production .

  21. 业内高管和法律专家们表示,目前尚不清楚新法规究竟将怎样影响行业。但他们警告称,新法规使政府在一个本来就存在显著监管风险的行业拥有更大的酌情决定权。

    Industry executives and legal experts say it remains unclear exactly how the new regulations will affect the industry , but warn that they give the government more discretionary power in a sector already seen to have significant regulatory risk .

  22. 同时尤其值得注意的事,银行参股保险公司后所引发的潜在风险,如,关联交易风险、银行信誉风险、保险产品风险和监管风险。

    At the same time the particularly noteworthy things are that the bank shares in the insurance company may raise the potential risk , such as the risk associated with trading , banking credit risk , insurance risk and regulatory risk .

  23. 其次,结合中国情况,提炼出本文的研究重点,即中国资产证券化的评级风险、监管风险和道德风险,并论述了这三种风险在国内外的相似和不同之处。

    Secondly , in according to the Chinese situation , this thesis refines the research key which are the rating risk , the supervision risk and the moral hazard of asset securitization in China and elaborates the similar and the difference between domestic and foreign .

  24. 对管理人员自身存在的影响监管安全风险因素,本研究采用了AAP(能力、行为、绩效)量表进行检测评估,并分析了控制方法和措施。

    To the prison manager , I use the AAP ( Ability , Action , Performance ) measure table to evaluate , and analyze the controlling method and measurement .

  25. 民间金融监管:风险、收益与可行性&一个新的分析框架

    Non-governmental Financial Supervision : Risk , Return and Feasibility-A New Analytical Frame

  26. 塔式起重机使用中的安全监管与风险控制

    Safety supervision and risk control for tower crane using

  27. 究其原因,缺乏对证券公司的有效监管、风险失控正是罪魁祸首。

    Lacking effective supervisions and risk control to the securities company are the primary reasons .

  28. 现代全球化辩论涉及许多重要问题:治理、监管和风险等。

    The modern globalisation debate deals with many important issues : governance , regulation and risk .

  29. 讨论了投资基金的价格监管和风险控制问题。

    This paper discussed the problem of supervising the price and risk control of mutual fund .

  30. 四是在合规监管与风险监管方面,合规性监管与风险性监管并不是对立关系,也不是低级与高级的关系,不能代表监管的两个阶段。

    Fourthly , the relationship between compliance supervision and risk supervision are neither opposite nor high or low level .