
jiān chá duì xiànɡ
  • object of supervision
  1. 他说,这使得他们避免成为发达国家的共同目标和国际监察对象。

    He said it permitted them to avoid the legally binding targets and international supervision proposed by developed countries .

  2. 劳动保障监察的对象为所有企业和个体工商户等用人单位。

    Labor and Social Security to monitor the targets for all enterprises and individual employers , such as industrial and commercial households .

  3. 科学技术作为社会文化的主流渗透到社会生活的各个方面,也促使纪检监察工作的对象和环境发生了很大变化。

    Being the dominant culture of our society , science and technology have permeated every aspect of our society and have also promoted very large changes in the objects and environment of the disciplinary inspection and administrative supervision .

  4. 之所以选择行政监察作为研究对象,主要因为行政监察是国家行政监督体系的重要组成部分,也是现代行政管理的重要环节。论村民自治权与国家行政权

    As we know , administrative supervision is one of the important parts of national administrative supervision system , and it is also the important part of modern administration . A Study of The Villagers ' Self-governance and the National Administrative Powers

  5. 监察主体依法对监察对象执行法律、法规、政策和决定、命令的情况以及违法违纪行为实施监督检查。4、监察宗旨。

    Monitoring of the main targets of supervision by law enforcement of laws , regulations , policies and decisions , orders by the law and discipline and supervision and inspection . 4 , monitoring purposes .

  6. 明代的监察客体和监察内容也相当广泛,所有的政府机构及其工作人员的一切公私行为,甚至思想活动、心理状态都成为了被监察的对象。

    The object of the Ming Dynasty and the content is quite broad , all government agencies and their staff of all public and private acts , or even thinking , the psychological state of being monitored have become the target .