
xiàn zhì wù quán
  • limited right of things
  1. 本文认为,德国法上的顺位是不动产特有的制度,针对限制物权而设,依据登记先后顺序确定。

    The cis-position of German law is a unique system of real estate which aims at the limited property rights and bases on registration order .

  2. 这些限制物权同时并存于同一不动产上,因顺位不同,存在着竞争关系。

    These limited rights of things are able to simultaneously coexist on the same real estate . They have competitive relationship because of different cis-position .

  3. 同时,为了保护交易安全,促进物的流转,民法又规定在一定条件下可以适用善意取得,以限制物权的追及效力。

    Simultaneously , considering the safety of transaction as well as circulation , civil law states that under given conditions , bona fide acquisition is permitted to restrict retroactive effect .

  4. 进而划定行政机关限制物权行使的界限,严格定位政府在市场失灵时的权限,树立保护私人物权的服务型政府理念,建立责权相适应制度。

    And then the administrative organs exercise real delimit limits of line , strict localization in the market failure of government authority , set up the protection of property rights of private service-oriented government ideas and right-responsibility adapting system .

  5. 总有说的种种限制与物权设立的目的多有悖异,也与崇尚个人主义的现代价值观格格不入,已为现代社会抛弃。

    These restrictions in the theory of aggregate rights have conflicted with the aim of the instauration of property rights and the modern social value of individualism . The theory has been abandoned by modern society .

  6. 我国物权法应该有限制的承认物权行为

    Real right law of our country should acknowledge real right with restrictions

  7. 过度限制权利担保物权的设立,将导致可担保财产权利范围的缩小,影响企业的融资能力。

    Excessive restriction on the establishment of real right for security will result in the narrowing of the scope , affect the financing ability .

  8. 目前,我国森林资源物权还没有实现完全的物权化,对森林资源物权存在种种特殊限制,森林资源物权残缺不全,导致了一系列不良后果。

    At present , our forest resources real right is not a complete real right .

  9. 二是法律上的私有产权界定后,私有产权所有者主动选择的限制,包括行使权利成本的限制和设立他物权的限制。

    Second , the economic restriction which is the private property owner chooses on his own initiative , concluded the restriction of the cost of exercising the rights and setting up the rights for others on his owner assests .