
xiàn qī
  • deadline;within a definite time;set a time limit
限期 [xiàn qī]
  • [within a definite time] 限定日期,不许超过

限期[xiàn qī]
  1. 向某人发出传票,并限期出庭答辩

    Serve a summons to sb . and set a time limit for him to appear in court

  2. 3个月的限期截至6月中旬。

    The three month time limit will be up in mid-June

  3. 限期能再宽几天吗?

    Can the deadline be extended a few more days ?

  4. 限期已满。

    The time limit has been reached .

  5. 有第一款第二项所列行为的,还应当责令其限期恢复原状或者赔偿损失;

    Those who have the conduct listed in item 2 of Clause 1 , shall be further ordered to make restoration or compensate the losses within a time limit ;

  6. 第四十条违反本法的规定,有下列行为之一的,责令限期改正;

    Article 40 Any one who violates the rules of this law and has one of the following conducts , shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  7. 市、县或者市、县以下人民政府管辖的企业事业单位的限期治理,由市、县人民政府决定。

    For enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of a people 's government at or below the city or county level , such decision shall be made by the people 's government of the city or county .

  8. 第四十五条电器产品、燃气用具的安装或者线路、管路的敷设不符合消防安全技术规定的,责令限期改正;

    Article 45 In case the installation of electrical appliances and gas utensils do not conform to the rules of fire control technology , the person in charge shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  9. 建设单位或者个人对责令限期拆除的行政处罚决定不服的,可以在接到责令限期拆除决定之日起十五日内,向人民法院起诉;

    Whereas a construction unit or individual refuse to accept the administrative punishment decisions on dismantling the buildings and other facilities , it may bring the case before the people 's court within 15 days starting from the day when the decision is received .

  10. 第八十三条依照本法规定,责令限期拆除在非法占用的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施的,建设单位或者个人必须立即停止施工,自行拆除;

    Article 83 Whereas orders have been issued to dismantle the new buildings and other facilities on the land illegally occupied within a prescribed time limit according to the provisions of this law , the construction unit or individual shall stop operation immediately and dismantle them by themselves .

  11. 第三十条有本法第二十九条所列行为情节严重的,公安部可以处以限期出境或者驱逐出境处罚。

    Article 30 In cases where a person commits any of the acts stated in Article 29 of this Law , if the circumstances are serious , the Ministry of Public Security may impose a penalty by ordering him to leave the country within a certain time or may expel him from the country .

  12. 第四十二条违反本法的规定,擅自降低消防技术标准施工、使用防火性能不符合国家标准或者行业标准的建筑构件和建筑材料或者不合格的装修、装饰材料施工的,责令限期改正;

    Article 42 Those who , in violation of this law , arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction , us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction , shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;

  13. 第八十一条擅自将农民集体所有的土地的使用权出让、转让或者出租用于非农业建设的,由县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门责令限期改正,没收违法所得,并处罚款。

    Article 81 Leasing , transferring or renting the use right of land owned by peasant collectives for non-agricultural construction uses , the land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level shall order correction within a prescribed time limit , confiscate the proceeds concerned and impose a fine .

  14. 随着中国加入WTO以及保护限期即将结束,石油石化企业在国内将与国际石油公司进行面对面的竞争。石油企业要想在竞争中取胜首先要转变思想,树立现代市场营销观念;

    With the entry of WTO and the end of the protect term , petroleum and petrifaction enterprises will face the competition from domestic and international companies .

  15. 日本软银公司周三表示,将在东京开设以人形机器人Pepper为员工的手机店,在一周时间里限期营业。

    SoftBank Corp. said Wednesday its Pepper humanoid robots will staff a cellphone store in Tokyo for a week this spring .

  16. 按照2008年奥运限期向前推算,即使从现在就开始,留给中国部署3G的时间窗口也已经几乎只剩下一条小小的缝隙。

    Even if we start it from now , we would have very limited amount of time to achieve the aim of the Beijing Olympic Games in2008 .

  17. TDWaterhouse和AllianceTrust等经纪商也在推出限期免交易费等类似优惠,试图以此吸引客户。

    Other brokers such as TD Waterhouse and Alliance Trust are also trying to lure customers with similar offers of free dealing for a limited period .

  18. 这场闪电战的时机选择至关重要,几天之后就是必和必拓(bhpbilliton)对力拓发出正式收购要约的最后限期。

    The timing of the raid was crucial , coming days before the deadline for BHP Billiton to make a firm bid for Rio .

  19. 他曾在二十四小时的限期内设计出AD-1型“空中袭击者”。

    He designed the AD-1 Skyraider under a24-hour deadline .

  20. REWE选择在限期前提早解决制冷剂更换问题,以化解包括罚款方式的任何风险。

    REWE proactively tackles the conversion issue far ahead of the deadline to avert any risks including penalties .

  21. 百慕大内政部部长迈克尔&12539;费伊(MichaelFahy)称:你会发现,即使某位高管能够免受居住限期的限制,保姆的居住限期仍然无法摆脱。

    ' You would find that even if a top executive had term limits waived , there were term limits imposed on the nanny , ' says Michael Fahy , Bermuda 's minister of home affairs .

  22. ZUJI毋须就因电话或互联网服务延误、干扰、故障或超出负荷而导致于推广限期后收到的预订申请负责。

    ZUJI is not responsible for booking requests received after the promotion deadline as a consequence of telephone or internet service delays , interruptions , failures or overloads .

  23. 百慕大内政部部长迈克尔・费伊(MichaelFahy)称:“你会发现,即使某位高管能够免受居住限期的限制,保姆的居住限期仍然无法摆脱。如果你说你家的保姆不得不离开百慕大,那你为什么要留在这里呢?”

    You would find that even if a top executive had term limits waived , there were term limits imposed on the nanny , ' says Michael Fahy , Bermuda 's minister of home affairs . ' If you are saying your nanny has to leave , then why stay ? '

  24. 442例局限期小细胞肺癌综合治疗分析

    Combined therapy for 442 patients with limited small cell lung cancers

  25. 发给小型屋宇承批人的延长建筑规约限期最后警告书

    Final Warning Letter for Building Covenant Extension to Small House Grantee

  26. 专员署在一九九七年五月宣布参与自愿遣返计划的最后限期。

    The UNHCR announced in may1997a final deadline for joining volrep .

  27. 市卫生局给我们的限期是到今晚为止。

    The City Health Department is giving us until this evening .

  28. 这个特别的实验仅仅在某一限期内。

    The special trial is offered for a limited time only .

  29. 疗局限期患者中位生存期16个月。

    The mid - survival period of was 16 months .

  30. 金管局会监察银行是否在限期内作出回覆。

    We will check that the bank has replied within the deadline .