
dāng shì rén
  • party;client;litigant;person concerned;agent concerned;parties in action
当事人 [dāng shì rén]
  • [agent concerned] 履行(涉及理智、良心和自由意志的)行动或行为的人;对其言行负责任的人

  • 两个当事人都在撒谎

当事人[dāng shì rén]
  1. 如果审判员是案件的当事人,应当自行回避。

    If the judge is a party to the case ; he / she should offer to withdraw or excuse himself / herself .

  2. 当事人应当被合理告知其被指控的理由。

    A party must be given fair notice for the case made against him .

  3. 社会工作者必须时刻考虑其当事人的最佳利益。

    Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients .

  4. 我们当事人的看法是这场火灾属于意外。

    It is our client 's contention that the fire was an accident .

  5. 辩护律师可在法律许可的范围内利用任何手段为当事人作无罪辩护。

    Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off .

  6. 律师声称,他的当事人是受到被告的挑衅才采取暴力行动的。

    The lawyer claimed his client was provoked into acts of violence by the defendant .

  7. 她隐瞒了可能不利于她的当事人的证据。

    She did not disclose evidence that was likely to prejudice her client 's case .

  8. 法官大人,我的当事人认罪。

    My client pleads guilty , M'lud .

  9. 为了减轻罪行,辩护律师说他的当事人在袭击人的时候精神极度压抑。

    In mitigation , the defence lawyer said his client was seriously depressed at the time of the assault .

  10. 米尔纳先生说服联邦检察官不把他的当事人关起来。

    Mr Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not to lock up his client

  11. 我对我的当事人负有道义上的责任。

    I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client .

  12. 这些片断是由当地的演员或真实的当事人参与拍摄的。

    The segments are filmed using either local actors or the actual people involved

  13. 律师们被控未尽到告知当事人其正当权利的职责。

    Lawyers are accused of failing in their duties to advise clients of their rights

  14. 律师告诫当事人穿戴整洁会赢得地方法官的好感。

    Solicitors advised their clients that a tidy look went down well with the magistrates .

  15. 暂且假设我是你的诉讼当事人。

    Let 's assume for a moment that I am a litigant in your court .

  16. 他站起身,向警察示意他和他的当事人已经谈完了。

    He stood up , signalling to the officer that he had finished with his client

  17. 法官大人,本人受当事人委托,主张此证据已被人篡改。

    My lord , I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with .

  18. “为了不让当事人颜面扫地,我们就不指名道姓了,”一位警方发言人说道。

    ' We don 't want to name the man to spare his blushes , ' said a police spokesman .

  19. 律师掌握了他的当事人无罪的确实证据。

    The lawyer had concrete evidence of his client 's innocence .

  20. 法官对离婚案的双方当事人各给予一次审讯。

    The judge gave a hearing to both parties of the divorce case .

  21. 律师作为当事人的代言人。

    A lawyer acts on behalf of his client .

  22. 律师应当为当事人保密。

    A lawyer should preserve the confidences and secrets of client .

  23. 判决者必须在双方当事人中做公正的裁决。

    The adjudicator has to decide impartially between the two parties .

  24. 辩护人辩称没有什么可加罪于他的当事人。

    Counsel submitted that there was no case against his client .

  25. 对民事上的藐视法庭罪在当事人遵循法院命令后即结束。

    The sanctions for civil contempt end upon compliance with order .

  26. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。

    A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus .

  27. 诉讼费由双方当事人平均分。

    Costs will be shared equally between the two paties .

  28. 当事人对调解达成的协议应当履行;

    The parties concerned shall carry out the settlement agreement reached through conciliation ;

  29. 第五十一条双方当事人可以自行和解。

    Article 51 The two parties may reach a compromise of their own accord .

  30. 当事人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

    The party may also directly bring a suit before the people 's court .