
dānɡ shì rén yì si zì zhì
  • Party autonomy;autonomy of will of the parties
  1. 关于海事仲裁裁决的终局性问题,鉴于航运当事人的不同需求,设计以当事人意思自治为基础的司法监督模式。

    With regard to the final and binding effect of the maritime arbitration award , concerning the different demand of parties in the shipping industry , it designs a pattern of judicial supervision upon autonomy of will of the parties .

  2. 从理论上讲,MBO实质为一种特殊的商事法律行为,其特殊性体现在强制性与当事人意思自治相结合。

    In theoretically analysis , MBO is a kind of special commercial juristic action in fact , it 's peculiarity is that combine its embodiment with party 's autonomy .

  3. 在我国,作为新兴ADR方式之一的仲裁制度,凭借其特有的当事人意思自治、一裁终局的民间裁断的优势,在纠纷解决的领域也发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    In China , as one of the ways the emerging ADR arbitration system , with its unique party autonomy , a final cutting edge of civil awards in the field of dispute resolution are increasingly playing an important role .

  4. 合同的实质问题,其法律适用的趋势是:(l)当事人意思自治原则依然是调整法律适用的首要原则,并具有放宽使用的趋势;

    As for the application of law of substantial factors of click-wrap contract , the dissertation holds : CD the autonomy of will doctrine will still be the fist principle , and the limitations of it will be reduced gradually ;

  5. 试论当事人意思自治原则在国际私法中的适用

    Applicability of the principle of party autonomy in International Private Law

  6. 当事人意思自治原则的法哲学探析

    Discussing and analyzing party autonomy principle of parties in legal philosophy

  7. 当事人意思自治的适用限制研究&以市场与规制为分析视角

    Research on Applicable Limitation of the Principle of Parties ' Autonomy

  8. 当事人意思自治原则是仲裁制度的基石。

    The principle of Parties ' Autonomy is the foundation of arbitration .

  9. 这主要表现在:(1)当事人意思自治原则。

    It is displayed as : ( 1 ) Doctrine of the party autonomy .

  10. 论当事人意思自治原则

    Party Autonomy Principle in International Private Law

  11. 它体现了当事人意思自治精神、程序性价值、效率性要求。

    This theory and rule reflects parties ' autonomy , procedural value , and efficiency requirements .

  12. 究竟物权法领域是否适用当事人意思自治,一直是学界的热议话题。

    It has been academia hot topic whether the field of property law applies to party autonomy .

  13. 无论从何种角度来看,公共政策与当事人意思自治均是一种对抗关系。

    From any perspective , there is a vis-a-vis situation between public policy and parties ' autonomy .

  14. 检察院提出抗诉、与诉讼不可避免地与当事人意思自治、等对抗、判独立等原则产生冲突。

    Public prosecutors taking part in civil procedure will conflict with the principle of independence of judge .

  15. 遗嘱自由体现了当事人意思自治的民法价值理念。

    The freedom of testament reflects the value logos of civil law of consciousness autonomy of the party .

  16. 充分体现当事人意思自治的夫妻约定财产制度也日益被人们所关注。

    Spouse property system which fully embody the " party of autonomy " has become a public focus .

  17. 尊重当事人意思自治以及市场导向;

    Party Autonomy in Private International Law to respect the will of the persons concerned and the market direction ; iv.

  18. 晚近的仲裁历史发展体现了国家公权力保障之下对当事人意思自治的尊重。

    The latter historical arbitration development reflects the respect , under the country protection of public rights , of party autonomy .

  19. 合同的成立是当事人意思自治的范畴,其要件应限于当事人意思表示一致的内容。合同的效力是法律对已经生效合同的评价。

    In fact , the formation of contract is the result of the parties'consistence and its requirements are limited to the parties'agreements .

  20. 经济学的理论为当事人意思自治的适用限制提供了新的研究思路。

    Economic theory has provided new theoretical way to consider for deep research on applicable limitation of the principle of parties autonomy .

  21. 因此应该从以下三个方面进行改革:公司法定代表人由公司章程加以规定,实行当事人意思自治原则;

    Three aspects should be reformed : The legal representative of the company should be appointed according to the regulations of the company ;

  22. 对合同的行政监管并不是对合同当事人意思自治的否定,而是通过对合同的行政监管以更好地发挥合同在市场经济活动中的作用。

    Nevertheless , the administrative supervision and control over contracts do not mean denying the autonomy of the will of the contracting liability parties .

  23. 我国在涉外担保审判实践中运用当事人意思自治原则时存在着一些问题,需要加以改进。最密切联系原则在解决国际担保法律冲突时也得到了广泛的应用。

    The most significant relationship doctrine has also been widely adopted to solve the conflict of laws in international guarantee transactions in many countries .

  24. 文章就当事人意思自治原则在国际私法中新旧领域的适用作了简单评述。

    This article only makes some brief remarks about the applicability of the party autonomy in old and new fields in the International Private Law .

  25. 全文以关注和探讨当事人意思自治与国家强制之关系为主线。

    The full text regards paying close attention to and probing into relationship between the autonomy of the will and the country force as the thread .

  26. 虽然它作为合同的一种,以当事人意思自治为基础,但并非完全私法意义上的合同。

    Although it is one type of contracts , based on party autonomy of one party , it is not one completely based on private law .

  27. 鉴于这种关系,源于当事人意思自治的国际商事仲裁必须在公共政策和当事人意思自治中作出选择:即是顺应当事人的意思自治还是捍卫公共政策,两者不能共存。

    Considering this situation , arbitration panel must make a choice , that is , to adhere to parties ' autonomy or to guarantee public policy .

  28. 指名债权质权的成立不应当以债权证书的交付为生效要件,债权证书是否移转占有属于当事人意思自治的范畴。

    The delivery of creditor 's certificate , which belongs to the autonomous issue , shouldn 't be condition of establishment of common obligatory right 's pledge .

  29. 当事人意思自治原则作为涉外合同适用的首要原则,向来是国际私法理论研究的重点内容。

    As the chief principle used in foreign contacts , the principle of party autonomy has always been the key content in theoretical study of the International Private Law .

  30. 当事人意思自治原则已成为确定国际商事仲裁实体法法律适用的首要原则,依据当事人意思自治原则决定仲裁适用的实体法,已经得到了国际社会的广泛接受。

    The principle of the party ′ s autonomy , the primary principle , has been widely accepted by thc international society in choosing applicable law in international commercial arbitration .