
dānɡ ɡuān
  • be an official;fill an office;be in the presence of an official
当官 [dāng guān]
  • [be an official;secure official position] 做官

  1. 我没有当官的愿望。

    I have no wish to be an official .

  2. 不管当官儿的职权有多大,都不要被他们吓倒。

    Don 't be overawed by people in authority , however important they are

  3. 他当官10年,两袖清风。

    He had clean hands during his ten years of government service .

  4. “砰”,一颗手榴弹把那一伙当官的炸得血肉横飞。

    Then with a loud explosion a hand-grenade immediately blew the whole group of officers into a disorderly pile of dead bodies .

  5. “而现在的孩子,都想当官、当公务员,对科学家有向往的人,少之又少。”

    WANG JINGWU , NPC deputy and director of the Guangzhou branch of the People 's Bank of China " Nowadays , children only want to be officials and civil servants . Very few of them want to become scientists . "

  6. 她可会巴结当官的了。

    She 's so good at budding up to shoes in authorities .

  7. 当官的走到伊凡跟前,开始查问他。

    Coming up to Ivan , the official began to question him .

  8. 他是个好的士兵,但却不是块当官的料。

    He 's a good soldier , but not really officer material .

  9. 在那个国家,当官的都很贪财。

    In that country the officials all have itching palms .

  10. 当官的庇护他,公众也拥戴他。

    Authority respects him and public opinion protects him .

  11. 之后,在首都当官。

    With the Tien Si , Tung became an officer in the capital city .

  12. 当官的无疑将决定我们的未来。

    Officialdom will no doubt decide our future .

  13. 我猜那个当官的警察爱上我了。

    That police commissioner general he 's completely fallen in me , I guess .

  14. 我们不应该染上“当官做老爷”的坏习气。

    We must not catch the bad habit of " acting as overlords " .

  15. 当官的正在查访我,要把我抓进监狱里。

    The officers were looking for me and would have taken me to prison .

  16. 我不适合当官。那不合适我。

    I 'm not suited to be an officer . it 's not for me .

  17. 当官的应该经常微服私访,了解民情。

    Officials should often wear plain clothes to experience and get to know public life .

  18. 他不是当官的材料。

    He is not officer material .

  19. 他们这些当官的天天都在无法自圆其说的处境中过日子,他实在受不了。

    He could not bear this continual paradox in which he and the other officers lived .

  20. 一场政府发起的节俭行动正把在中国当官的乐趣抽得一干二净。

    A government-led austerity drive is taking all the fun out of being a Chinese official .

  21. 所以,他当官时,全力地将职责范围内的事做好。

    Therefore , he spares no effort to do things well in his duty when in office .

  22. 好多钱都被当官的给贪了,他说。

    A lot of that money ends up lining the pockets of local officials , he said .

  23. 二十来岁的时候,他在杭州附近的余杭县当官,管理财政。

    When he was in his twenties , he was an official in the treasury of Yuhang county near Hangchou .

  24. 而如今那么多学生数量之多令人忧心想的却是当官就能够有“其他收入来源”。

    But today a worrying proportion of students see the potential for " other sources of income " as a state official .

  25. 当官方正努力制定相关规范时,通过妥善处理废物来保障供水则成为人们关注的主要对象。

    As officials work to set rules , the main concern has been to protect water supplies by dealing with waste properly .

  26. 他当官以后,家里改换门庭,不再被人瞧不起。

    After he became a government official , his family status was changed ; they were no longer looked down upon by others .

  27. 他当官十年,两袖清风。它由张明山创始于清代末年。

    He had clean hands during his ten years of government service . It was initiated by Zhang Mingshan in late Qing Dynasty .

  28. 没有用的,社会已经坏掉了,当官的,就只知道自己捞钱,哪会管百姓死活?

    It 's useless , society is already messed up , and officials , all they know how to do is make money for themselves , why would they give a crap about us ?

  29. 因此,如果使用带有适当官能团的功能化石墨烯与聚合物形成强的界面结合,那么有理由相信,合成的纳米复合物应具有高的力学性能。

    Therefore , it has some reasons to believe that the nanocomposites should have high mechanical properties if the functionalized graphene sheet with an appropriate functional group is used to form the strong interfacial adhesion with the polymer .

  30. 而当官、入党,就是在关键时刻、在群众最需要的时候能够豁得出、冲得上、挺得住,能够为群众撑开一片安宁的生存空间。

    The official , to join the party is at a crucial moment , the people most in need can be excluded when obtained , were on red to open a peace for the masses of living space .