
  • 网络Seniority Wage;seniority wage system;senior system;Seniority System
  1. 文章通过教材管理系统的建模过程,探讨运用UML进行对象建模的方法和技巧。人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    This paper discusses how to employ UML to carry on the object-oriented modeling in the schoolbook management system .

  2. 管理学院的MBA教育的主要业务按部门可分为招生推广部、教学管理部和日常事务部。人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    The MBA Education Center consists of Enrollment Branch , Teaching Management Branch , and Routine Affairs Branch .

  3. 人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。中药饮片的质量与管理

    The Quality and Management of Chinese Traditional Medication Decoction Pieces

  4. 管理程序评价制度的实施,保证了各阶段护理程序的落实。程序化管理;人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    Implement the procedural management evaluation to ensure the fulfillment of nursing process in different level .

  5. 提出了建立高效、安全、易维护的企业级管理系统的解决方案.人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    It indicates an integrate scheme to build a high performance , safety and maintainable management system .

  6. 发票违法及治理对策人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。信息技术管理&订单处理的标准化促动因素

    Invoice Irregularity and Management Countermeasures

  7. 所以,探讨和关注建设工程项目管理中的索赔是很有实际意义的。人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    SO , it is actual significance to explore and pay close attention to claim indemnity in constructional management .

  8. 实现了对地质资料的高效管理、综合分析,真正实现了利用多源地学信息快速进行地质找矿与靶区预测。人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    Using this system , high-efficient geological management and multidisciplinary analysis are realized , and multi-source geological data to prospecting and forecast targeted are really achieved .

  9. 分析了人为失误与事故发生的关系,讨论了管理失误对系统安全的影响;人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    The author analyses the relationship between human error and accident and discusses the influence of management failure on system safety as well as the effect of human error identification .

  10. 本文对高校资产的形成、管理和运行机制进行了研究,提出了加强高校资产管理工作的思路与措施。关于信息管理人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    This article discusses the formation , management and running system of property of higher school and puts forward the thoughts and measures about how to strengthen property management of higher school .

  11. 文章分析了通识教育与课程、制度等改革的关系,以及建立与之相适应的教学、管理制度的必要性。人事管理中,实行严格录用、待遇丰厚、赏罚分明等,并采取年功序列制。

    The paper analyzes the link of general education and university reform from the ideal of university . It points out that university should design general education curriculum , establish faculty development and cross discipline management system .