
  1. 成功的第一批货交货将启动整个年度合同约定的交货和剩余。

    The successful delivery of the first shipment will activate the entire annual contract with the remaining deliveries as agreed .

  2. 随着现货与远期价格双双升高,矿商们开始要求大幅提高年度合同价格。

    As both spot and forward prices increase , the miners are demanding a sharply higher price for the annual contracts .

  3. 自2009-10年度合同价格定在每吨71美元以来,电煤价格一直在悄悄上涨。

    Thermal coal prices have been quietly moving higher since the 2009-10 annual contracts were set at $ 71 a tonne .

  4. 我们真心期望客户们明白,(现货价格与年度合同价格之间的)巨大差异不可能持续下去。

    We really expect customers to understand that the big difference [ between spot and annual prices ] cannot be kept .

  5. 但继去年谈判破裂后,大型矿业集团在2010-11年度合同价格谈判中把中国凉在了一边。

    But the large mining groups have sidelined China from the 2010-11 contract price negotiations after talks broke down last year .

  6. 过去,当矿商和钢企坐在一起商谈年度合同价格时,他们没有任何有关市场的外部信息。

    In the past , when miners and steelmakers met to discuss annual contract prices , they had no outside information about the market .

  7. 以东北区域电力市场年度合同交易、月度合同交易为背景,研究了这2种交易的安全校核和阻塞管理问题。

    Taking the annual and monthly contract transactions of Northeast Electricity Market as background , the security correction problems for these two transactions are studied .

  8. 多年来,矿业企业之所以愿意将基准年度合同价格设定在低于现货价格的水平,是因为他们觉得,如能保证购买量,就可以补偿较低的收入。

    For years , the miners were willing to settle benchmark annual contracts below spot prices because they felt that volume security compensated for lower income .

  9. 不计运费,当前的现货价格要比2009-10年度合同谈判达成的每吨61美元的价格高出90%以上。

    Excluding freight costs , spot prices are more than 90 per cent above the $ 61 a tonne level agreed in the 2009-10 contract talks .

  10. 他淡化了与中国之间的铁矿石纠纷。他表示,在年度合同价格谈判期间,人们常常会说些重话。

    He played down the dispute with the Chinese over iron ore , saying strong words were often used during the annual contract negotiations over price .

  11. 但如果到6月30日谈判仍无进展,部分年度合同将自动回到现货市场,而其它合同将进入仲裁程序。

    But if the negotiations stall beyond June 30 , some of the annual contracts would automatically revert to the spot market , while others went to arbitration .

  12. 铁矿石生产商在与钢铁企业的年度合同谈判中,计划推迟签署任何协议,最晚打算拖到夏季。他们的算盘是需求以及市场价格将会回升。

    Iron ore miners plan to postpone any agreement in annual contract negotiations with steelmakers until as late as the summer , betting that demand and therefore market prices will improve .

  13. 铁矿石现货发货价昨日为每吨208美元,较4月份交货的年度合同交货价格高出每吨50至75美元。

    Spot iron ore shipments yesterday traded at $ 208 an tonne , about $ 50 - $ 75 a tonne higher than prices for the annual contracts for delivery from April .

  14. 油价现在已经跌了一半,其它原材料成本也在不断下跌,这有利于那些根据年度合同销售的大宗商品(如铁矿石)生产商。

    The oil price has now halved and other raw material costs are coming down , helping producers of those commodities , such as iron ore , that are sold under annual contracts .

  15. 全球矿商和日本钢铁制造商已达成初步协议,拟以与现货市场挂钩的短期合约,取代有着40年历史、基于年度合同和冗长谈判的铁矿石定价体系。

    Global miners and Japanese steelmakers have reached a tentative deal to replace the 40-year-old iron ore pricing system based on annual contracts and lengthy negotiations with short-term contracts linked to the spot market .

  16. 铁矿石生产商和钢铁生产商今年抛弃了有40年历史的年度合同制度,代之以签订与波动的现货市场关联的季度合同,随即出现了利用铁矿石掉期来对冲起伏不定的现货价格的做法。

    The use of iron-ore swaps to hedge volatile prices comes after miners and steelmakers ditched the 40-year-old system of annual contracts this year , replacing it with quarterly contracts linked to the volatile spot market .

  17. 该公司表示,将尽快完成其高速列车的质量整改工作,以保障京沪高铁的高效、准点运行,并补充称,预期将仍然能够完成年度合同交付总量。

    The company said that it would examine and adjust its bullet trains to ensure efficiency and punctuality , and added that it expected it would still be able to complete the full amount ordered for this year .

  18. 作为条件之一,嘉能可已同意出售位于秘鲁的一处大型铜矿;合并后的公司还保证将还在未来八年中,按照年度合同价格向中国供应一定数量的铜矿石。

    As part of the conditions Glencore has agreed to sell a major copper mine in Peru , and Glencore-Xstrata will guarantee a certain supply of copper ore to China under annual contract prices over the next eight years .

  19. 必和必拓在发布截止去年12月的6个月生产报告时表示,该公司从澳大利亚发货的铁矿石中,通过“短期参考定价”售出的部分达到创纪录的46%,其余部分按照年度合同价格出售。

    Releasing its production report for the six months ended December , BHP said a record 46 per cent of its Australian ore shipments were sold on " short-term referencing pricing " , with the remainder sold on annual contract prices .

  20. 其它矿业主管更进一步:要么钢铁制造商接受与现货价格的差距比过去小得多的年度合同价格,要么矿商们就干脆将铁矿石全部拿到现货市场上出售。

    Other mining chiefs go further : either the steelmakers have to accept annual contract prices far closer to where spot ore trades than has been the case in the past or the miners will simply opt to sell all their tonnage in the spot market .

  21. 虽然经过数月谈判,中国钢铁制造企业与力拓及必和必拓(bhp)仍未能就2008-09年度的合同价格达成一致。

    The steelmakers have failed to agree a 2008-09 annual contract price with Rio and BHP Billiton despite months of talks .

  22. 该公司已按照比去年高得多的价格签订了铁矿石和炼焦煤等关键原材料的年度供应合同。

    The company has signed annual supply contracts for key raw materials such as iron ore and coking coal at much higher prices than last year .

  23. 目前的现货价格甚至更高不含运费的澳大利亚铁矿石价格已超过每吨110美元一些分析师由此预测,在始于今年4月的一年里,年度基准合同价格可能上升高达50%。

    Current spot prices are even higher more than $ 110 a tonne for Australian iron ore excluding freight costs prompting some analysts to anticipate that annual benchmark contract prices could rise by up to 50 per cent in the year starting in April .

  24. 通过商务谈判,与客户签订年度总经销合同。

    Through the commercial negotiations , signs the year with the customer always to commission the contract .

  25. 如有规定,该等范围还应包括诸如年度维修保养合同的服务。

    The scope where specified shall also include services such as annual maintenance contract .

  26. 由于亚洲需求强劲,且今年年初澳大利亚供应受扰,矿产企业与电力公司的年度电煤供应合同,创下了价格纪录。

    Miners have won record prices for the annual thermal coal contracts with utilities , amid strong demand in Asia and supply disruptions in Australia earlier this year .

  27. 在他发表上述评论的一个月前,维持40年之久、根据年度铁矿石合同定价的基准定价体制宣告崩溃,被与现货市场挂钩的季度合同谈判机制所取代。

    His comments come one month after the collapse of the 40-year old benchmarking system of pricing iron ore in annual contracts and its replacement with quarterly contracts linked to the spot market .

  28. 与其它国际矿业集团一起,力拓正处于2009-10年度铁矿石合同谈判过程中。这项谈判仍未完成,即使许多合同上周就已到期。

    Along with other international mining groups , Rio is in the midst of talks over iron ore contracts for 2009-10 , which have still not yet been resolved even though many contracts expired last week .

  29. 力拓及其澳大利亚竞争对手必和必拓(bhpbilliton)迄今尚未签订任何年度铁矿石供应合同。

    Rio and BHP Billiton , its Australian competitor , have yet to sign any annual iron ore contracts .

  30. 欧洲和中国钢铁业高管非常希望维持年度基准价格体系,认为这能带来钢材价格的稳定,使他们能够向汽车制造商等客户提供年度钢材供应合同。

    European and Chinese steel executives are keen to maintain the annual benchmark system , arguing it has led to stable steel prices , enabling them to offer customers , such as automakers , annual steel contracts .