
  • 网络Win-win;win-win solution
  1. 双方要坚持互利双赢,保持市场开放,为各自企业到对方国家开拓市场和投资兴业创造更加友善和公平的环境。

    The two sides should be committed to win-win co-operation , keep the markets open and create a more friendly and level playing field for our companies to access each other 's market , make investment and grow businesses .

  2. 我们要发展互利双赢的合作格局。

    We should develop a pattern of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation .

  3. 深化肝胆相照的友谊,开展互利双赢的合作,做改革发展的伙伴

    deepen our friendship and treat each other with all sincerity , carry out mutually beneficial cooperation and forge our partnership in reform and development

  4. 浅析中国与安第斯共同体互利双赢的贸易机制及其启示

    An Analysis of the Trade Relations between China and the Andean Community

  5. 优势互补、互利双赢、合作开放、共享机遇!

    Achieving Mutually Beneficial Win-Win Cooperation through Complementarities , Sharing Opportunities through Collaboration and Opening-up !

  6. 阿根廷贸易保障机制与中阿两国贸易互利双赢问题研究

    Argentina 's Mechanism of Trade Protection

  7. 中方将与英方一道,共同推动对话取得更多互利双赢的成果。

    China will join hands with the UK to further promote mutually beneficial results out of the dialogue .

  8. 成功秘诀:当人脉能让双方互利双赢,它就是一个强大的商业工具。

    Success Tip : Networking is a powerful marketing tool when it is a win-win for all involved .

  9. 欢迎四海宾朋来厂洽谈业务,互利双赢、共同发展!

    We welcome friends all over the world to visit our plant , persist on the mutual benefits and developments !

  10. 我们真诚希望和国内外各界同仁竭诚合作,互利双赢,共创美好明天!

    We sincerely look forward to mutual-benefit cooperation with colleagues from domestic and abroad , and seeking for a better future !

  11. 我们提供的解决方案极其灵活,可以为双方实现互利双赢的局面。

    We offer a highly flexible and financially rewarding solution enabling the development of a mutually beneficial relationship between both parties .

  12. 质量管理体系认证。热忱欢迎您的垂询与光临,愿我们携手合作,互利双赢,共创辉煌!

    Warmly welcome your inquiry and presence , we would like to work together , mutually beneficial win-win situation , create brilliant !

  13. 俄罗斯丰富的矿产资源和我国巨大的市场将使两国在长期稳定的合作中互利双赢。

    Russia 's rich mineral resources and China 's big market will make both countries mutually beneficial in their long and stable cooperation .

  14. 现代营销面临的挑战就是能否设计出既符合道德要求又能满足经济利益之目的的营销模式,以化解交易双方之间以及利益相关者之间存在的冲突与矛盾,使交易各方互利双赢、共生共存。

    Contemporary marketing is faced with the challenge of designing a marketing model which both accords with ethic and satisfies the economic interests .

  15. 西咸一体化发展应建立互利双赢的合作观念、合理可行的利益协调机制和制度化的区域性协调机构。

    Integration development of Xi ' An and XianYang should establish mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation concepts , reasonable and workable coordinating bodies .

  16. 这“四个第一”,集中体现了中智是相互信赖的可靠朋友,是互利双赢的合作伙伴。

    The " four first " is strong evidence that China and Chile are reliable friends and partners enjoying mutual benefit and win-win cooperation .

  17. 实践证明,中小学教育和新农村建设的有效互动可以实现互利双赢的效果。

    Practice has proved , the effective interaction of rimary school education and new rural construction can can receive the " win-win " effect .

  18. 四是充分依托社会实践基地,在互利双赢的基础上拓展大学生社会实践的渠道和途径,深化其内涵。

    Fourth , the full backing social practice base , develops the university student social practice in the mutually beneficial win-win foundation the connotation .

  19. 公司以诚信为本,愿与国内国际广大客户精诚合作、互利双赢,共同发展。

    Shenzhen duohaoda is integrity and honesty oriented , and is willing to cooperate and grow with customers at home and abroad by win-win concept .

  20. 在友好的工作关系中,双方的合作必能迈向新的台阶,达成互利双赢的局面。

    With a good working rapport and relationship both companies have able to move a fresh step ahead for new co-operation on both win and win situation .

  21. 公司本著诚信守时,尊重顾客,互利双赢的服务理念,为广大客户提供优质高效的服务。

    On the basis service concepts of credit and punctuality , clients-respect , mutual benefit , we would serve all our clients excellently , efficiently and satisfied .

  22. 我们愿与美方开展全方位合作,争取尽可能多的互利双赢成果,造福于两国人民。

    China is ready to carry out all-dimensional cooperation with the US side to produce as many mutually beneficial results as possible for the benefit of our two peoples .

  23. 公司一惯秉承“质量第一,服务至上,诚信合作,互利双赢”的经营理念与新老客户合作共谋发展。

    We hold the business philosophy of " Quality First , Service Foremost , Good Faith and Mutual Benefit ", seeking cooperation with new and old customers for common development .

  24. 我们愿与各界朋友一道,真诚合作,共同发展,互利双赢,共创更加美好的明天!

    We are sincere willing to work with friends from all circles to develop jointly and to achieve mutually beneficial win-win results and side by side to create a brighter future !

  25. 她还说,这让他们知道你尊重他们的时间,你有很多好点子而且人脉资源丰富,你真诚地希望实现互利双赢。

    ' It lets them know you are respectful of their time , a good resource for ideas and contacts , and serious about connecting for a mutual benefit , 'she says .

  26. 秉承“诚信赢天下,客户是上帝”的一贯原则,我公司愿与您精诚合作,互利双赢!

    Uphold the " integrity wins the world , customer is God " has always been the principle , our company is willing to sincerely cooperate with you and mutually beneficial win-win !

  27. 北大荒股份公司成立以来,始终坚持规范运作、诚信经营,互利双赢,实现了文化品牌向市场知名品牌的转换。

    Since the company was set up , it always adheres to the standard operation , honesty , mutual benefit and win-win situation , to achieve the transition from cultural brands to market-leading brands .

  28. 现代供应链管理是企业战略发展的重要理论依据,它强调企业与供应商之间的协同合作,互利双赢。

    Modern supply chain management is an important theory in the strategic development of an enterprise , which holds emphasis on the good cooperation between it and its suppliers as well as in win-win .

  29. 其次,具体详细说明经贸合作交流才是国共两党互动政策的主轴,围绕这个主轴开展合作与交流,深化互利双赢。

    Second , the specific details of economic and trade cooperation and exchanging interaction between the two parties is the policy of the spindle around the axis of cooperation and exchanges , deepen mutually beneficial win-win situation .

  30. 中美虽在历史、文化、社会、政治制度、经济发展等诸多方面存在差异,但只要双方相互尊重、平等相待,就一定能和谐相处、互利双赢。

    Although China and the US differs in history , culture , society , social system , so long as both sides adhere to the spirit of mutual respect and equality , China and US will make win-win achievements .