
  • 网络interaction designer;Interactive designer;Web Creative-Digital
  1. 互动设计师想到了这个问题,因为他认为这是一个大问题,同时,工业设计师也在观察,哈,那个显示器的角度什么?

    That 's what is going to the interaction designer 's mind because that 's a huge issue The industrial designer , meanwhile , is looking at huh , what 's the angle of that display ?

  2. 或许互动设计师在此阶段花费时间最多的就是,以人物角色的形式对人类行为进行建模,是不是?

    Probably the biggest amount of time that an interactive designer spends at this stage is modeling the human behavior in the form of personas , okay ?

  3. 网络广告的互动性要求视觉设计师改变平面的思维方式,运用网络媒体的表现方式完成人机互动的体验方式。

    Interactivity in online advertising requires visual designer to change the way of graphic thinking ; instead , they should use online media performance to complete man-machine interactive experience .

  4. 请在邮件主题内注明您应聘的职位互动制片或互动平面设计师。

    Please specify Digital Producer or Digital Graphic Designer in the subject line of your email .