
  • 网络Junior Programmer
  1. 他的上司推荐他晋升为初级程序员。

    His supervisor recommended that he be promoted to junior programmer .

  2. 当然,你必须保证不让你的controller太胖(包含太多东西),但是你很容易向初级程序员解释“为什么”。

    Sure you have to be sure not to make your controllers too fat , but it 's much easier to explain the " why " to junior devs .

  3. 当我看到中级和初级程序员使用AOP时,我联想到一个拥有强大工具的孩子。

    When I see AOP in the hands of intermediate and novice programmers , I imagine kids with power tools .

  4. format()方法和parse()方法中都需要该代码,任何一个初级程序员都会告诉您这属于它自己的方法。

    This code is needed in the both the format () method and the parse () method , and any beginning programmer can tell you this belongs in its own method .

  5. 你很难让初级程序员理解“为什么”使用MVP,特别是当他们看到VisualStudio的一些拖拽功能的演示后。

    Teaching junior developers the " why " of MVP is tough , especially when they are used to seeing demos of the latest drag-and-drop demoware features in Visual Studio .

  6. 所幸的是,这种映射非常简单,一小组初级程序员经过非常少的XSLT培训后就足以应付。

    Fortunately , the mappings were simple enough that a team of junior programmers could take care of them after a little bit of XSLT training .

  7. 苦于无法为想升级的初级程序员寻找到窍门?

    Having trouble finding tips for beginner developers who want to take their career to the next level ?

  8. 很多测试人员是初级程序员,他们并不知道怎样构架和创建设计良好的框架。

    Many testers are junior programmers who don 't know how to architect or create well designed frameworks . ( Consensus )

  9. 阐述1994年中国计算机软件专业技术资格和水平考试广西考区成绩统计,文章用表格来分析论述了初级程序员、程序员和高级程序员各级别的考试结果。

    This paper elaborated the statistical score for Chinese Computer Software Special Technique Qualification & . Proficiency Test in Guangxi area in 1994 . The article detailed test result with table and assay for primary programmer , programmer , and senior programmer at each level .

  10. 如果您是一个初级的程序员,甚至是第一次编程,您可能会发现利用本手册来学习如何用php编程是一件很困难的事情。

    If you are a first-time , or even just a beginning , programmer , you may find it difficult to learn how to program in PHP using just this manual .

  11. 您应当已经知道了如何安装CPAN模块(具体来讲就是Net::Twitter),但是本文面向的是初级Perl程序员。

    You should already know how to install a CPAN module ( Net : : Twitter , specifically ), but this article is intended for beginning Perl programmers .

  12. 相对初级的程序员也可以快速地开发自己的应用,不需操心他们所用的服务底层实现是什么样子。

    Relatively lower skilled programmers can quickly develop working applications without any concern for the underlying implementation of the services they are using .