
  • 网络Software Tester
  1. 优秀的软件测试员应具备哪些特质?

    What Makes a Good Software Tester ?

  2. 现如今,在有了两个女儿后,她就在家为身为软件测试员的丈夫操持家事了。

    Today , after having two daughters , she works for her husband as a software tester .

  3. 经常地,会计软件包的测试员对会计了解很少。

    Too often , the tester of an accounting package knows little about accounting .

  4. 例如,如果有软件开发员和测试员支持偶尔的访问,他们是否愿意去适应需要以处理软件中存在的普通问题?

    If software developers and testers , for example , took support calls from time to time , wouldn 't they be more attuned to the need to address common issues in the software ?