
  • 网络software copyright
  1. 近年来,计算机通信技术的发展和Internet的普及,使数字信息和产品的传播更加方便和广泛,但与此同时,软件版权保护也成为人们亟待解决的问题。

    In recent years , with the development of computer communication technology and the popularization of the Internet , the dissemination of digital information and products has become more convenient and widespread . At the same time , software copyright protection has become issues requiring urgent solution .

  2. 我国已经加入了世贸组织,对计算机软件版权的保护基本符合TRIPS协议的要求,修订后的《著作权法》和《计算机软件保护条例》再次明确了我国采用版权法保护软件的立场。

    Our country , being a member of the World Trade Organization , basically conform to the TRIPS requirement to the computer software copyright protection , and makes it clear that our country protect the software with copyright .

  3. 基于iKey技术的软件版权保护方案

    Software Copyright Protection and Authentication Pattern Based on iKey

  4. 由于PKI体系对于身份识别有着特殊的优势,而软件版权保护必然要对用户的合法身份进行甄别,因此,将PKI体系与软件版权保护结合起来是可行的。

    Because of the predominance of PKI system in identification , and users ' legal identity must be discriminated for software protection , it is possible to combine software protection and PKI system .

  5. 虽然人们对于软件版权的保护已经经历了较长时间的研究,PKI系统也越来越广泛的应用于网络信息安全领域,但将PKI系统和软件版权保护结合起来,目前还没有成熟的理论和产品。

    Although the long-time research of software protection has been done , and PKI system is used more and more widely in Network Information Security , there are not ripe theory and products for software protection base on PKI .

  6. 计算机软件版权侵权诉讼的证据问题

    The Problem of Evidences in the Computer Software Copyright Tort Actions

  7. 试论计算机软件版权保护中的侵权例外

    On the Tort Exception in the Copyright Protection of Software

  8. 软件版权技术保护与合理使用研究

    Research on Technology Protection of Software Copyright and Reasonable Usage

  9. 软件版权许可的非法垄断结构剖析

    Analysis on the Structure of Anti-monopoly in Software Copyright License

  10. 现在,各种软件版权保护技术成为了研究热点。

    Nowadays , so various technologies for software copyright protection have been studied .

  11. 利用电子注册器实现软件版权的保护

    Application of Electronic Register in Protection of Software Copyright

  12. 第二部分讨论了计算机软件版权侵权的归责原则。

    The second section discusses the principle of making responsibility on the software infringement .

  13. 利用加密狗实现软件版权的保护

    Security Dog Helps to Protection the Software Copyright

  14. 软件版权人的权利分为精神权利和财产权利。

    The rights of copyright owner are divided into owner personal right and property right .

  15. 论计算机软件版权保护的横向范围

    On Direction Range of Computer Software Copyright

  16. 软件版权保护技术的研究与分析

    Study on software copyright protection technology

  17. 信任软件版权管理是数字版权体系中专门针对软件版权控制的一项重要研究内容。

    Trusted software copyright protection is one of the most important issues in digital rights management .

  18. 这种层次化多级版权控制结构构成一种信任传递关系,使得协议普遍适用于单用户和带有多用户的客户服务器软件版权保护。

    Thus the hierarchical trusted structure is suitable not only for single-client but for multi-client copyright management .

  19. 强制性的注册验证及密码、算法的防破解是软件版权保护领域的核心问题。

    Compelling registration / validation and the ability of anti-cracking are core problems in software copyright protection area .

  20. 技术措施作为版权保护的有效手段,越来越多的被计算机软件版权人所采用。

    As an effective means of copyright protection , technological measures is used by computer software owners widely .

  21. 最后,本文从行政、民事、刑事三个方面论述了计算机软件版权侵权行为应负的法律责任。

    At last the article discusses what legal responsibilities should be born by infringing acts on computer software copyright .

  22. 第一部分从国际和国内两个层面介绍了计算机软件版权保护的概况。

    The first section introduces the survey of computer software copyright protection in our country as well as abroad .

  23. 目前的软件版权保护技术主要有基于加密方法和信息隐藏技术两种。

    In information hiding field , there are three kinds of technologies for software protection : code obfuscating , software watermarking and tamper proofing .

  24. 这些技术措施的出现存在两个问题,其一,它们不能绝对实现对软件版权的保护,版权人设置的技术措施极有可能被更高新的技术所规避。

    These technology measures have two problems , first , they can not protect the copyright of software absolutely because of the technology measures may be avoided by higher technology .

  25. 鉴于我国目前尚无相关法律、法规的局面,现行软件版权保护法律制度的弊端及软件用户合法权益受侵犯的事实,研究软件产品责任问题势在必行。

    Due to the absence of relevant law , the disadvantages of software copyright protection law and the fact of users ' right being infringed , research on software product liability is necessary .

  26. 本论文的主要创新点是进一步发展了版权保护模式、版权保护协议和软件版权保护中的密码技术。

    The main innovative views in this thesis are the improved cryptography technology , which is used in the protection of software copyright , the improved protecting mode and the improved protocols of the DRM .

  27. 随着计算机安全技术的发展,可执行文件的比较技术不断应用到软件版权保护、系统补丁分析、电脑病毒研究、计算机漏洞检测等领域中。

    Along with the development of computer security technology , comparison technology of executable files continues to be applied to more fields such as software copyright protection , system patch analysis , computer viruses and vulnerability research .

  28. 根据目前国内外有关计算机软件版权保护的法律规定,阐述我国数字图书馆利用和开发计算机软件在版权方面可以采取的现实可行的方法与策略。

    In accordance with the present legal regulation of the computer software copyright protection at home and abroad , the applicable methods and tactics on the copyright of computer software used and developed at digital libraries in China are put forward in this paper .

  29. 单机版或是基于Client/Server模式的电力系统分析软件在版权保护、升级、维护和数据交换等方面存在不少问题。

    Most of them are platform-based or Client / Server-based ; there are many problems in copyright protection , system update , maintenance and data exchange , etc.

  30. 本文利用PB开发工具实现软件的版权保护,保证知识产权,防止盗版。

    This article uses software tools of PB , implements the software protection , assures the knowledge property right and avoids stealing edition .