
zhǔ hé tong
  • Main Contract;master contract
主合同[zhǔ hé tong]
  1. 质押合同可以是单独订立的合同,也可以是主合同中的担保条款。

    A pledge contract could be a separately concluded contract or a pledge clause of the master contract .

  2. 主合同上的船舶日期改为必须是船舶抵达之日或之前,货物必须在指定期限内运出。

    The ship date on the master contract has been changed to Must be on a vessel on or prior date and cargo must sail on or before this date .

  3. 论文概述了基础设施BOT项目所涉及到的合同,特许权合同在BOT项目所有合同中充当了主合同的地位,其他合同都是以此协议为依据,为实现其内容而服务的。

    Among them , the franchise contract acts as the main contract status , other contracts are based on this contract , and serve for the main contract .

  4. 主合同中所指“现场”如其所规定。

    Site in the context of the main contract is defined therein .

  5. 乙方保证的范围是主合同约定的工程款。

    1 the scope of security is the project payments agreed upon in the main contract .

  6. 主合同解除与保证合同的关系&从保证目的的角度分析

    The Relationship between Dissolution of the Principal Contract and the Guarantee Contract & analyzing based on the goal of guarantee

  7. 保证人知道或者应当知道主合同无效不能表明保证人有过错。

    It is not the evidence of his fault that guarantor knew or should know that chief contract is invalid .

  8. 正确认定保证合同的效力并不影响依法对主合同债权人利益的保护。

    To define the effect of the guarantee contract will not affect the protection for the creditor of the main contract .

  9. 保证期间与主合同诉讼时效期间和保证合同诉讼时效期间相互独立。

    The guaranty term is separated from the limitation of the action both of the main contract and the guaranty contract .

  10. 要适用仲裁,在主合同或者补充合同中必须声明合同中所有争端将通过仲裁解决。

    To apply arbitration , the underlying contract or separate agreement must indicate that any disputes thereof will be resolved through arbitration .

  11. 判断主合同变更对保证责任的影响的关键在于区分变更和更改两个概念。

    The crux of judging the effects of contract alteration on guaranty duty lies in the distinction between contract alteration and contract renew .

  12. 用支持采购合同、出租合同、租赁合同、担保合同、费用合同、主合同、统括合同和用户自定义合同的综合合同管理来管理合同。

    Manage contracts with comprehensive contract management support for purchase , lease , rental , warranty , rate , master , blanketanduser-defined contracts .

  13. 嵌入衍生工具与主合同构成混合工具,如可转换公司债券等。

    The embedded derivative instruments and the principal contract jointly form into a mixed instrument , e.g. , the convertible company bonds , etc.

  14. 保证合同既可能因主合同无效而无效,亦可因自身的原因而无效。

    Suretyship contract would be null and void not only because of being null and void of the principal contract but also because of its own .

  15. 定金法律制度是合同担保制度的一种,其主要作用在于保证主合同债权的顺利实现。

    The legal system of deposit is one of contract 's guarantee systems ; its main function is to grantee the realization of the primary contract .

  16. 本担保函自开出之日起生效,直到主合同项下贷款偿还完毕时自动失效。

    The originally letter of guarantee comes into force from the day of opening , cease to be in force automatically until grant the loan to repay under the main contract .

  17. 从缔约前到履约后,从合同解释到合同变更,从主合同义务到附随义务,诚实信用原则的地位都是无可替代的。

    From the parties before the performance , from contract changes to contract interpretation , from the main contractual obligations to the accompanying obligations , the principles of Good Faith is irreplaceable .

  18. 当主合同应为合法有效之合同且当事人在履行合同过程中存在违约行为时,违约金责任得以成立。

    When the master contract should be legally valid contract and the parties in the performance of the contract when there is breach of contract , breach of contract payment obligations to be established .

  19. 比较各国法律关于协议变更主合同对保证责任的影响的有关规定,借鉴国内外立法司法经验,进一步完善我国现行法律规定。

    The purpose of defining contract alteration is to analyze the effects of contract alteration on guaranty duty , to compare the relevant regulations in different countries , and to modify our own laws and regulations .

  20. 论文的第三章深入研究了阿尔及利亚东西高速公路项目的主合同管理及分包合同管理工作,分析了该项目合同管理中存在的问题以及相应的解决措施。

    The third chapter of this paper s studies in-depth of the main contract management and sub-contract management of the East-West Highway project in Algeria , analysis of the project contract management issues and corresponding solutions .

  21. “应总承包商的申请,我方愿就总承包商履行主合同约定的工程款支付义务以保证的方式向贵方提供如下担保”。

    We , at the request of the General Contractor , are ready to furnish security to you as surety in respect to General Contractor 's obligation to make the project payment under the Master Contract .

  22. 主合同有效,保证合同的效力要根据合同主体资格、当事人意思表示是否真实等进行判断。

    If the main contract is effective , the efficacy of the guaranty contract is to be judged by the qualification of the main body of the contract and whether the parties ' expression is true , etc.

  23. 涉及到的问题有:提单仲裁条款独立性问题,即主合同无效或失效,甚至根本不存在时,提单仲裁条款是否仍然有效;

    The main problems include : the autonomy of arbitration clause , i.e. where the principal contract is invalid or becomes invalid or even does not exist , is the arbitration clause in a bill of lading still effective ?

  24. 该部分基于对最高额抵押权特征的分析,对我国《担保法》第61条禁止主合同债权转让的规定进行了检讨,指出该条规定的不合理性。

    By analyzing to maximum amount mortgage in this part , and examining provisions of the sixty-first forbid primary contract creditor 's right assignment in our countries " law relating to guarantees ", pointing out unreason of this provision .

  25. 可以导致保证无效的原因很多,在认定无效保证时,主合同无效,保证合同一般无效;

    There are many reasons that can lead a guaranty contract to be invalid . In the process of identifying a guaranty contract , if the main contract is invalid , in common situations , the guaranty contract is invalid .

  26. 一般保证的保证人在主合同纠纷未经审判或者仲裁,并就债务人财产依法强制执行仍不能履行债务前,对债权人可以拒绝承担保证责任。

    A general suretyship allows the surety to refuse to undertake suretyship liability towards the creditor before a dispute over the principal contract is tried or arbitrated and the obligations are not enforceable even after the debtor 's assets have been seized according to law .

  27. 本文从仲裁条款的独立性问题出发,对于国际商事仲裁协议法律适用的特性、主合同的法律适用原则能否及于合同中的仲裁条款等问题进行了初步的探讨。

    Beginning with the independence of arbitration clauses , this article mainly analyzes characteristics of the application of law of international commercial arbitration agreements , and whether rules of application of law of main contract can apply to arbitration clauses in the same contract and so on .

  28. 保证合同是否有效对于保证人责任的承担有着重要的影响,保证合同除了因为自身原无效以外,还存在着因为主合同,即以贷还贷借款合同无效而导致无效的情况。

    To ensure that the contract is borne responsibility for the guarantor has an important influence to ensure that the contract in addition to their own original invalid , there is also the main contract , loan repayment of the loan contract is invalid and caused an invalid .

  29. 具体到抵押合同来说,它作为一种担保主合同债务履行的从合同,同时也是现代社会的重要融资手段,它的制度设计与我们现在的社会主义市场经济建设是息息相关的。

    As to the mortgage contract , which acts as the guarantee to fulfill the primary contract , it is attached to the primary contract . It is also one important kind of expenses measures . Its system is being closely linked against our building of socialism market economy .

  30. 调查还将涉及google与广告主的合同关系,尤其将关注这样一些指控:google强迫广告主接受排他性义务,并限制广告主将自己的数据转移至竞争平台。

    It will also probe the contractual relationship which Google has with advertisers . In particular , it will explore allegations that Google imposes exclusivity obligations and restricts advertisers from moving their data to competing platforms .