
  • 网络Main Obligations;the primary obligations created by the charter;primary ob-ligation;Main obligations of the lender;Main obligation of the borrower;Principal Duties
  1. 苏联的妇女承担的主要义务就是采购,做家务及抚养孩子。

    Soviet women carry the main burden of shopping , homemaking and child rearing .

  2. 根据《国际卫生条例(2005)》什么是世卫组织的主要义务?

    According to the IHR ( 2005 ), what are the key obligations for WHO ?

  3. 除了是侵权法的主要义务外,也是合同法中的主要义务之一。

    It is not only a main obligation of torts , but also in contract law .

  4. 演艺经纪合同中艺人的主要义务有:参与演艺事务;支付佣金;竞业限制;优先续约。

    The major duties of artists are : fulfillment of performance services ; payment of commission ; competition restriction ; priority renewal .

  5. 双方当事人的主要义务是在其约定的期限内诚信谈判以最终订立正式合同。

    The main obligations of the parties in good faith negotiations within the agreed period of time to eventually enter into a formal contract .

  6. 而演艺经纪公司的主要义务则表现为:处理演艺经纪事务;忠实和勤勉;及时报告;保护艺人隐私。

    While the major duties of performance brokerage firms are : fulfillment of performance brokerage services ; faith and diligence ; timely reporting ; protecting the privacy of artists .

  7. 拥有货物所有权是出卖方处分货物和主张货物价款的基础,转移货物的所有权是卖受方的主要义务。

    Ownership of the goods is the foundation for seller to manage their goods and ask for the price . And seller also has the obligation to transfer the ownership .

  8. 交付货物是货物运输合同下承运人的主要义务之一,也是运输合同的主要目的之一。

    To deliver cargo is one of the main obligations of the carrier under the contract of carriage , and also one of the main purposes of the contract of carriage .

  9. 当事人未采用书面形式但一方已经履行主要义务,对方接受的,该合同成立。

    If the parties failed to conclude the contract in writing but one party has performed its main obligation and the other party has accepted the performance , the contract is formed .

  10. 如何能培育出具有奇特个性的人才是我国教育当前的主要义务,因而在此背景下提出了差异性学生评价的策略。

    How can we nurture the unique individuality of our talent is the main task of the current education , which in this context , the students put forward a different evaluation strategy .

  11. 国际货物买卖合同中卖方的主要义务是按照合同的规定交付货物,其中包括交付的时间、地点、数量、质量和权利担保等问题。

    Delivery of goods pursuant to contract is seller 's principal obligation under an international contract for sale of goods , concerning time and place of delivery , quality and quantity of goods delivered , and freedom from third party 's claim .

  12. 健康权是一项宪法权利,越来越多的国家从宪法层面上确认健康权的基本权利地位,国家是健康权宪法保护的主要义务主体。

    The right to health is a constitutional right , and a growing number of countries have confirmed the right to health as a basic right in their constitutions . The state has the main obligation to constitutionally protect citizens ' rights to health .

  13. 对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务或者与被继承人共同生活的继承人,分配遗产时,可以多分。

    At the time of distributing the estate , successors who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining the decedent or have lived with the decedent may be given a larger share .

  14. 第十二条丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。

    Article 12 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order .

  15. 过去的伦理学主要是义务伦理学,而社会伦理学可以看做是权利伦理学。

    The past ethics was mainly obligation ethics , and social ethics can be regarded as right ethics .

  16. 我国土地保护方面的内容主要是义务性规定,忽略了授权性规定对于土地利用和保护的重要作用。

    Land protection in China mainly is mandatory , ignored the mandate of the provisions of protection for land use and important role .

  17. 就各教育层次来看,教育性别隔离下降主要来自义务教育的贡献,高等教育阶段女性受教育机会相对更平等。

    Thirdly , the declines of segregation is mainly contributed from the compulsory education while there is much more equality in the higher education .

  18. 最后是主要从义务和责任方面完善和健全我国上市公司董事制度的构想。

    The final part is the concept about how to perfect and improve the director system of our listed company , mainly elucidated from the perspectives of duty and liability .

  19. 本文从理论和司法实践两方面出发,客观分析了在法律中明确消费者义务的必要性和可能性,列举了消费者在消费市场中应当履行的主要法律义务。

    Based on the civil theories and practices , this article analyses the necessity and the possibility of establishing the consumer 's obligation standards in law . Besides , some main legal duties of consumers are also enumerated .

  20. 在此基础上,对集体土地承包合同的主体以及当事人的主要权利义务进行论述,着重分析了合同变更权、解除权行使之实体限制和程序限制。

    Based on the conclusion , this paper discusses the subject of the contract and rights and duties to the interested parties , and analyses the substantive and procedural limitations to the parties ' rights to modify and terminate the contract .

  21. 理论基础等方面笔者主要从义务教育数学新课程标准、人本主义学习理论、建构主义理论、弗赖登塔尔数学教育思想等角度阐述对数学实验教学的启示及指导意义。

    As to theoretical basis , the author mainly makes a discussion about the inspiration and meanings to mathematics experimental teaching from the perspective of New Mathematics Curriculum Standard of Compulsory Education , humanism learning theory , constructivism and the mathematics teaching ideas of H. Freudenthal .

  22. 丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。西三21作父亲的,不要惹你们儿女的气,免得他们灰心丧志。

    " Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order . " Col. 3:21 Fathers , do not vex your children , that they may not be disheartened .

  23. 第一章主要对清算义务人这一概念进行解析。

    Chapter I mainly analyze the concept of " Liquidation Obligors " .

  24. 主要从注意义务和注意能力两方面进行论述。

    Mainly from the duty of care and attention ability two are expounded .

  25. 我国择校主要发生在义务教育阶段。

    School choice mainly occurs in the stage of compulsory education in China .

  26. 第四章主要论述双边义务。

    Chapter Four mainly discusses bilateral obligations .

  27. 在住宿合同中,旅馆经营人主要负有给付义务和附随义务。

    The lodging contract , the hotel agent holds the obligation of offer and attached duty .

  28. 控制公司的诚信义务主要包括注意义务和忠实义务。

    Fiduciary duties of the controlling shareholder include the duty of care and the duty of loyalty .

  29. 它规定了政府决策机构如何设立和实施国内贸易立法与法规的主要契约性义务。

    It provides the principal contractual obligations determining how governments frame and implement domestic trade legislation and regulations .

  30. 劳动关系中商业秘密的保护方式主要有保密义务和竞业禁止两种方式。

    Mainly there are two ways of protecting business secretes in the labor-capital relations : secret-protecting obligation and non-competition .