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zhǔ shí
  • staple food;principal food
主食 [zhǔ shí]
  • [staple food;principal food] 主要食品;粮食性食品

  • 中国人主食比例高于副食

主食[zhǔ shí]
  1. 稻米是全世界一半以上人口的主食。

    Rice is the staple food of more than half the world 's population

  2. 而竹子的茎和根是熊猫赖以生存的主食。

    Bamboo stalks and roots are the staple food of pandas .

  3. 中国人也把一种面食作为他们的主食之一。

    The Chinese also eat a type of pasta as part of their staple diet

  4. 西红柿是尼日利亚当地的主食,因此这种昆虫的危害是毁灭性的。

    In Nigeria , where tomatoes are a staple of local diets , the insect 's effects are devastating .

  5. 取非选项没有能作为主食的本地植物不算做是assumption。

    B.There are no plants native to westernAfricathat , if domesticated , could serve as staple food crops .

  6. 方法用干预实验的流行病学方法,分别对补硒、补维生素C、主食粮食干燥治疗大骨节病的效果进行对比研究。

    Methods Using the epidemiologic methods of intervention , to compare the effect of Se supplement , Vit C supplement and cereals dryness on KBD 's treatment .

  7. 混合食物B在NIDDM病人和健康人中的血糖指数相似,利于糖尿病病人的血糖控制,是一种较理想的早餐或主食。

    Gruel B is helpful for NIDDM patients , and might be the ideal breakfast food for NIDDM and healthy subjects .

  8. 它的身体是玫瑰粉色,而这样的颜色来自它主食藻青菌Spirulina中的色素。

    Its large body is rose-pink , the colour coming from pigments in its main food , the cyanobacteria Spirulina .

  9. 结果调整了年龄构成不同之后,主食甜荞麦地区人群TC和LDL-C平均水平明显低于非主食甜荞麦地区人群;

    Results TC and LDL-C of residents who lived on sweet buckwheat were apparently lower than residents who did not after regulating age .

  10. 主食甜荞麦地区人群的TC、TG和LDL-C的标化率及高血脂标化率明显低于非主食甜荞麦地区的人群。

    Standardized rate of TC , TG and LDL-C as well as hyperlipemia of residents who lived on sweet buckwheat was much lower than residents who did not .

  11. 观察组术后6h予饮用催乳汤,辅以主食;

    82 delivery women undergoing cesarean section were randomly divided into two groups : observation group , drinking galactogogue 6 h after cesarean section supplemented with principal food ;

  12. 年龄、性别、品种及病史:猫不明原因之膀胱炎(FIC)多见于体形大之公猫、神经质、饲养多猫只的家庭和干饲料为主食。

    Age , sex , breed and history : FIC most frequently seen in large male cats , nervous disposition , multi-cat household and dry food .

  13. 体长大于130mm时,以虾为主食,兼食水生昆虫和鱼类,其中太湖新银鱼在食物中仅出现2次,出现频率为0.45%。

    Individuals over 130 mm SL feed mainly on shrimps as well as aquatic insects and little fishes ( the salangid fish has occurred only for 2 times , occurring frequency being 0.45 % ) .

  14. 该集团首席执行官里卡多雷曼(ricardoleiman)称中国存在“巨大的需求”,因为“中国的经济更为强劲,饮食习惯更侧重主食,饲料加工利润很高,国内粮价非常坚挺”。

    Ricardo Leiman , chief executive of noble , the trading house that is one of the top oilseed processors in China , cited " enormous demand " there because of " stronger economy , stronger habits , very strong feed milling margins and very strong prices domestically " .

  15. 采集当地主食粮食样品,用气相色谱法检测粮食中的DON含量。

    DON levels in the samples were detected by gas chromatography .

  16. 馕是维吾尔族人最喜欢的主食。

    Naan is the most favorite staple food for Uyghur people .

  17. 它可以带主食,色拉或甜品等。

    It might be a main dish , salad or dessert .

  18. 机器人竞赛已经成为教育领域的主食。

    Robotics competitions have become a staple of the educational arena .

  19. 对优质小麦推广及中国主食产业化的探索

    Review on High Quality Wheat Development and Chinese Staple Food Industrialization

  20. 水稻作为世界主要粮食作物之一,是稻米主食消费者饮食营养的主要来源。

    Rice is one of the main crops in the world .

  21. 世界上有一半人口以大米为主食。

    Half the population of the world rice as staple food .

  22. 面包、土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨

    Bread , potato and other staple continue to rise in price

  23. 爱尔兰人过去用马铃薯作为主食。

    The Irish used to live on a diet of potatoes .

  24. 米饭是很多中国人的主食。

    Rice is the staple diet of many people in china .

  25. 不用说,身为西方人,我的主食是面包。

    In this semester the westerner thinks Chest Orchestra is the best .

  26. 大熊猫主食竹群落系统生态学过程研究进展

    Advances in Ecological Process of the Giant Panda Staple Food Bamboo Forests

  27. 基于模糊聚类分析的中国主食馒头分类研究

    Classification of Staple Chinese Mantous based on fuzzy clustering analysis

  28. 大熊猫主食竹种竹茎的年龄鉴别

    The age determination of the giant panda 's staple food bamboo stems

  29. 你的主食也是米吗?

    A : Is rice your staple food , too ?

  30. 当主食价格飙升,穷人们首当其冲。

    When prices of staples soar , the poor bear the brunt .