
  • 网络chinese cuisine;chinese cooking
  1. 我猜您可能喜欢中国烹饪方面的书。

    I guess you might enjoy a book on Chinese cuisine .

  2. 中国烹饪与中国传统食养学

    Chinese Cuisine and Chinese Traditional Food Health - preserving Science

  3. 加入WTO后中国烹饪高等教育发展思考

    Thoughts on China 's Higher Education in Cuisine After her Access to WTO

  4. 一句话,中国烹饪世界闻名。

    In a word , Chinese cooking has won worldwide reputation .

  5. 也许我们应该找个地方学做点中国烹饪。

    Maybe we can find a place to learn some Chinese cooking .

  6. 20年中国烹饪高等职业教育之研究

    A Study of Chinese Higher Culinary Vocational Education in Recent 20 Years

  7. 中国烹饪有利于菜肴鲜味的形成

    Chinese cooking helps the formation of the tastiness of dishes

  8. 味的开掘是中国烹饪的首要任务;

    Its chiefly task is to dig out the flavor ;

  9. 中国烹饪协会是经国家民政部门正式批准成立的全国餐饮业行业协会。

    CCA is an authorized guild approved by National Civil Administration Department .

  10. 关于中国烹饪史分期问题的思考

    Pondering over the stage division of cuisine history in China

  11. 中国烹饪非常讲究色、香、味三大要素。

    Chinese cookery places great emphasis on three color , aroma and flavor .

  12. 以味为核心是中国烹饪的显著特征之一。

    The focus of flavor is one of the characteristics in Chinese cuisine .

  13. 中国烹饪从唐代开始传入日本。

    Chinese cuisine began to be introduced into Japan from the Tang Dynasty .

  14. 中国烹饪采用的调味品可达500种左右。

    Chinese cooking up to500 % of the condiment .

  15. 中国烹饪史研究中需要明确的几个问题

    Several Questions to be Made Clear in the Study of Chinese Cuisine History

  16. 中国烹饪地理初探

    A Preliminary Approach to the Cooking Geography of China

  17. 调味品是中国烹饪的重要组成部分。

    Flavorings are an indispensible part in Chinese cuisine .

  18. 我对中国烹饪感兴趣,你能给我推荐几种菜吗?

    Which is the quickest dish you can make ?

  19. 中国烹饪与欧洲烹饪有很大区别。

    Chinese cuisine is very different from european .

  20. 中国烹饪王国游现代酒店天天美食节

    China , Tour of the Cuisine Kingdom , Modern Hotels ' Daily Gourmet Festivals

  21. 平衡视角下的中国烹饪

    Viewing Chinese Cuisine at an Angle of Balance

  22. 中国烹饪在日本的现状

    The Present Situation of Chinese Cuisine in Japan

  23. 非常有趣。我想知道一些更多有关中国烹饪的事情。

    Very interesting . I 'd like to know something more about these Chinese cuisines .

  24. 关于中国烹饪发展的几点看法

    A few opinions of Chinese cuisine development

  25. 发现重要的是文化,景观,并发挥传统的中国烹饪。

    Discover the importance that culture , landscape , and tradition play in Chinese cooking .

  26. 芳香的的黄色康乃馨。中国烹饪色、香、味俱全。

    Sweet yellow carnations . Chinese cuisine takes care of color , flavor and taste .

  27. 事实上,我对中国烹饪颇精通。

    As a matter of fact , I 'm quite an expert in Chinese cooking .

  28. 中国烹饪被分为许多大的菜系,以地方风味著名。

    Chinese cooking is subdivided into a great man schools notable for their local flavors .

  29. 它的发展必将加速中国烹饪的工业化、民族饮食的现代化。

    Its development will quicken the industrialization of Chinese cuisine , modernization of national food culture .

  30. 中国烹饪简介

    A Brief Introduction of Chinese Cuisine