
  1. 在1979年的中国盆景艺术展览的推动下,中州盆景蓬勃发展。

    In 1979 , the " Chinese bonsai art exhibition " Under the impetus of Central Plains bonsai flourish .

  2. 中国盆景艺术历史悠久,因为它再现了大自然的美景,使人们不下厅堂就可以览胜,所以很受欢迎。

    China has a long history of Penjing art . It is very popular because it depicts the beauty of nature , and people can go sightseeing without going out of their rooms .

  3. 盆景在当时已作为礼品,赠与外宾,使中国的盆景艺术彪炳史册。

    They were delivered to foreign guests at that time , which made the Chinese penjing ( bonsai ) art shining in the history .

  4. 中国盆景起源研究&中国盆景艺术形成于魏晋南北朝

    A Research on the Origin of Chinese Penjing ( Bonsai ) & Penjing ( Bonsai ) Art Originates from the Period of the Wei and Jin Dynasty