
  • 网络Chinese Crested;CHINESE CRESTED DOG
  1. 中国冠毛犬似乎是每年的常胜将军。

    Chinese crested appear to be favorites to win every year .

  2. 去年,一只名为“尤达”的中国冠毛犬和吉娃娃的混血狗摘得冠军。

    Yoda , a Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix , won last year .

  3. 参与评选的其它犬种包括迷你雪纳瑞、卷毛狮子犬和中国冠毛犬。

    Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer , bichon frise , and Chinese crested .

  4. 获评世界最丑的中国冠毛犬、暴眼无毛狗艾莉小姐近日去世,时年17岁。爱狗人士听闻这一消息无不悲伤。

    Canine lovers were in mourning Thursday at the news that a bug-eyed Chinese crested hairless pooch , who was officially crowned the World 's Ugliest Dog , has died at age 17 .

  5. 据美联社报道,马格利是一只八岁大的中国冠毛犬,它的鼻子歪歪扭扭,长着白胡须和大大的暴突眼,这些难看的面部特征帮助它一举夺魁。

    Mugly is an 8-year-old Chinese crested with several ugly features , including a crooked nose , white whiskers and large , beady eyes , which helped it win the award , notes The Associated Press .