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  1. 昨天下午,台湾岛中部南投县发生6.3级地震。

    The 6.3 magnitude quake hit yesterday afternoon in Nantou County , which is located on the central part of the island .

  2. 来自1202个队的超过18500名游泳者参加了在台湾中部南投县举行的第26届大众游泳横渡日月潭的活动。

    Over 18500 participants in 1202 teams joined the 26th annual mass swim across Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County in central Taiwan .

  3. 廊坊市中部四县(区)林果业近年来发展迅速,并已成为当地农村经济发展的主导产业。

    The forestry and fruit industry develop very fast recent years in the middle area of Langfang City . It becomes the leading industry of the local economy .

  4. 本论文以内蒙古自治区中部武川县为例,分析了当地农业经济特征及农村奶牛养殖业现状。

    This paper discusses the agricultural economic features and the present situation of dairy farming based on a case study at WuChuan county located in central Inner Mongolia .

  5. 位于日本中部爱知县的教育委员会官员表示,该教师向其透露这些盐酸已经过稀释,不会对孩子造成危害。

    Officials of the local board of education in Aichi Prefecture , central Japan , said the teacher had informed them that the acid posed no danger to the children as it was diluted .

  6. 因地制宜发展永定河沙泛区林果业&对廊坊市中部四县(区)林果业发展情况的调研报告

    Develop the Forestry and Fruit Industry of Sand Strip along Yongding River to suit the Local Condition & Investigation Record to the Development of the Forestry and Fruit Industry of the Four Counties in the Middle Region of Lanfang City

  7. 位于日本中部爱知县的教育委员会官员表示,该教师向其透露这些盐酸已经过稀释,不会对孩子造成危害。但日本教育部门并不相信。

    Officials of the local board of education in Aichi Prefecture , central Japan , said the teacher had informed them that the acid posed no danger to the children as it was diluted . But the authorities were not convinced .

  8. 用高分辨率层序地层学的理论和方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地中部志丹县盘古梁长6油层组进行了研究,并对其作了长期、中期、短期基准面旋回的划分。

    The sedimentological characteristics of Chang-6 Oil Reservoir Set in the centre of Ordos Basin are studied , taking the theory and technique of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy , and three grade base-level cycles can be identified , such as short-term , middle-term and long-term .

  9. 乡镇财政收支行为的实证研究&基于中部地区W县审计报告资料

    Empirical Analysis of Township Financial Income and Expenditure & Based on audit report of a central China county

  10. 在利比里亚中部的邦县,上周,国际医疗队(InternationalMedicalCorps)开始掌管救助儿童会(SavetheChildren)兴建的一座医疗中心。

    Last week in Bong County , in central Liberia , the International Medical Corps began operating a treatment center built by Save the Children .

  11. 李壮和妻儿一家四口住在甘肃省中部的靖远县。

    Li and his family live in Jingyuan , in the centre of Gansu .

  12. 位于黑龙江省中部的木兰县是个半丘陵山区的农业县。

    Mulan county , located in the center of Heilongjiang province with semi hilly-mountain , is an agricultural county .

  13. 同时,日本中部的爱知县和岐阜县也寻求加入到紧急状态范围。

    Meanwhile , the central Japan prefectures of Aichi and Gifu are also seeking to be added to areas covered by the emergency virus measure .

  14. 我注意到另一个计划是到日本中部的岐阜县参观世界级的玫瑰花园,这也绝对是一座不可错过的顶级花园。

    I noticed in the programme a visit to the world-class rose garden at Gifu , central Japan , is also planned-yet another totally distinctive garden not to be missed .

  15. 位于中国浙江省中部的武义县有宜人的温泉、悠久的养生文化,还有浓郁的畲乡风情和旖旎的自然风光。

    Wuyi County , located in the middle of Zhejiang Province , is home to agreeable hot spring , long-lasting health culture , characteristic lifestyle of the She People and charming natural scenery .

  16. 目的调查甘肃中部干旱山区会宁县小学生幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的感染状况及与胃肠道疾病的关系。

    Objective To survey the prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori ( HP ) infection and its relation to gastroduodenal diseases of pupils in Huining County in the central arid mountain area of Gansu Province .

  17. 中部地区市管县体制功能辨析&以湖南省为例

    On the Function of City-Governing-County System in the Middle Areas & A Case of Hunan Province

  18. 人口、资源、环境与贫困&以甘肃中部18个贫困县为例

    Population , Resource , Environment and Poverty & a case study on the 18 underdeveloped counties in Central Gansu

  19. 坎宁安同她的孙女居住在纽约市中部的斯科哈里县。

    Cunningham lives with her granddaughter intheir Schoharie ( skoh-HAYR ' - ee ) County home in central New York .

  20. 据中国地震台网中心消息,周六上午,中国中部湖北省秭归县发生里氏4.7级地震。

    An earthquake measuring 4.7 on the Richter Scale hit Zigui County , central China 's Hubei Province early Sunday morning according to the China Earthquake Networks Center .

  21. 发言中还分析了中国公路20年的发展规模和东部、中部、西部以及县镇的交通发展规划。

    In addition , the scale of the China highway in the next two decades and traffic development planning in eastern , central , western and towns is analyzed .

  22. 这名男子20岁,上个月和其同伙在中国中部湖南省祁东县盗窃了价值一万元(1540美元)的物品。

    The 20-year-old man is suspected of stealing cash and items valued at 10000 yuan ( $ 1540 ) with other accomplices in his hometown of Qidong county in Central China 's Hunan province last month .

  23. 选择江苏中部地区3个县10个机插稻育秧点为试验点,研究床土培肥前后碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量与秧苗质量关系。

    The experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of the contents of readily available N , P , K before / after fertilizing on rice seedling quality at 10 trial sites in three counties in Jiangsu province .