
zhōng xún
  • midmonth;the middle ten days of a month
中旬 [zhōng xún]
  • [the middle ten days of a month] 一个月的中间十天,即十一日至二十日

中旬[zhōng xún]
  1. 东南区3月中旬相对高的温度、5月上旬及下旬稍低的温度有利于还原糖含量的提高。

    In the southeast relatively high temperature in March midmonth and lower temperature in early and late May were beneficial to increase the reducing sugar content .

  2. 6月下旬及8月下旬相对少的降水能提高中部叶还原糖含量,7月下旬较低的温度、5月上旬及7月中旬较少的降水皆有利于提高总糖的含量。

    Less precipitation in late June and late August were beneficial to increase the reducing sugar content of middle leaf . Lower temperature in late July and less precipitation in earlier May and July midmonth were beneficial to increase the total soluble sugar content .

  3. 现在是11月中旬,天气寒冷而且经常有雾。

    It was now the middle of November , cold and often foggy

  4. 3个月的限期截至6月中旬。

    The three month time limit will be up in mid-June

  5. 从12月中旬开始谈判就一直处于停滞状态。

    The negotiations have been in limbo since mid-December .

  6. 战斗于10月中旬渐渐停了下来。

    The battle sputtered to a halt in mid-October

  7. 他们在3月中旬发起了准备已久的攻势。

    Their long-prepared offensive was launched in the middle of March .

  8. 挪威的小镇Rjukan坐落在几座山之间,从9月下旬到3月中旬没有阳光直射,一年中差不多有6个月没有阳光直射。

    The small town of Rjukan in Norway is situated between several mountains and does not get direct sunlight from late September to mid-March — nearly six months out of the year .

  9. 他打算在七月中旬前完成旅行。

    He aims to finish his journey by mid-July .

  10. 将近七月中旬的一个早晨,好主意终于来了。

    Finally , one morning toward the middle of July , the idea came .

  11. 他们通常会在1月中旬或者3月初的时候就转移到自家沙发上了。

    Resolutionists usually migrate back to the couch any time from mid-January to early March .

  12. 该市规定,杭州包尔得有机硅公司必须在8月中旬关闭并搬迁。

    It ordered that by mid-August , Hangzhou Bald Silicon1 must be closed and relocated .

  13. 4月中旬至5月31日,已有6.2万在大陆台胞在自愿和知情同意前提下,按有关政策接种疫苗。

    A total of 62000 Taiwan compatriots were vaccinated on the mainland on an informed consent basis from mid-April to May 31 .

  14. 在决定禁止东京场馆现场观众之际,东京7月7日报告了920例新增感染病例,创下自5月中旬以来每日新增病例数的最高纪录。

    The spectator decision comes as Tokyo reported 920 new infections for Wednesday -- the highest daily caseload since the middle of May .

  15. 这也是西南航空和美国航空等航空公司都暂停售酒的原因,美国航空还宣布一直到明年1月中旬都不会再提供售酒服务。

    That 's why airlines like Southwest Airlines and American Airlines suspended alcohol sales with American announcing it won 't resume that service until mid-January .

  16. 根据青野的数据,京都过去几百年的盛花期都是在四月中旬,但是19世纪开始变成四月初。

    In Kyoto , the peak date hovered around mid-April for centuries , according to Aono 's data , but began moving into early April during the 1800s .

  17. 2021年9月中旬至10月下旬,由于受太阳电磁辐射干扰的影响,器地通信将中断,火星车将停止探测工作,之后任务继续进行。

    The rover will suspend its operations from mid-September to late-October due to the anticipated disruption of its communications with Earth caused by solar electromagnetic radiation , and will then resume its mission .

  18. 十二月中旬,EarlyAction同学可在网上得知录取结果。

    Middle of December : Early Action admissions decisions are available online .

  19. Google公司于2004年11月中旬推出了学术搜索引擎googlescholar。

    In mid-November 2004 , Google launched its scholarly search engine-Google Scholar .

  20. 百保力集团在12月中旬将Play球拍引入其第一大市场美国,目前这款产品在美国的50个专营店中有售。

    Babolat introduced the Play in mid-December in the United States , its number one market , selling it in 50 specialized stores .

  21. 第一循环(6月初7月中旬),季风降水和西风等都主要位于5°N10°N之间。

    In the first cycle ( early June - mid July ), precipitation and west wind mainly locate between 5 ° N - 10 ° N.

  22. 第1个循环是从6月初到7月中旬,降水与低层西风的中心主要位于5°~10°N。

    The first cycle is from early June to mid-July and the center of precipitation and lower-level west wind is mainly located between 5 ° - 10 ° N.

  23. 9月中旬,雷曼兄弟申请破产,而AIG接受了1200亿美元的政府贷款。

    Lehman filed for bankruptcy last month and AIG was rescued by $ 120bn government loan .

  24. 6月中旬爱马仕在巴塞尔艺术博览会(ArtBasel)上推出了这批140厘米长的方巾,官网售价7000欧元(约合8820美元)。

    Since mid-June , when the French luxury brand unveiled the 140-centimeter-square scarves at Art Basel , it has been selling them online for 7,000 ( about $ 8,820 ) .

  25. 叶片含P量波动较大6月中旬最低,仅为0.04%,8月中旬最高,可达0.18%;土壤中的含P状况受地上部吸收量的影响;

    But leaf P content changed sharply , it was the lowest in the middle of June that was only 0.04 % , and in the middle of August it was the highest that was up to 0.18 % ;

  26. 该区域的旅游办公室的代表MarineFéré极力鼓励游客们在6月中旬和7月中旬期间来观赏薰衣草,这样就能赶在收获季以前。

    Marine F é r é , representative from the region 's tourism office , encourages visitors to plan a lavender route trip starting mid-June to mid-July before the blooming lavenders are harvested .

  27. 欧盟银行管理局(EuropeanBankingAuthority,简称EBA)计划于7月中旬发布测试结果。此次测试将评估90家银行,看看它们是否拥有足够的资本来抵挡经济和房地产业的下滑。

    The European Banking Authority plans in mid-July to release results for the tests , which will assess whether 90 banks have enough capital to survive an economic and housing downturn .

  28. 三个李品种Pn月份变化曲线呈现双峰型,高峰出现在5月30日,次峰在9月25日,低谷在7月中旬。

    Monthly and double monthly Pn were measured . Response curves presented two-peak pattern with the first peak on May 30th and the second peak on September 25th .

  29. 基韦斯特酒店(InnatKeyWest)是一家精品酒店,有热带淡水大泳池和健身中心。5月中旬,带露台的优质泳池边房间的价格是每晚209美元(不含税)。

    At the Inn at Key West , a boutique hotel with a large tropical freshwater pool and fitness center , a premium poolside room with a patio is $ 209 a night , excluding taxes , in mid-May .

  30. 商学院还没有关于申请人数的统计数字,因为大多数顶尖学校的第一轮招生截止日期是在10月中旬。不过,许多商学院表示,今年咨询MBA课程的人增加了很多。

    Schools don 't have application tallies yet as deadlines for the first round of admissions are in mid-October for most top-tier schools but many already are reporting big increases in interest .