
  • 网络snowflake pear;snow pear
  1. 其主要特性:(1)8月中旬成熟&较河北省主栽品种鸭梨、雪花梨提早30d;

    Its main characters : ( 1 ) Ripening in the middle of August , more than 30 days earlier than Ya Pear and Xuehua Pear , both are extensively planted in Hebei province ;

  2. 基于高光谱图像技术的雪花梨品质无损检测

    Non-destructive inspection of Chinese pear quality based on hyperspectral imaging technique

  3. 应用超光谱图像系统对雪花梨分级的研究

    Potential of Hyperspectral Imaging System for Chinese Fruit Grading

  4. 东部为沙质褐土,适于雪花梨生长。

    Cinnamon for the eastern part of Sandy , Xuehua Li for growth .