
xuě máng
  • snow blindness;snowblindness;solar photophthalmia;niphablepsia;niphotyphlosis
雪盲 [xuě máng]
  • [snow blindness] 由于眼睛未加保护而暴露于冰雪原野反射的紫外线所引起的畏光及炎症

雪盲[xuě máng]
  1. 雪盲(white-out)是指当降雪太大、风强烈吹动着雪花时很难看见东西。

    A white-out is when snow is falling fast and winds drive the snow so much that is impossible to see .

  2. 爬山到一半时,我突然变得雪盲了。

    Half way up the mountain I suddenly went snow-blind .

  3. 紫外线灯消毒引起电光性眼炎的原因分析与防护【医】日光眼炎,雪盲

    Ultraviolet light disinfection of ophthalmia caused by electro-optic cause analysis and protection

  4. “因为雪盲,他不得不就地停下。”

    " Being snow-blind , he had to stop where he was . "

  5. 迷路的远足者在暴风雪中得了雪盲症。一场暴风雪使铁路中断。

    The lost hikers became snow-blind in the blizzard . A severe snowstorm blocked up railroads .

  6. 干净的画面令人感觉舒适,可在网站上看见大面积的白色几乎可以让人得上“雪盲症”。

    While a lack of clutter is always nice , you almost suffer " snow blindness " from the amount of white on the site .