
jiāo ɡǎn xìnɡ yǎn yán
  • sympathetic ophthalmia
  1. 结果A组发生交感性眼炎,而B组和C组均未发生。

    The results was that group A developed sympathetic ophthalmia , group B and grouP C could not develop sympathetic ophthalmia .

  2. 目的研究眼球穿孔伤后交感性眼炎的发生与HLA的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the association between HLA and sympathetic ophthalmia that on set after penetrate ocular trauma .

  3. 交感性眼炎与HLA抗原

    HLA antigens and sympathetic ophthalmia

  4. 交感性眼炎患者具有一定的遗传倾向,与宿主的HLA状态存在某种关联性。

    Sympathetic ophthalmia patients have a genetic predisposition . There is an association between sympathetic ophthalmia and the HLA status of the host .

  5. 结果:交感性眼炎患者外周血中淋巴细胞经BMAA刺激后,OD值明显高于正常对照组和眼球穿通伤组(P<0.01)。

    Results : The OD figure is much more higher in SO patients than in the normal groups and in ocular penetrating trauma patients ( P < 0 01 ) .

  6. 本文介绍三例交感性眼炎Sympatheticophthalmitis复发例,其中男性两名,女性一名,其复发时间为2~3年,复发非仅一次。

    This article deals with three cases of recurrence of sympathetic ophthalmitis on two males and one female . The recurrences happened from 2 & 3 years after treatment , and not only once . The recurrences were induced by obvious inducement .

  7. 结果交感性眼炎的发生率为0.06%。

    Results The incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia was 0.06 % .

  8. 眼球穿通伤后交感性眼炎(22例临床分析)

    Sympathetic Ophthalmia following Penetrating Injury of Eyeballs ( with 22 cases )

  9. 玻璃体手术后交感性眼炎的临床及病理学观察

    Clinical and histopathological observations on sympathetic ophthalmia after vitrectomy

  10. 47例交感性眼炎激发眼临床资料分析

    Clinical analysis of 47 exciting eyes with sympathetic ophthalmia

  11. 交感性眼炎的临床表现缺乏特异性。

    The clinical manifestations of sympathetic ophthalmia ( SO ) are lack of specificity .

  12. 交感性眼炎复发3例

    Three cases of recurrence of sympathetic ophthalmitis

  13. 交感性眼炎主要表现为脉络膜炎。

    Conclusion These characteristics of ICGA and FA suggest that sympathetic ophthalmia displays choroiditis mainly .

  14. 黄蜂螫伤致交感性眼炎1例报告

    Sympathetic Ophthalmia Caused by a Wasp Sting

  15. 交感性眼炎的暗适应改变

    THe Dark Adaptation changes in Sympathetic Ophthalmia

  16. 结果治疗后视力≥0.6者119例154眼,无一例发生交感性眼炎。

    Results 119 patients ( 154 eyes ) got visual acuity > 0.6 after surgical treatment .

  17. 成功治疗继发于球周注射治疗交感性眼炎穿通眼球后的孔源性视网膜脱离

    Successful treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment secondary to globe perforation during peribulbar injection in a case of sympathetic ophthalmia

  18. 目的:总结分析眼球穿孔伴化脓性眼内炎导致的交感性眼炎的临床特征、诊断及可能的发病原因。

    Purpose : To summarize the clinical features , diagnosis and treatment of sympathetic ophthalmia caused by ocular penetration with endophthalmitis .

  19. 方法对75例交感性眼炎临床资料进行回顾性分析,包括性别、年龄、眼别、致伤原因、受伤部位、潜伏期及临床体征等。

    Methods 75 cases of sympathetic ophthalmia were analysed , including sex , age , injury , latent period and physical sign .

  20. 眼球穿孔伴化脓性眼内炎导致的交感性眼炎眼盲次发于两侧脑枕叶血栓性梗塞,为感染性心内膜炎的并发症。

    Sympathetic Ophthalmia Caused by Ocular Penetration with Endophthalmitis The blindness was secondary to embolic infarction of both occipital lobes developing as a sequela of IE.

  21. 病理变化除了具有交感性眼炎特征性的病变外,还具有手术切口由于葡萄膜组织嵌入而愈合不良,未能保证眼球的完整及密闭状态。

    Pathologically , there was an unclosed eyeball caused by a poorly healed incision with incarceration of uvea tissue , besides the characteristics of SO .

  22. 结果:交感性眼炎多发生于青壮年,致伤原因多为眼球穿孔伤,受伤部位为角巩膜缘者最多,潜伏期在2~8周最多。

    Results : Sympathetic ophthalmia occurred mostly in younger persons , and the most common causes were ocular perforating injuries , especially at the corneoscleral limbus .

  23. 发生交感性眼炎的时间距最后一次玻璃体手术的时间为7~150d,平均时间为(77.8±50.8)d。

    The time from vitrectomy to the occurrence of sympathetic ophthalmia ranged from 7 to 150 days , with a median of ( 77.8 ± 50.8 ) days .

  24. 结果伤口24小时以内修复的眼球穿孔伤和同期内眼手术发生交感性眼炎22例,复发4例,复发率18.18%;

    Results Among 22 cases of sympathetic ophthalmia caused by ocular penetrating injury treated within 24 hours and by all intraocular surgeries , 4 patients had a relapse and the relapsing rate was 18.18 % .