
lǎo huā yǎn
  • presbyopia
老花眼 [lǎo huā yǎn]
  • [presbyopia] 老视眼的通称

老花眼[lǎo huā yǎn]
  1. 手术可用于不同类型的正确的看法缺陷像近视,远视,老花眼和散光等。

    The surgery can be used to correct different types of visions defects like nearsightedness , farsightedness , presbyopia and astigmatism among others .

  2. 病痛:老花眼的成因是,眼睛的晶状体随年龄增长而失去弹性,聚焦近处物体的能力减弱,因此需要佩戴老花镜。

    The Ache : In presbyopia , the eye 's lens loses elasticity with age . The ability to focus on near objects deteriorates , resulting in the need for reading glasses .

  3. 矫正老花眼。现在全球有近20亿人因老花眼而阅读困难,无论是iPad还是纸质书都是如此,他们非常希望能自由阅读,摆脱老花镜。

    You have close to 2 billion people who have difficulty reading , whether it 's an iPad or a book , and really want freedom from readers and from eyeglasses .

  4. 对发展中国家而言,眼镜能矫正多数视觉障碍,减少老花眼、近视、远视与散光的冲击。

    Glasses could correct the majority of vision problems encountered in the developing world , reducing the impact of presbyopia , myopia , hyperopia , and astigmatism .

  5. 南韩眼科医师表示,近距离使用智慧型手机、平板电脑会降低眨眼的次数,而眨眼次数过低便会导致老花眼的产生。

    South Korean ophthalmologists say that using smart phones and tablet PCs at close range will reduce the number of times the eye blinks , and the lower number of blinks will result in presbyopia .

  6. 这些毛病包括干眼病和老花眼,后者的症状是近距离视物困难,可能会让人在一天工作结束时感到疲劳和头痛。

    These might include dry eyes and presbyopia , or an inability to focus on objects that are close up , and can leave people feeling fatigued and headachy by the end of the workday .