
  • 网络Old Church;Oude Kerk
  1. 海啸是位于Vellankanni有一所老教堂,各种信仰的人们对它都很崇敬,海啸是在这所教堂外发生的最严重的惨剧。

    One of the worst tragedies took place outside the old Church at Vellankanni , revered by people of all faiths .

  2. 老教堂的门是用雕饰美化的。

    The door of the old church was embellished with decorations .

  3. 这家人在波特兰市中心租了一座老教堂,并安排了一场音乐会。

    The family rented a former church in downtown Portland and scheduled a concert .

  4. 这儿有一座不很整齐的,砌着三角墙的,古色古香的老教堂。

    Here was an old church , Quait and rambling and gabled .

  5. 推倒那座老教堂将是一种罪恶。

    It would be a crime to tear down that old church .

  6. 我们可以帮你在老教堂等我

    We can help you.Meet me at the old church .

  7. 这个主教已从那个老教堂调到这个地区。

    The priest has been translated from his old church to this area .

  8. 佩泰耶韦西老教堂位于芬兰中部,建于1763-1765年,完全由原木建成。

    Petajavesi old church , in central finland , was built of logs between1763and1765 .

  9. 多么令人震惊啊,我们的老教堂将变为商店!

    Horror of horrors , our old church is to be turned into a shop !

  10. 那儿有座老教堂。

    There stood an old church .

  11. 花板和隔板的装置与一座巴洛克风格老教堂的侧堂非常相似。

    because of its timbered barrel-vaulted ceiling and shelving that resembles side chapels of an old baroque church .

  12. 慈善会的目的是保存被看成是我国宝贵传统一部分的老教堂。

    The charity aims to preserve old churches which it sees as an invaluable part of our national heritage .

  13. 我家对面是一个老教堂,它标志性的尖顶被大风吹走了

    We live across the street from an historic church that had lost its very iconic steeple in the storm .

  14. 游客们身边有不少茅草小屋和老教堂,对这些他们并不感兴趣,他们更喜欢在现代风格的民宅外面自拍。

    The tourists are a short walk from thatched cottages and an old church , but prefer taking photos of themselves outside modern houses .

  15. 索比的敏感心情同老教堂的潜移默化交融在一起,使他的灵魂猛然间出现了奇妙的变化。

    The conjunction of Soapy 's receptive state of mind and the influences about the old church wrought a sudden and wonderful change in his soul .

  16. 当你探索一个老教堂的火烧废墟时,你在一间隐藏在黑色祭坛的小隔间中找到了一支医疗权杖。

    As you investigate the burnt remains of an old chapel , you discover a secret compartment in the blackened altar concealing a Wand of Healing .

  17. 一座摇摇欲坠的老教堂需要重建了。所以,在布道中,牧师对着城里最富有的人慷慨激昂地呼吁了一番。

    A crumbling old church building needed remodeling , so , during his sermon , the preacher made an impassioned appeal looking directly at the richest man in town .

  18. 我认为那个教堂既古老又现代化,因为里面有现代的自动门和餐馆,但是另外一部分是老教堂。

    I think the church is old but also modern because there are modern glass door and restaurant in it , But another part of this building is a old church .

  19. 具体的,特征元素,比如文物,维持和使用,其中一个不错的领域进入紧张之间的新老教堂成立后的功能。

    Specific , characterizing elements , like relics , are maintained and used , by which a nice field of tension comes into existence between the old and new function of the chapel .

  20. 达文波特和玛丽·皮尔斯虽然击球凶猛,但移动速度却不敌威廉姆斯姊妹。索比的敏感心情同老教堂的潜移默化交融在一起,使他的灵魂猛然间出现了奇妙的变化。

    Davenport and Mary Pierce hit the ball hard but can 't move like the Williamses . The conjunction of Soapy 's receptive state of mind and the influences about the old church wrought a sudden and wonderful change in his soul .

  21. 当这种种的色彩渐渐消逝了以后,附近清亮的海湾上就出现了一个长满树林的斜坡。上面有一座美丽的老教堂,它顶上有两个高高的尖塔。

    but as soon as the confusion of colors was somewhat over , all of a sudden there appeared a wooded slope close to the bay , and high up above stood a magnificent old church , with two high pointed towers .

  22. 之后我发现自己身在老费尔教堂的废墟中

    And then I ended up at the remains of old Fell 's church

  23. 这本书由波士顿历史悠久的老南教堂出售,该教堂表示,他们急需资金来维持其任务和程序的现有水平。

    The book was sold by Boston 's historic Old South Church , which said it needs the money in order to maintain its current level of mission and programming .

  24. 从这儿我能看见西边不远处爱欧娜岛上古老的教堂和东边马尔岛上的住户的房中冒出的炊烟。

    From here I could see the old church on the island of Iona , not far away to the west , and smoke from people 's houses on Mull , to the east .

  25. 一天,老哈特去教堂时,把自己的苦恼讲给了牧师听。

    One day , when he went to the church , he poured out all his anxieties to the priest .

  26. 当然,游客最感兴趣的还是老城区的圣墓教堂、圆顶的岩石和哭墙的神圣地标。

    Naturally , the old city is of most interest to visitors , given sacred landmarks like the curch of the holy sepulcher , the dome of the rock , and the wailing wall .