
  • 网络Veteran cadres
  1. 做好高校老干部工作思路和途径

    Reflections and means for veteran cadres in colleges and universities

  2. 论构建新时期老干部工作的和谐局面

    On Construction of Harmonious Situation of Veteran Cadres Work in New Period

  3. 论新形势下如何做好老干部工作

    Discus How to Enlighten the old cadre 's Thought under the New Circumstance

  4. 如何做好新时期高校老干部工作

    The Approach to Accomplish the Work on Old Cadres in the New Period

  5. 提高素质增强能力切实加强老干部工作队伍自身建设

    To improve Qualifications And Abilities Strengthening the Self-construction of the body of Veteran Cadres

  6. 论高校老干部工作的系统化

    A pursuit of systematization in veteran cadre work

  7. 作为一项长期的浩大工程,它广阔的发展前景,要求我们必须全面搞好老干部工作的服务与管理,使人才资源的再开发沿着正确、健康的道路走向自我完善和发展。

    As a huge project with wonderful future , it needs careful and comprehensive management and services so as to guarantee the work develop perfectly .

  8. 国有企业离退休老干部工作的创新发展,对提高老干部群体幸福指数,营造社会和谐气氛具有重大意义。

    The State-owned business retirement old cadre works the innovation development , to enhances the old cadre community happy index , the building society harmonious atmosphere has the great significance .

  9. 探索和实行科学的分级分类管理,是更好地落实党的干部政策,做好高校老干部工作的有效机制。

    To explore and practice scientific classified and stratified management is an effective mechanism of better implementing Party 's cadre policy and doing well veteran cadre work in colleges and universities .

  10. 与时俱进的做好新时期老干部工作,对于提高党的执政能力和领导水平,构建社会主义和谐社会有着十分重要的意义。

    Making great efforts for the work of veteran cadres in the new period plays a very important role in improving the Party 's administration ability and leadership and constructing the harmonious socialist society .

  11. 明确高校老干部管理工作的指导思想,提出高校老干部管理工作的新思路,确实把高校老干部管理工作落到实处。

    This essay will clarify the guiding thought , and then propose some new method to put the management into practice .

  12. 文章对新形势下做好老干部管理工作提出了自己的若干看法。关键词:新形势;老干部;管理工作;

    The article on the new situation , do a good job in the management of cadres put forward their own views on a number .

  13. 原发性高血压的预防和治疗应作为老干部保健工作的主要内容并引起足够重视。

    Prevention and treatment of hypertension should be regarded as a major content in health service for retired army cadres and should be thought highly of .

  14. 随后有关领导也对军队老干部管理工作给以充分的肯定,并且对军队老干部管理工作提出了新的要求。

    For leaders of the armed forces then retired to give full recognition of the management and administration of the army veteran put forward new requirements .

  15. 关于离退休老干部思想政治工作的两点思考

    Two Considerations Relating to the Ideological and Political Work of Retired Old Officers

  16. 适应新形势树立新理念开创老干部医疗保健工作新局面

    Adapting New Situation , Setting Up New Idea and Impelling Health Care of Aged Cadres

  17. 我国的老干部医疗保健工作,既是医疗卫生工作的重要内容之一,也是干部工作的重要组成部分,我们党历来十分重视这一工作。

    Our veteran cadres medical care , is one important part of the medical and hygiene work , is also an important part of cadres work , our party has always attached great importance to the job .

  18. 负责市局机关离退休老干部的管理服务工作。

    Administer management and services for retired officials of the Bureau .

  19. 老干部医疗保健服务工作的做法和成效

    Methods and Effects about Health Services to Veteran Cadres

  20. 与此同时,做好离退休后老干部的妥善安置工作成为全党共识。

    At the same time , it became a consensus of the Party that the old retired cadres should be placed properly .