
  1. 如果应用于处理恰当的任务时,XSLT非常好用且非常强大。

    XSLT is elegant and extremely powerful when applied well to a task for which it is suited .

  2. 处理恰当,它会成为公众关心的核心。

    Properly done , it will go to the heart of public concerns .

  3. 结果:对于3例宫颈妊娠的处理恰当。

    Results : The treatment was proper for 3 cases of cervix pregnancy .

  4. 如果处理恰当的话,使用天然气对全球变暖的影响比使用汽油或者煤要小的多。

    Natural gas , dealt with properly , can have much less of an impact on global warming than oil or coal , says Woolsey .

  5. 因为蓖麻毒素可溶于水,因此只要处理恰当,蓖麻油里就不会含有蓖麻毒素。

    since ricin is water soluble , it doesn 't end up in processed castor oil , as long as the processing was done properly .

  6. 保证防水板在施工期间不破坏、隧道中隔墙顶部的施工缝处理恰当和施工质量良好才能比较有效的解决公路隧道渗漏水问题。

    It is good method to solve highway tunnel leakage that protecting waterproof board not breakage , tunnel construction joint at top of middle blocking walls disposing with felicitousness and the good construction quality .

  7. 把新课程理念、教材、教学、学业水平测试之间的关系处理恰当,合理取舍,不断地提高教学水平,从而提高学生信息素养、实现信息技术课程目标,不断推进素质教育的发展。

    After dealing with the relationship between the new curriculum ideas and teaching materials , we can improve the standard of teaching and students ' information literacy . At last , the goal of technology curriculum can be achieved , continuously promoting the development of quality education .

  8. 诚然,大量植树造林会大规模地改变地下水的流向,而且比无植被地区吸收更多养分,这可能产生复杂甚至负面的影响。“总体而言,”如果处理恰当的话,“这是应对气候变化的积极措施,”他接着说。

    While it is true that vast tree planting , which reroutes groundwater on a huge scale and absorbs far more energy than an unforested landscape , can have complex and potentially negative effects , " On balance , " if done properly , " it 's a positive strategy for climate change , " he added .

  9. 如果处理不恰当的话,这种化学物质会严重刺激皮肤。

    If handled improperly such chemicals can cause severe skin irritations .

  10. 如果对合唱作品中钢琴声部的认识与处理不恰当,则会直接导致钢琴声部的弹奏进入各种误区,从而影响合唱表演的整体。

    If the understanding of the choral works , piano Ministry is not handled properly will be a direct result of the piano Department of play into various errors , thus affecting the overall performance of the chorus .

  11. 回应信件是对的,不过RIM采取的处理方式并不恰当。

    Rim was right to respond to the letter , but so wrong in it its handling of it .

  12. 当犯罪中止与犯罪既遂、犯罪未遂和犯罪预备发生竞合时,一般情况应按中止犯罪来处理比较合理恰当。

    In this case , it is suitable to take it as suspended crime .

  13. 因此,在知识型组织中,管理主体与客体之间关系处理的是否恰当直接影响着知识型组织的生存和发展。

    Therefore , the relationship between management subject and object influences the existence and improvement of information organization .

  14. 裂痕:因为热处理工艺不恰当而产生在产品表面的损伤。

    CRACK : Surface defect on product caused by improper heat treating process during the process of producing steel .

  15. 在这样的背景下,医疗纠纷已经成为一种严重的社会问题,一旦处理的不恰当,就很可能对我国整体的社会稳定和经济发展产生消极的负面影响。

    Under such a background , medical dispute has been a serious social problem , which may bring negative influence to the development of whole nation without appropriate solution .

  16. 贝格利在接受《美国周刊》采访时表示双方属于和平分手,处理得十分恰当:一些人会说这是一把双刃剑(因为我们分手后仍要一起工作)。

    Badgley told the Us Weekly that both parties handled the breakup professionally : Some would say it 's a double-edged sword ( to still work together after splitting ) .

  17. 专家网上审稿前责任编辑的职责主要是初审稿件,协助作者对稿件的电子文本做规范化处理和选择恰当的审稿人;

    Before submitting a manuscript to reviewers , the main duties of responsible editor are to examinee manuscript preliminarily , help authors to standardize the electronic text of manuscript , and then choose suitable reviewers .

  18. 饱和粘土受扰动易重塑,受挤压则产生膨胀,在饱和粘土地基中实施挤土桩,如果处理方法不恰当,就达不到预期的承载力。

    Saturated clay is easily remolded by turbulence , and dilated by squeeze . If the management is not proper , it can not achieve the desirable results of bearing capacity as we carry out extrusion soil pile in saturated clay ground .

  19. 法兰材料使用错误而导致焊接接头的热处理工艺不恰当,导致产生异常的组织及硬度高达50HRC的热影响区,加速了法兰的断裂。

    The fracture process was accelerated by the factors as follows : the material used did not comply with the design specification , welded joint of the flange did not be post heat-treatment , had a martensite structure and hardness as high as 50 HRC in HAZ , etc.

  20. 处理这些问题的恰当机构不再是国际能源机构(iea),而是北约(nato)。

    The appropriate institution to deal with these concerns is no longer the International Energy Agency ( IEA ) but NATO .

  21. CSCF负责端点的SIP注册,并处理服务层中恰当应用服务器的SIP信号消息传递。

    CSCF handles SIP registration of the end points and process SIP signal messaging of the appropriate application server in the service layer .

  22. 接下来,按钮操作事件处理程序只需用恰当的EcmaScript文件名就可以简单地调用runFESI()方法

    Next , the button action event handler simply calls the runFESI () method with the appropriate EcmaScript file name

  23. 更高级的处理方法应包含恰当的错误检查和处理,以应对这些情况,但这不在本文讨论范围内。

    A more advanced treatment would include proper error-checking and handling to handle these conditions , but that is beyond the scope of this article .

  24. 结论对脑外伤手术中的正确处理以及术后恰当的预防性用药等可以降低术后癫痫的发病率、减轻癫痫发作程度。

    CONCLUSIONS The correct manipulation in operation for TBI and appropriate medication after operation could decrease the incidence rate for epilepsy in patients with TBI , and relieve seizures degree .

  25. 媒体应对问题处理得及时、恰当,不仅可以减少突发事件的负面影响,降低突发事件造成的损失,甚至可能化危机为机遇。

    If we respond the media timely and probably , we can not only reduce negative influence of emergency lower loss due to emergency , but also , possibly , turn danger into chance .

  26. 但只要手术指征选择合适,手术中间处理严密,围术期处理恰当,70岁以上老年患者施行普胸手术效果理想。

    But , if only the surgical approaches are selected suitably , the processes of surgical operations are managed exactly and the perioperative courses are handled appropriately , the operative effects on geriatric patients over 70 years of thoraces are satisfactory .

  27. 背景与目的:宫颈鳞癌ⅠA1期术前诊断和处理仍有争议,本研究旨在探讨ⅠA1期宫颈鳞癌诊断和处理的恰当方式。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : The preoperative diagnosis and management of stage ⅰ A1 squamous carcinoma of the cervix remains a controversial subject . The aim of this study was to discuss diagnosis and appropriate management options of this disease .