
qīng gōng
  • young worker
青工 [qīng gōng]
  • [young worker] 青年工人

青工[qīng gōng]
  1. 结果提示沥青工、焦炉工SCE(11.31)明显高于对照(6.37),差异有高度显著性(P<0.001);

    The results suggested that the SCE in occupational workers was significantly higher than that in controls ( 11 31 vs 6 37 , P < 0 001 ) .

  2. 本文报告用两种配方的吸附精制白喉&破伤风二联类毒素(DT),在浙江省黄岩县中学生和青工中进行免疫效果观察。

    This paper reports the observation of the immune responses of adolecents and young workers immunized with two types of purified and adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus toxoids ( DT ) in Huang Yan county , Zhejiang province .

  3. 谈青工培训遇到的问题及其对策

    Countermeasures and Problems That Existed in the Training of Young Workers

  4. 青工培训,遇到许多问题。

    The training of young workers meets many problems .

  5. 国有企业青工综合素质问题探讨

    On the Overall Quality of Young Workers in SOEs

  6. 穆尔小姐是个态度稳重的女人,谈吐举止绝无半点轻浮之处。她讨厌车间里那些轻浮的青工,他们中没有一个举止文雅。

    Miss Moore was a woman of steady deportment , without the least levity of conversation or carriage . She came to thoroughly dislike the light-headed young fellows of the shop .

  7. 因此,我将在以后的工作中继续关注有关大庆油田青工消费研究的动向,并不断努力深化和完善此研究。

    Therefore , I will later in the work of Daqing oil field Young workers continue to focus on the movements of consumer study and hard to deepen and improve the study .

  8. 国有企业更不能放弃对青工综合素质提高的培养责任,要加强思想教育,鼓励自学成才,创造培训机会,放手青工施展才华。

    And the enterprise should strengthen ideological education of young workers , encourage them to become talented through self - study , give them the chance of training , and make them fully show their ability .

  9. 我们须在强化学习意识,营造良好育人环境,处理好社会导向与企业、劳动者三者关系方面,激发青工技能学习的热情。

    Therefore , we must enhance their learning consciousness , create a favorable environment for educating people , correctly handle the relations of social orientation to the enterprise and workers in a bid to stimulate young workers'enthusiasm for skill learning .

  10. 本文通过问卷调查、访谈及相关文献资料的分析,概述了大庆油田企业青工消费的一些基本现状、消费特点和消费过程中存在的问题,并具有针对性的提出了解决问题的途径。

    This article by Questionnaire survey interviews and relevant documents and data analysis and outlines the Daqing oilfield business Young workers consumption of basic the status quo , consumption and the problems in the process , has personally raised the way to solve the problem .