
qīng cuì
  • verdant;fresh and green
青翠 [qīng cuì]
  • [verdant] 鲜绿的;有新鲜植物覆盖的

  • 雨后,垂柳显得格外青翠

青翠[qīng cuì]
  1. 在灿烂的阳光下,山峦青翠辉耀。

    Under the sparkling sunlight , the verdant hills were glorious .

  2. 我看到一些牛羊在青翠的牧场上吃草。

    I saw some cows and ship grazing in the verdant pasture .

  3. 雨后,垂柳显得格外青翠。

    The weeping willows looked fresher and greener after the rain .

  4. 白花花的卫生纸在青翠的灌木上显得特别刺眼。

    The white tissue was especially dazzling on the green shrubs .

  5. 只有最顶端第三层的枝叶还青翠着

    Only the top third of the tree was still green .

  6. 男人拿起双筒望远镜眺望前面那青翠的半岛。

    The man focused some binoculars on the green peninsula ahead .

  7. 奶油和青翠的四季葱使这道菜肴非常美味。

    Cream and green chives made for a pretty plateful .

  8. 骑马穿行于青翠欲滴的山林与卡纳克人的村庄;

    horseback riding through verdant mountains and indigenous Kanak villages ;

  9. 片片青翠或者灰紫的山坡,上面布满了一座座的别墅。

    All the green and grey slopes sprinkled with villas .

  10. 有时恶人得势竟像青翠月桂树那样繁茂。

    Sometimes the wicked flourishes like the green bay tree .

  11. 浩瀚的湖面,青翠的群岛,构成得天独厚的旅游资源。

    The vast lake , green islands , constitute a unique tourist resources .

  12. 悬崖的右边倒有不少青翠的植物。

    However , verdure was not wanting to the right beyond the precipice .

  13. 青翠蔓延的葡萄藤总是轻声吟唱。

    The lush trailing grapevines are always humming along .

  14. 再见了,山下的河谷,青翠的山涧;

    Farewell to the straths and green valleys below !

  15. 羊在青翠葱绿的牧场上吃草。

    Sheep are grazing in the lush green pastures .

  16. 这株常春藤在其他常春藤已凋谢时依然青翠。

    This is was green at a time when other ivies had pooped out .

  17. 一九七一年的七月,莫斯科郊外的树林安静怡人,空气清新,一片青翠。

    The forests outside Moscow were quiet , fresh and verdant in June 1971 .

  18. 今天满眼是青翠的田野;

    This day the verdant field are seen .

  19. 我如青翠的松树,你的果子从我而得。

    From me is thy fruit found .

  20. 从十一月到一月这段时间,老挝的乡村一片青翠,风景如画。

    Its rural landscape in the months from November to January is eye-poppingly verdant and picturesque .

  21. 从海滩望去,山上青翠的松柏好似又一片绿色的海洋。

    From the beach the green pines and cypresses on the hills look like another green ocean .

  22. 那空气多么清新!那熟悉的故乡海岸又是多么的青翠啊!

    How sweet the air was ! How green seemed the familiar shores of my native land !

  23. 青翠的花苞结实饱满,芳香如同带有毒性的辛辣。

    Those freshly green buds had grown plump and tough , giving off fragrance as if toxic piquancy .

  24. 下次当你走过青翠墨绿的竹林,或许你会驻足思量它的实用性。

    The next time you walk past some bamboo , maybe you 'll stop to consider its usefulness .

  25. 他们的儿女记念他们高冈上,青翠树旁的坛和木偶。

    Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills .

  26. 我非常喜欢那里,哪里的山山水水,尤其是那一片青翠欲滴的竹子林。

    I really like there , where mountains and rivers , especially those a lush green bamboo stand .

  27. 愿你们得祝福及青翠的,就如树上的枝子一样,就是当他们被固定于他们的葡萄树上的时候。

    Be bless and verdant such as the boxwood 's branches , when they are fixed on their vine-plant .

  28. 弟窑青瓷白胎厚釉,釉层丰满,釉色青翠,光泽柔和。

    Brother celadon kiln fetal thick white glaze , the glaze layer plump , green glaze , soft luster .

  29. 石澳(右上)&从香港岛东南部延伸出来的一个青翠的半岛。

    Shek O ( top right ), a verdant peninsula extending from the southeastern part of Hong Kong Island .

  30. 里约热内卢或许称得上是地球上最瑰丽的城市,山峦青翠,海水碧澄。

    Rio de Janeiro is probably the most spectacular city on earth , with emerald mountains and an aquamarine sea .