
chūn sǔn
  • Spring bamboo shoots;bamboo shoots in spring
春笋 [chūn sǔn]
  • [bamboo shoots in spring] 春季长成或挖出的各种竹笋

春笋[chūn sǔn]
  1. 施肥能提高春笋品质,矿渣肥还有利于春笋中微量元素Zn的积累。

    Fertilization could improve the quality of bamboo shoots . Slag fertilizer was also beneficial to the accumulation of Zn .

  2. 通过较大面积冬笋开发试验,冬笋每公顷产量达180kg以上,产值达900元以上,不影响春笋、新竹产量。

    Experiment on exploitation of bamboo winter shoot that yield of winter shoot reached over 180 kg / hm ~ 2,900 yuan of output value without influence on spring shoot and new bamboo yield .

  3. 春笋减压贮藏保鲜技术研究

    Research on technology of storage for hypobaric storage of bamboo shoots

  4. 当然,吃春笋也得因人而议。

    Obviously , it is also depends on different persons .

  5. 这是春笋焖狮子头。

    Braised lion 's head with bamboo shoots .

  6. 覆盖是早园竹春笋冬出的主要措施,覆盖竹林要掌握好留笋养竹的时间,控制适当地表温度等技术问题,切忌盲目仿效。

    Coverage is a main measure to promote the emergence in winter of spring bamboo shoot .

  7. 同时,研究发现,春笋各指标含量间相关性密切。

    At the same time , this research found that the correlation of bamboo shoots indicators was close .

  8. 20世纪90年代末,商业性体育健身俱乐部像雨后的春笋般地出现在上海的各个角落,且呈现出一遍良好的发展态势。

    Till the end of 1990 , there have been many commercial fitness clubs in Shanghai and developed well .

  9. 在经济高速发展、竞争日益激烈的今天,高速公路、高架桥梁如雨后春笋般应运而生。

    With the rapid economic development and increasingly fierce competition , highway and elevated bridge came into being as mushroom .

  10. 单体造型象一团火炬,又象一根破土而出的春笋,颂扬了伟大的五四精神。

    The shape looks like a torch and a shooting bamboo sprout as well , signifying the spirits of May4th Movement .

  11. 随着丝绸科技的不断进步,新花色品种如春笋般涌现。

    With the continual progress of the science and technology of the silk , the new colors and patterns sprang up .

  12. 政密学校扩张到了1939年无法想象的规模,而情报局也如春笋一般,在各个方面迅速发展着。

    While the Government Code and Cypher School had expanded to dimensions quite unimaginable in 1939 , the secret service had also mushroomed in a variety of directions .

  13. 矿渣肥和专用肥对春笋品质的影响十分显著,表现为可减少粗纤维含量,增加还原糖、蛋白质和脂肪的含量。

    The change of bamboo shoots quality after slag fertilizer and specialty fertilizer application was very significant , the results were as follows : slag fertilizer and specialty fertilizer reduced crude fiber content 、 increased the content of sugar 、 protein and fat .

  14. 而目前在学界业界公认的新闻是新近发生的事实的报道这一定义已随实践愈显苍白,因为它无法涵盖当今如春笋般涌现的各种新闻新生类。

    However , the academic and professional recognized concept that " journalism is the reporting on the fact that has newly happened " has lost its conviction , for it is unable to cover the various new types of journalism springing up at present .