
  • 网络adolescence;teenage;period of adolescence
  1. 埃里克森(Erikson)认为自我同一性是心理发展的一个重要概念,他认为自我同一性的发展贯穿人的一生,但青少年期是发展自我同一性的关键时期。

    Erickson think that the self is an important concept of mental development , he thinks that the self-identity of development throughout life , but the adolescence is key period of the development of ego identity .

  2. 自我同一性的发展是青少年期的中心发展任务。

    Ego identity development is the central developmental issue in adolescence .

  3. “很多产业正从婴儿期走向青少年期,”夏培罗说。

    Many industries are going out of infancy and becoming adolescents , Shapiro said .

  4. 青少年期处女膜闭锁的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Imperforate Hymen in Adolescence

  5. 限于青少年期的外部问题行为(theadolescence-limitedexternalizingbehaviors)的出现主要是由生物性成熟与社会性成熟的失同步性引发的.采收成熟度;

    The gap between biological maturity and social maturity engenders the adolescence-limited externalizing problem behaviors .

  6. 青少年期BPD的临床表现与成人有不同之处,情感和行为严重调节障碍、攻击性、严重的易激惹和慢性病程是青少年BPD的特征性临床表现。

    The clinical symptoms of adolescents with BPD are different from the adult of BPD . The adolescents of BPD are characterized by extreme affective and behavioral dysregulation , aggression , severe irritability and a chronic course .

  7. 脑白质病变分幼儿期、青少年期和成年期。

    There are infantile , juvenile and adult forms of leukodystrophy .

  8. 青少年期亲子关系研究的回顾与启示

    Review of Research in Parent-adolescent Relationship and Implication for Future Study

  9. 青少年期父母权威认知及其对亲子关系影响的机制

    Conceptions of Parental Authority and Its Mechanism Affecting Parent-adolescent Relationship in Adolescence

  10. 青少年期的政治学习是个体政治社会化的关键

    The Influence of Political Learning During Childhood and Adolescence on Individual Political Socialization

  11. 我和青少年期的儿子沟通有困难。

    I have difficulty communicating with my teenager son .

  12. 青少年期身心发展特点

    Characteristics of Physiological and Mental Development of Adolescents

  13. 品行障碍是儿童青少年期常见的行为障碍之一。

    Conduct Disorder ( CD ) is one of the common behavioral disorders in childhood .

  14. 心理干预对青少年期正畸患者影响的研究

    Adolescent Orthodontic Patients Effect of Psychological Intervention

  15. 青少年期的违法犯罪行为远比童年期违法犯罪行为严重得多。

    Besides , the delinquency in adolescence is much more serious than that in childhood .

  16. 儿童期和青少年期建立强健的骨头,是抵抗晚期出现骨质疏松症的最佳防线。

    Building strong bones during childhood and adolescence can be the best defense against developing osteoporosis later .

  17. 和我们的身体相似,在青少年期,我们的情绪也会经历一些大的,特别的变化。

    Our emotions , like our bodies , can go through some crazy and unfamiliar changes during adolescence .

  18. 青少年期的假想观众

    Imaginary audience in adolescence

  19. 早恋(青少年期的爱恋):“这只是早恋,你长大后就不会这样想了。”

    Puppy love = love between teenagers : " It 's just puppy love-you 'll grow out of it !"

  20. 在青少年期我到那充满敌意的家庭里的行程更是让我每周预先感受到恐惧。

    During my teens the trips to a hostile house became a dread on the horizon for weeks beforehand .

  21. 在中学时每年我的最好朋友都不相同,青少年期的女孩都这样。

    I had a different best friend for every year at secondary school – entirely normal behaviour for teenage girls .

  22. 那么,童年期和青少年期的违法犯罪行为的影响因素自然也不一样。发展犯罪学认为这些影响因素来自多方面,主要包含生物因素、心理因素和社会因素。

    So , the childhood and the youth have different factors which mainly include biological , psychological and social factors .

  23. 发展中国家的许多男女儿童在进入青少年期阶段的时候营养不足,使他们更容易患病和过早死亡。

    Many boys and girls in developing countries enter adolescence undernourished , making them more vulnerable to disease and early death .

  24. 严重的精神病,例如精神分裂症和严重的情绪失衡,大多在青少年期和成年初期出现。

    Severe mental illnesses , such as schizophrenia and severe mood disorders , often start at teenage and in early adulthood .

  25. 父母高血脂对其子女青少年期血脂、血压、体质量指数的影响

    Influence of Hyperlipidemia in Parents on Plasma Lipid Level , Blood Pressure , Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference in Their Children

  26. 多动症是青少年期最常见的一种行为障碍,与品行障碍具有高并发性。

    Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most popular behavior disorders among youngsters and has high rates of comorbidity with Conduct Disorder .

  27. 青少年期亲子关系研究已成为青少年研究领域中的一个重要课题,亲子关系对青少年身心发展有着重要影响。

    The study of parent-child relations has been one of the most active areas of research and theory building in developmental psychology .

  28. 在中学时每年我的“最好朋友”都不相同,青少年期的女孩都这样。

    I had a different " best friend " for every year at secondary school - entirely normal behaviour for teenage girls .

  29. 两性都会经历身高的快速增长和体形、结构的变化。青春期象征青少年期的开始。

    Both sexes experience a swift increase in Body size and changes in Body shape and composition . Puberty marks the Beginning of adolescence .

  30. 结论应加强青少年期月经生理的健康教育,做好经期卫生保健,是预防妇女疾病的重要环节之一。

    Conclusion The health education on menses physiology to puberty girls should be enhanced , especially before menarche and the first half year after menarche .