
shè wài lí hūn
  • divorce with a foreign national
  1. 南非法院对涉外离婚案件管辖权的确定

    The Ascertainment of Jurisdiction over Foreign-related Divorce Cases in South African Court

  2. 涉外离婚纠纷一个很重要的方面就是法律适用问题。

    An important aspect of the Foreign-related divorce disputes is the legal application problems .

  3. 因此,深入研究涉外离婚管辖权制度是必要的。

    Therefore , it is necessary to study jurisdiction system of international divorce in depth .

  4. 涉外离婚的准据法选择问题研究

    Choice On Applicable Law of International Divorce

  5. 涉外离婚的法律问题一直以来都是国际私法研究的重要组成部分。

    The foreign divorce law has always been an important part of the private international law .

  6. 根据我国民事诉讼法,怎样确定涉外离婚案件的管辖权?

    On the basis of the provisions of China Civil Procedure Law , how to define jurisdiction over foreign-related divorce cases ?

  7. 涉外离婚管辖权作为一国审理涉外离婚案件的依据,在涉外离婚诉讼中具有重要的意义。

    As the basis for a foreign country to hear an international divorce case , the jurisdiction is of vital significance in the international divorce proceedings .

  8. 管辖权由静态转为动态就产生了涉外离婚的平行诉讼问题,因而,文章对平行诉讼问题及其解决方法进行了简单的评析。

    The change of jurisdiction from static to dynamic leads to parallel proceedings in foreign divorce , thus the issue and the solution of parallel proceedings is discussed in this article .

  9. 首先介绍了国际社会对涉外离婚准据法的规定,从准据法的适用范围和法律适用的规则两方面进行了说明,并对法院地法和本国法两大离婚准据法进行了比较。

    Then from the scope of application of the applicable law and the legal rules applicable are described , the Court law and national law of the two divorce applicable law are compared .

  10. 由于各国对涉外离婚管辖权确定了不同的原则,致使涉外离婚管辖权的规定各不相同,加之各国在立法时都意图扩大本国的管辖范围,管辖权依据众多,在实践中较易混乱。

    Different countries establish the foreign divorce jurisdiction with different principle , so the rule of foreign divorce jurisdiction is different . With the intention to expand its own jurisdiction during the state legislation , and so much jurisdictional basis , it is easier to confusion in practice .

  11. 然而,2006年的涉外婚姻离婚数也增加到了355例。

    However , the number of mixed couples getting divorced in 2006 also increased to 355 .

  12. 随着涉外婚姻离婚数量的增加,如今为离婚后生活提供帮助和咨询的需求也越来越大。

    And with more and more mixed marriages ending in divorce , there is now a growing need for help and advice for those dealing with life after a failed marriage .

  13. 各国对涉外婚姻成立要件的不同识别、不同准据法及确定涉外离婚案件管辖权的标准不同是产生跛脚婚姻的主要原因。

    The occurrence of limping marriages is due to the different recognization of the established important conditions on marriages with foreigners , the different applicable marriage laws and the different jurisdiction standards for foreign marriages .

  14. 涉外婚姻关系在涉外民事法律关系中占有举足轻重的地位,涉外离婚是涉外婚姻关系当事人在生存期间依法解除婚姻关系的法律行为。

    Foreign-related marriage occupies a pivotal position in the foreign-related civil legal relations , the foreign divorce is a legal act of foreign-related marriage parties dissolution of marriage in accordance with the law .