
  1. 一个妇女想让人把自己的肖像画出来,她丈夫就约请了最好的画家。

    A woman had a desire to have her portrait painted , and her husband engaged the best artist he could find .

  2. 希望能给自己的肖像画创作以有益的启示。

    Hope that they will create their own portraits to enlightenment .

  3. 洛哈特已经被他和他自己的肖像画(些勉强吧)全迷住了。

    Lockhart is obsessed with himself and his image .

  4. 她塑造自己的肖像。

    She sculpted a likeness of herself .

  5. 肖像权是自然人对自己的肖像享有的专有、使用或许可他人使用的人格权利。

    The right image is a portrait of a natural person to enjoy their own exclusive use or permit others to use the right personality .

  6. 西方艺术史上,许多艺术家描绘了自己的肖像,但并不是每个时代的每个艺术家都能够为后人留下他们的肖像。

    In the western history of art many artists have drawn their portraits , but it is impossible for all of them to leave their portraits in any time .

  7. 不会有任何东西,包括镜子和现代服装,来扰乱这种时光倒流22年的幻觉,即使有照片,那也是他们自己年轻时的肖像。

    Nothing no mirrors , no modern-day clothing , no photos except portraits of their much younger selves spoiled the illusion that they had shaken off 22 years .

  8. 礼品适合人群,有父母把自己的孩子的肖像画进鼻烟壶,作为成长纪念,更多的就是画结婚照、全家福等。

    Gifts for the crowd , Some parents paint their children 's portraits into snuff bottles , as the growth of commemoration , and most persons are painting wedding photo , family portrait and so on .