
  • 网络Self-affirmation;affirmation;self affirmation;self-approval;Self-Assurance
  1. 一切都取决于我自己的想法:成功来源于自我肯定。

    It 's all in my head : Success begins with self-affirmation .

  2. 一张保险杠贴纸,“做自己的女神”,公开宣告了对扭曲的女权主义的自我肯定。

    A bumper sticker ," Be Your Own Goddess ," broadcast public self-affirmation with a feminist twist .

  3. 斯坦福大学教育研究生院院长斯蒂尔(ClaudeSteele)对自我肯定进行过早期心理学研究,他说提醒人们牢记自己的优秀品质能够让他们心里更有安全感。

    Reminding people of their good traits makes them more emotionally secure , says Claude Steele , an early researcher into the psychology of self-affirmation and now a dean in Stanford University 's graduate school of education .

  4. 再多的自我肯定也不能治疗你。

    No amount of self-affirmation is going to heal you .

  5. 伊万缺少自我肯定,在他俩当中充当和事佬。

    Yvan , less self-assured , acts as a mediator between the two .

  6. 听起来自我肯定给了你很大的慰藉

    Sounds like your certainty gives you great comfort .

  7. 会梦到长出吸血鬼的獠牙暗示你正依赖于别人来得到自我肯定。

    Vampire teeth indicate you are relying on other people to provide your self-assurance .

  8. 自尊水平对自我肯定的效应有影响,自我肯定对高自尊水平被试产生的效果明显好于低自尊水平被试。

    Self-affirmation has a better effect on subjects of high self-esteem than on those of low self-esteem .

  9. 第五,一连串的“生活失败”导致了极大的自我肯定损失。

    Fifth , a serious " life failure " can result in a tremendous loss of self-esteem .

  10. 结果:自我肯定不存在性别、年级、专业差异;

    Results : There were no difference of sense of adequacy in sex , grade and specialty .

  11. 研究显示,重复性的自我肯定有助于降低焦虑感,比如说一切都会好的。

    Repetitive self-assurance ( Everything will be okay ) has been found to be helpful in reducing anxiety .

  12. 一旦我们从自怨自艾和自我肯定中解脱后,我们就能专注于彼此相爱。

    FREE from despair and the need to justify ourselves , we can focus on loving one other !

  13. 但是对于参加了一个简单的自我肯定的写作练习的非裔美国中学生来说,这个方法显然起作用。

    But it apparently worked for African-American middle school students who engaged in a simple self-affirmation writing exercise .

  14. 自我肯定即相信你是一个应该得到生命中最美好事物的有价值的人。

    Self-worth comes from believing that you are a worthwhile individual who deserves the best that life has to offer .

  15. 经过自我肯定的个体能更加客观、公正地处理威胁自我认同和群体认同的信息,促进个体的成长。

    The participants who affirmed were more openness and objective to the threaten self-identity or group-identity information , promoting personal well-being .

  16. 中国我新马的思维三角确立起来的是新马华族自我肯定的强烈意志。

    Three dimensions of China-Me-Singapore and Malaysia has established the self-affirmation of intense volition about the Chinese of Singapore and Malaysia .

  17. 自我肯定理论自提出后在国外便得到大量的研究,取得比较丰硕的成果,发现自我肯定能够产生一系列比较积极的结果。

    Much research abroad has been undertaken after the self-affirmation theory was first proposed , and fruitful results have been achieved .

  18. 自我肯定目前你是最好的。确保你的服装/所有装备包括你的鞋都是干净利落的。

    Ensure you are nicely presented . Make sure your suit / outfit is smart and clean including your shoes as well .

  19. 而是说自我肯定能够增强他们的心理抵抗力,帮助他们意识到即便有什么不好的事情发生,自己也能应付得了。

    Instead , self-affirmation makes them more psychologically resilient , and helps them realize they can cope even if something bad happens .

  20. 自信来源于对自身能力的确定和自我肯定,而自大则是通过贬低他人来美化一个人的自我价值。

    Confidence comes from certainty and self-assurance of one 's abilities , whereas arrogance embellishes a person 's self-worth by disparaging others .

  21. 越是在痛苦失意的时候,越是要自我肯定,生命是持续自助的过程。

    Have more confidence in yourself even if you are in pain and desperation , for life is a process of constant self-help .

  22. 在这种情况下,第一次选择的记忆已经衰退,自我肯定的压力就没有那么明显了。

    In this case , participants'memories of their previous choices decay , so the pressure to confirm their own opinions is less explicit .

  23. 对大学生进行尊严素质的培养要抓住两个方面:一是唤醒大学生的自我肯定的意识;

    Two things should be done in fostering the dignity quality of young students . First , wake up the consciousness of self affirmation .

  24. 解梦:微笑和咬东西时人会露出牙齿,因而它们象征着自信和自我肯定。

    MEANING : You show your teeth when you smile and when you bite , so they reflect how self-assured and assertive you feel .

  25. 实际上,所谓内在价值就是人的实践能力(创造)及这种能力的自我肯定(幸福)。

    In fact , intrinsic value means man 's practical ability ( creation ) and self-affirmation of ability ( the state of happiness ) .

  26. 记者凯蒂·卡伊和克莱尔·席普曼在她们合著的新书中写到了自我肯定以及增强信心的方法。

    Journalists Katty Kay and Claire Shipman , the authors of a new book on self-assurance , on how we can all boost our confidence .

  27. 这类学生因为自己的学习不如别人,或者因自己的长相不好,产生处处不如别人的想法,缺乏自我肯定的信心和勇气,时常说自己不行。

    These students , because of their learning worse than others , or as a result of their good looks , have a lack of self-confidence and courage .

  28. 当父母们来到“相亲市场”,发现了那些自己女儿自我肯定的信息时,他们强硬的态度有所软化。

    But the parents ' hardline stances appear to soften when they visit a matchmaking " marriage market " only to find self-affirming messages of independence from their daughters .

  29. 前者是个体的人借助外观的幻觉自我肯定的冲动,后者是个体的人自我否定而复归世界本体的冲动。

    Apollo here refers to the individual self-confirmed impulse based on the external illusion while Dionysus refers to the individual impulse based on returning to the world itself through self-denial .

  30. 结果:286名大学生网络使用的主要动机类型为:社会交往动机、虚拟社群动机、自我肯定动机、商品资讯动机、匿名交往动机、社会性学习动机。

    Results : The main Internet using motivations of 286 college students are motivations of social contacting , virtual community , self-confidence , products information , anonymous contacting and social studying .