
  • 网络Somatization disorder;somatic disorder
  1. 方法:选取44例符合CCMD-3躯体化障碍诊断标准的患者(研究组)和92例不伴躯体症状的抑郁症患者(对照组),分别用HAMD、SDS、SCL-90进行评定。

    Methods : 44 patients who met with CCMD-3 criteria for somatization disorder and92 depression patients without somatic symptoms were assessed with HAMD , SDS and SCL-90 .

  2. 国产帕罗西汀与针灸理疗治疗躯体化障碍的对照研究

    A Comparative Study of Paroxetine Versus Acupuncture-therapy in Treatment of Somatization Disorder

  3. DIS-ⅢA-Yu调查结果探讨躯体化障碍的诊断标准项目

    Diagnostic criterion items for somatization disorders by DIS - ⅲ A-Yu

  4. 躯体化障碍患者抑郁症状的特征及治疗

    Features of depressive symptoms of patients with somatization disorder and treatment

  5. 躯体化障碍患者的生命质量及其相关因素研究

    Life Quality in Patients with Somatization Disorder Its Relative Factors

  6. 目的:探讨童年创伤与躯体化障碍形成的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between somatization and childhood trauma .

  7. 躯体化障碍病人的临床特点与护理对策研究

    Clinical Features and Nursing Countermeasures of Patients With Somatization Disorder

  8. 根据每条症状项目出现的频率高低和考虑原文版DIS-Ⅲ的结构拟定出42个症状,作为躯体化障碍的诊断标准项目。

    42 symptoms were worked out for diagnostic criterion items of somatization disorder .

  9. 帕罗西汀联用小剂量多塞平治疗躯体化障碍的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Paroxetine Combined with Small Dose of Doxepin for Somatization Disorder

  10. 文拉法辛缓释剂与氯米帕明治疗躯体化障碍的疗效比较

    A Comparison between Venlafaxine XR and Chlorimipramine in the Treatment of Somatization Disorder

  11. 结论:躯体化障碍患者存在述情障碍,且与个性特征有密切关系。

    There was negative correlation between introverted personality traits and ability to describe emotion .

  12. 目的:了解躯体化障碍是否等同于隐匿性抑郁症。

    Objective : To find out whether somatization disorder is equal to masked depression .

  13. 氯米帕明联合认知疗法治疗躯体化障碍的对照研究

    Comparative study of clomipramine combined with cognitive therapy in the treatment of somatization disorder

  14. 躯体化障碍患者述情障碍分析

    Analysis of alexithymia in patients with somatization disorder

  15. 躯体化障碍的防御机制与认知归因特征

    Defense mechanism and congnition in somatization disorder

  16. 逍遥散合温胆汤治疗躯体化障碍临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Somatic Disorder with Combination of Xiaoyao Powder and Wendan Decoction

  17. 结论:帕罗西汀治疗躯体化障碍疗效较好,副作用少。

    Conclusion The therapeutic efficacy of paroxetine for somatization disorder is significant with less side effects .

  18. 躯体化障碍与童年期的创伤

    Somatization Disorder and Childhood Trauma

  19. 目的:观察西酞普兰合并认知治疗对躯体化障碍患者的疗效及依从性。

    Objective To study the effect of cognitive treatment on the dependence of schizophrenia and domestic interference .

  20. 躯体化障碍和未分化躯体形式障碍患者辅助检查项目和费用调查

    Items and expense of accessory tests and examinations and related factors of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder

  21. 多元相关分析发现,躯体化障碍组个性越内倾,描述情感能力越欠缺,情绪越不稳定。论犹太文化的内敛性

    There was negative correlation between introverted personality traits and ability to describe emotion . On Introverted Character of Jewish Culture

  22. 结论躯体化障碍多发生于文化程度较低和家庭经济一般的人群,症状可涉及多个系统器官。

    Conclusion Somatization disorder occurs easily to person with low education and moderate economy , its symptoms involve in multisystem .

  23. 目的探讨躯体化障碍患者的人格特征与防御方式的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between Type A Behavior and Defense Mechanism in patients with somatization disorder ( SD ) .

  24. 躯体化障碍与以躯体症状为主诉的抑郁症个性、躯体主诉、生活质量比较

    The comparison of the personalities , physical complaints and life quality in patient with somatization disorders and depression presented with somatic complaints

  25. 结论综合医院理精神障碍患者的主要问题均为疑病躯体化障碍,女性主要为抑郁。

    Conclusions The psychotic disorders as well as seen in patients in general hospital are hypochondriasis and somatoform disorder , and depression of the female .

  26. 目的探讨躯体化障碍与广泛性焦虑患者的情绪、躯体主诉及服药依从性差异。

    Objective To explore the difference between the moods , physical active depiction and drug compliance in patients of somatic disorders and the patients with generalized anxiety disorder .

  27. 参照中医与之对应的症候及病机分析,躯体化障碍患者由于情绪障碍表现如焦虑、抑郁、狂躁等不明显。

    According to Chinese medicine with corresponding disease with disease pattern and mechanism of desease , obstacle patient behave with emotional disorders obstacle such as anxious , depressed , manic disorders .

  28. 不同精神障碍与不同的因素有关,躯体化障碍与家庭、工作、环境、上网等因素显著相关,焦虑受学习、家庭、环境、对子女的满意度的影响。

    Different mental disorders were correlated with different factors : somatization disorder had significant correlation with family , work , environment and networking , and anxiety was affected by learning , family , environment , and satisfactory degree to children .

  29. 约5%至7%的人有着更为严重的精神疾病&躯体化障碍,这些病人的症状(既有医学上可解释的,也有不可解释的)持续超过半年,并伴随着严重的焦虑。

    About 5 % to 7 % of the population has a more serious psychiatric illness , somatic symptom disorder , where symptoms ( either explained or unexplained ) persist more than six months and are accompanied by a high level of anxiety .

  30. 老年组躯体性焦虑、焦虑/躯体化、认知障碍和睡眠障碍的严重程度均显著高于非老年组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01,P<0.05)。

    At the same time , the score of anxiety / somatization , cognition disorders and sleeping disorders in elderly group were significantly higher than those in non-elder group ( P < 0.01 , P < 0.05 ) .