
  • 网络social phobia
  1. 严重的就会发展成为社交恐怖症。

    When serious enough , it may develop into social phobia .

  2. 结论罗拉西泮对社交恐怖症的疗效较为明显。

    Conclusion Lorazepam has prominent therapeutic effect on social phobia .

  3. 氟西汀治疗社交恐怖症双盲自身对照

    Double - blind Self - control of Fluoxetine in Social Phobia

  4. 森田疗法治疗社交恐怖症的对照研究

    A comparative study on Morita therapy for treating social phobia

  5. 阿普唑仑治疗社交恐怖症的双盲自身对照

    Alprazolam therapy for phobia : a double - blind trial

  6. 社交恐怖症的心理防御机制及其相关因素

    Defense Mechanism and related Factors in Patients with Social Phobia

  7. 大学生社交恐怖症的形成与中国的面子文化

    The Formation of Social Life Phobia in University Students and Chinese Face-culture

  8. 社交恐怖症患者父母教养方式与强迫症等的对照研究

    A comparative study on rearing styles of parents of patients with social phobia

  9. 门诊式森田疗法治疗44例社交恐怖症

    Out-patient Morita therapy of 44 patients with social phobia

  10. 社交恐怖症是临床上一种常见的神经症,在青少年中尤其多发。

    Social phobia is a general clinical mental disorder , especially frequently in teenagers .

  11. 社交恐怖症患者的认知特征及相关因素

    Cognitive Features of Patients with Social Phobia

  12. 强迫症与社交恐怖症的防御机制及其相关因素的比较研究

    Defense mechanisms and related factors in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and patients with social phobia

  13. 社交恐怖症病人家庭环境及父母教养方式调查研究

    A Controlled Study of Family Environment and Rearing Styles of Parents in the Patients with Social Phobia

  14. 氯硝西泮治疗社交恐怖症

    Clonazepam in treating social phobia

  15. 系统脱敏与冲击疗法治疗社交恐怖症的疗效比较

    Comparative study on systemative desensitization and flooding implosive therapies in the treatment of 28 patients with social phobia

  16. 中国的面子文化对大学生社交恐怖症的形成有着非常大的作用。

    The face-culture in China plays an important role in the formation of social life phobia in university students .

  17. 敏感性关系妄想是一类关系妄想,并非真性妄想。它是社交恐怖症患者普遍存在的症状,尤其是在重症社交恐怖症患者中。

    Sensitive delusion of reference is one of important symptom in the patients with social phobia , not true paranoia , generally in severe cases .