
  1. 因此,像Path这样好友上线仅为150人,由美国网络公司发布的社交软件,才开始变得火爆起来。

    Hence the rise of services such as Path , an American network thatlimits members to 150 friends .

  2. 今天,IBM也销售诸如IBMConnections之类的社交软件。IBMConnections使工作人员可以通过文件共享和建立群组等方式实现协作。

    Today , IBM sells social software like IBM Connections , which lets workers collaborate by sharing files and forming groups .

  3. LotusConnections是一款面向企业的社交软件,可以帮助您连接到所需的人员和信息。

    Lotus Connections is social software for business that helps you connect with the people and information that you need .

  4. 在最近三年半的时间里,他一直在爱尔兰都柏林的IBM软件实验室研究社交软件可靠性测试。

    He has spent the last 3.5 years working on social software reliability testing in the IBM Software Lab in Dublin , Ireland .

  5. 其他社交软件,比如BlackberryMessenger,Imo和Line,在俄罗斯同样也受到了类似的限制。

    Other social media apps , including Blackberry Messenger , Imo and Line , have also run into similar restrictions in Russia .

  6. 我们的许多(社交软件)创意在发展成产品、投入市场之前,都会先在IBM内部进行测试。

    Many of our [ Social Software ] ideas get tested within the IBM sandbox before they make their way into products that we deliver to the market .

  7. 使用社交软件为传统BPM应用做开发无疑将会对这些应用很有帮助,并且很重要。

    Using social software for development of traditional BPM applications will certainly help improve those applications , and is important .

  8. 美图app每个月帮助2.7亿用户美化照片,尤其对于重视形象的社交软件达人,用美图瘦脸,拉长腿,或者给照片增加趣味是上传照片之前必不可少的工序。

    Meitu app helps 270 million monthly active users slim faces , lengthen legs and otherwise spice up their online appearance - essential among image-obsessed social media mavens .

  9. 该升级程序发布之后,13-17岁年龄层的用户将可以在家长的许可下使用XboxLive的部分社交软件功能。

    According to Nelson , after the update is released , children between the ages of13 and17 will be able to access the social networks after obtaining parental approval .

  10. 您可以包括一个相关链接,作为LotusConnections实现的用户协议的一部分,并让用户知道您相信他们会负责任地使用社交软件。

    You can include a link to this as part of the user agreement for your Lotus Connections implementation and that you let users know that you trust them to use social software responsibly .

  11. 试着想与另一个忙着在Instagram(一个图片社交软件)上展示旅游照片的人聊天,没有什么会比这更招致愤懑了吧。

    Nothing is more likely to cause resentment than when one person is trying to have a conversation with someone who 's busy showing off the trip on Instagram .

  12. 去年,马云在最受00后欢迎的社交软件Snapchat上投资了2亿美元,还在通讯软件Tango上也投资了2.15亿美元。

    Last year he ploughed $ 200m into Snapchat , one of the most popular social apps among millennials and another $ 215m into messaging app Tango .

  13. 通常这会便于你联系同样使用Instagram或Whatsapp等社交软件的朋友和家人,但是这也意味着你将个人信息透露给了应用开发人员。

    That might be a convenient way to connect with friends and family likewise using , say , Instagram or Whatsapp , but it also means you 're giving away their personal information to the app developers .

  14. Enterprise2.0工具和服务利用了社交软件特征,比如社交书签和链接、标签、评级、用户注释和讨论、开放式创建和编辑策略、RSS提要综合(如图1所示)等。

    Enterprise 2.0 tools and services take advantage of social software features such as social bookmarking and linking , tagging , rating , user commenting and discussion , open creation and editing policies , syndication via RSS feeds ( see Figure 1 ), and so on .

  15. 从上个月以来,包括甲骨文(Oracle)、Salesforce和微软等科技巨头已经花了22.5亿美元用于收购Vitrue、BuddyMedia和Yammer等新兴社交软件公司。

    In just the last month , enterprise giants including Oracle ( orcl ) , salesforce ( CRM ) and now Microsoft ( MSFT ) have shelled out $ 2.25 billion forSocial business upstarts like vitrue , buddy media and yammer .

  16. 根据中国最受欢迎的社交软件微信的供应公司腾讯的调查显示,中国Emoji表情用户主要是00后的年轻人,他们每天发送的Emoji表情最多。

    Chinese emoji users are predominantly young people led by millennials who send the most emojis per day , according to Tencent Holdings Ltd , one of the most popular providers of social media including WeChat in China .

  17. 一些社交软件使用非常复杂的算法,比如Gigg或FriendFeed上那些用于排列提交条目重要性的算法,但这一技术复杂性应该对用户隐藏。

    Some social software use very complex algorithms , e.g.those used for ranking the importance of submitted items on Gigg or FriendFeed , but this technical complexity should be hidden from users .

  18. 她丈夫,法国籍,在社交软件上名为MariaudRomain,以前在法国驻中国大使馆工作,现在是法国外交部和国际发展部的官员。

    Her husband , a French citizen , was identified on his LinkedIn page as Mariaud Romain , a former employee of the French embassy in Beijing and a current official at France 's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development .

  19. 企业社交软件还提供了一种好处。

    Enterprise social software also provides a secondary benefit .

  20. 越来越多的公司都在评估社交软件对企业的价值。

    An increasing number of companies are evaluating social software for their enterprise .

  21. 近日,脸书公司开发了一款针对在校学生的新社交软件。

    Facebook has launched a new social media app aimed at school teenagers .

  22. 16.我会因不能使用社交软件而紧张。

    16 . I would be nervous because I would be disconnected from my online identity .

  23. 今年早些时间,三个月时间内有半数企业社交软件公司被收购。

    In the space of three months , half of them got bought earlier this year .

  24. 丹尼尔•德鲍称,要保证这种关系的正确方向,可以借助社交软件。

    Keeping the relationship on track is where social software can help , says Daniel Debow .

  25. 通过利用其他人的经验,您可以成功实现企业社交软件的部署。

    By capitalizing on the experiences of others , you can have a successful enterprise social software deployment .

  26. 为了实现成功的社交软件推广,清晰的战略和富有吸引力的用例是至关重要的。

    To achieve a successful social software rollout , a clear adoption strategy and compelling use cases are critical .

  27. 其他一些客户建立了知识中心,或者鼓励对业务领域感兴趣的合作伙伴开始使用社交软件。

    Other customers have Knowledge Centers or advocates that partner with interested business areas getting started with social software .

  28. 想象一下,你只是随意浏览社交软件,但并没有发现任何你感兴趣的事情。

    Imagine you 're just casually scrolling through your social software , not really seeing anything that catches your interest .

  29. 利文斯顿称,西方很多社交软件并不理解聊天应用作为其他服务的平台的价值。

    Mr Livingston said many western social apps did not understand the value of chat as a platform for other services .

  30. 此外,您也了解了如何克服企业社交软件中的常见缺点,以及如何促进采用。

    Furthermore , you have some hints on how to overcome common objections to enterprise social software and how to promote adoption .