
huì qiān
  • countersign;countersignature;sign jointly
会签 [huì qiān]
  • [sign jointly;countersign] [两个或两个以上的机关] 在存档或发出的文件上共同签署

会签[huì qiān]
  1. 基于Agent工艺文件电子会签的设计

    Design of Electronic Countersign for the Process Planning Document Based on Agent

  2. 兹附销售确认书原文两份,请会签然后将其中一份寄回我方存档。

    We enclose two original s / c. please return one of them for our file after you countersign them .

  3. 请会签后退回一份

    Please return the duplicate ( n. ) with you countersignature .

  4. 我们退回一份我们已会签的合同供你方存档

    We return one copy of the contract with our countersignature for your file .

  5. 如果今夏跳出,他估计会签五年

    If he opts out this summer , he d sign a five year deal .

  6. 随函附上我方第345号合同一式两分,请会签并回寄一份。

    Enclosed is our contract No.345 in duplicate , of which please return us one copy , duly countersign .

  7. 马克信誓旦旦地说客户会肯定会签合约,但当客户最终决定不签约时,他只得承认自己完全错了。

    Mark promised that the client would sign the contract , but he had to eat his words when they decided1 not to go ahead in the end .

  8. 基于LotusDomino/Notes的会签机制的实现

    The Implementation of Joint Sign Based on Lotus Domino / Notes

  9. 在Web浏览器端,通过该ActiveX插件显示产品的几何模型,并允许用户对该模型进行浏览、拆卸和红笔会签;

    On the Web browser , the geometrical model of product is expressed by the ActiveX control .

  10. 如果NASA不做这个,也许中国或者在坐的某些人会签上这个巨额支票。

    And if NASA doesn 't do it , China might , or somebody in this room might write a big check .

  11. 管理信息系统会签管理模块的设计与应用

    Programming & Application of Countersign Management Module in Management Information System

  12. 不错。我想我们会签合同的。

    Not bad . I think we 'll get the contract .

  13. 你还是会签这个的对吗?会

    You 're gonna sign that one though , too , right ?

  14. 但是在中国呢?你会签婚前协议么?

    How do you think of a prenuptial agreement ?

  15. 可能会签入新的球员,但我今晚不能给你任何一个名字。

    There may be signings but I cannot give you any names tonight .

  16. 随函附上我方会签的合同,请查收。

    Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature .

  17. 会签技术文件和质量回用手续。

    Cross-signing of technical documents and quality recycle procedure .

  18. 该付款必须有抵押人的会签。

    The payment has to countersigned by the mortgagor .

  19. 这个病假条必须由医生会签。

    The note must be countersigned by a doctor .

  20. 很好好的好你会签这个吗?

    Great.Yeah . Cool . Will you sign that ?

  21. 兹随函退回销售合同一份,该合同我们已经会签。

    We return herewith a copy of sales contract duly countersigned by us .

  22. 我会签,而且乘早班飞机离开。

    I 'll sign and be on the first plane out of here .

  23. 如果灰姑娘活在当下,她很可能会签婚前协议。

    If Cinderella were alive today , she would probably have a prenuptial agreement .

  24. 比如没有考虑会签等业务场景。

    For example , it did not consider the " countersigned " business scene .

  25. 但教授不一定会签。

    But the professor might no sign it .

  26. 现随函附寄去经我方会签的一份请查收。

    Now we enclose a copy of contract countersigned by us for you to check .

  27. 对此我可以向你们作担保&我们一定会签下新的球员。

    There is no question about that . I am sure we will sign players .

  28. 技术交底意见经各方会签形成会议纪要。

    Technical clarification opinions shall form minutes of meeting upon joint signature of the parties .

  29. 它们没有被会签是吗?

    They weren 't countersigned were they ?

  30. 我们及时会签了合同,现在寄回一份供你方存档。

    We have duly counter-signed the contract and are returning one copy for your file .