
  • 网络accounting basis;Basis of Accounting;Foundations of Accounting;Basic Accounting;accounting
  1. 加强会计基础工作是搞好财会工作的关键

    Reinforcing the Accounting Basis Is the Key for Doing Financial Affairs Well

  2. 高职《会计基础》课程教学内容的整体设计

    An Overall Design for Teaching Contents of the Course " Accounting Basis " in Higher Vocational Education

  3. 强化会计基础工作完善会计工作秩序

    Strengthening the Basic Work of Accounting and Consummating Accounting work Sequence

  4. 如何规范高校结算中心会计基础工作

    How to Standardize Accountant Groundwork of A University 's Balance Center

  5. 加强工会经费收缴规范会计基础工作

    Strengthening trade union outlay 's collection and regulating accounting basie operation

  6. 浅议会计基础理论在计算机应用中的变革

    Brief discussion on development of accounting basic theory in computer application

  7. 加强会计基础工作规范化建设努力提高企业财务管理水平

    Strengthening the accounting standardization work to improve financial management level

  8. 浅谈规范会计基础工作提高会计信息质量

    Improve the accuracy of accounting information and accountant working level

  9. 基于会计基础工作的内部控制风险规避研究

    A Research of Internal Control Risk Aversion Based on the Accounting Basic Job

  10. 公共信息会计基础理论研究

    The Research on Grounded Theory of Public Information Accounting

  11. 另外还可以买一本《会计基础知识》。

    Still can buy additionally " accountant ABC " .

  12. 落实会计基础工作规范的对策

    Countermeasure of carrying out the basic accounting work standards

  13. 理论篇提出了一套较为系统的合并会计基础理论:(1)合并会计的两大特性:进行决策的重大依据;

    The two characteristics of combination accounting : the important basis for decision ;

  14. 会计基础工作是提高会计信息质量的保证

    Work on Accounting Foundation Is the Guaranty that Raises the Accounting Information Quality

  15. 环境会计基础理论研究

    The Research on Basic Theory of Environmental Accounting

  16. 夯实会计基础工作提高财务管理水平

    Enhance Basic Accountancy and Improve Financial Management Level

  17. 调整《会计基础》教学内容与考核方式的设想

    On the Adjustment of the Teaching Content and the Examination System of Principals of Accounting

  18. 会计基础工作规范实践探讨

    Discussion on standardization of accounting groundwork

  19. 会计基础工作是会计工作的基本环节,也是经济管理工作的重要基础。

    The basical work of accounting is a elementary segment and an important part in economic management .

  20. 高职院校会计基础运用改革是一个系统工程,需要各方面的准备。

    Reform of Vocational Accounting is a recognized part of systems engineering , all aspects of preparation .

  21. 为此,要尽快制定和完善一些与其配套的资产管理规章制度,强化对财务会计基础的管理,将资产处置收益的管理和使用纳入规范管理的轨道,进一步强化资产管理的法律意识。

    Therefore , we should improve the corresponding management institutions , and strengthen the sense of assets management .

  22. 加强高校会计基础工作建立规范的会计工作秩序&浅谈会计基础工作的重要性

    Intensifying Basic Work of Accounting in Colleges and Establishing Standard Working Orders of Accounting & Discourse of Groundwork of Accounting

  23. 主要考财经法规与职业道德会计基础,难吗?

    Basically take an examination of code of Finance and economics and foundation of accountant of professional morality , difficult ?

  24. 以期通过会计基础管理平台研究支持管理型会计软件开发与应用。

    It aims at supporting exploitation and application of management accounting software by the research of the platform of accounting fundamental management .

  25. 把他们的情况与成若干部分分离成本的主要工序流程综合呈现,这些构成了面向过程的会计基础。

    Putting several partial processes with their isolated costs into context allows principal processes to emerge ; these form the basis of process-oriented accounting .

  26. 根据电子商务与会计基础理论研究、会计信息系统知识,可知电子商务对传统会计工作具有一定的影响。

    From the study of accounting basic theory and accounting information system , the influence of electronic commerce on traditional accounting can be seen .

  27. 建立财务信息化并完善其标准,一方面是财务管理的需要,另一方面是提高会计基础工作的有效手段。

    Now we are establish financial information and improve their standards , one is the financial management needs , another improve the basis of accounting .

  28. 第三,在税式支出成本估算的会计基础选择上,应与我国现行企业会计和税收制度使用的会计基础保持一致。

    Third , the accounting measures for estimate of tax expenditure cost should be kept in accordance with the present enterprise accounting and tax system .

  29. 首先应加强企业的会计基础工作,从源头治理会计信息失真。

    First , basic accounting work in enterprises should be strengthened and thus the distortion of accounting information can be brought under control in the beginning .

  30. 会计基础工作是经济管理工作的重要基础,也是提高会计信息质量的重要保证。

    Work on accounting foundation is the important foundation of the economy management work , and also is the important guaranty that raises the accounting information quality .