
huì hé
  • meet;join;rendezvous;converge;joins up with;assemble;bring together
会合 [huì hé]
  • (1) [join;assemble;converge;meet;bring together]∶聚集到一起

  • 两军会合后继续前进

  • (2) [rendezvous] [航空]∶两个或多个物体在预定的时间和地点以零相对速度相遇

会合[huì hé]
  1. 我们以后再与其他小组会合。

    We 'll join up with the other groups later .

  2. 鲍勃匆忙赶去和他会合,然后两人一起开车回家。

    Bob hurried to join him , and they rode home together .

  3. 我们7点钟在剧院外面和他们会合。

    We 're meeting them outside the theatre at 7 .

  4. 屋里会合着100人唧唧喳喳的声音。

    The room resonated with the chatter of 100 people .

  5. 他得到指挥官的许可来与我会合。

    He got permission from his commanding officer to join me .

  6. 确保在另一边与他们会合。

    Make sure to meet them at the other end .

  7. 另一名持枪警察和那两名警察会合了。

    The two policemen were joined by another policeman also carrying a pistol .

  8. 霍金斯在马拉加和米克会合,然后两个人到乡间游玩去了。

    Hawkins joined up with Mick in Malaga , and the two went touring around the countryside

  9. 咱们和女士们会合吧?

    Shall we rejoin the ladies ?

  10. 我呆会儿和你会合。

    I 'll join you later

  11. 在安纳托利亚大草原的深处,与真主神秘会合的庆祝场合,仍然会有托钵僧旋转起舞的身影。

    In the heart of the Anatolian steppe , dervishes still whirl on festive occasions in mystic union with God

  12. 两军会合后继续前进。

    The two armies joined forces and marched on .

  13. 两艘太空船成功地会合。

    The two spacecraft rendezvoused successfully .

  14. 我们在动物园门口与他们会合。

    We linked up with them at the gate of the zoo .

  15. (我们在山脚下会合,然后一起爬到山上去了。)

    We met at the base of the mountain and climbed up together .

  16. 而这个洗手间却是又小又窄,所以我摇摇头,将这种感觉挥散。然后我又回去和朋友们会合一起回图森市。

    I shook off the feeling since the bathroom was small and cramped2 , and met back with my friends and we drove back to Tucson .

  17. 一名科学家(乔尔·弗莱饰演)和一名公园巡逻员(埃洛拉·托尔基亚饰演)徒步进入森林和另一名正在做转基因谷物试验的科学家(海莉·斯奎尔斯饰演)会合。

    A scientist ( Joel Fry ) and a park scout12 ( Ellora Torchia ) trek13 into a forest to rendezvous14 with another scientist ( Hayley Squires ) who is experimenting with genetically15 modified crops .

  18. 美国女子选手黄瑶西(CrystalHuang)前些日子也来到中国和高军会合。

    U.S. women 's player Crystal Huang recently joined Gao in China .

  19. ANDgate:如果gate中有一个加号,它就用于会合两条流。

    AND gate : If the gate has a plus sign inside it , it combines two paths .

  20. 在加速计划中,第四次和第五次飞行的目标是开发与阿金纳B会合与对接技术。

    In the speeded up program , the fourth and fifth flights developed the techniques of rendezvous and docking with Agena B as the target .

  21. 许多SOA的文献都推崇中间会合的SOA开发方法,以此不得罪任何一方特定的受众。

    Much of the literature on SOA kowtows to the meet-in-the-middle approach to SOA , so as not to offend any particular audience .

  22. 曼联现在将到西雅图呆一周,CEO吉尔周五将与球队会合。

    United now head to Seattle for a week-long stay , with the chief executive David Gill joining them on Friday .

  23. 术后2周成纤维细胞、雪旺细胞、内皮细胞迁移到S3会合。

    At week 2 , fibroblasts , Schwann cells and endothelial cells migrated into S 3 segment .

  24. 国家航空航天局也在资助一个名为DART(自动会合技术演示)的项目。

    NASA is also funding a program called DART , or Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology .

  25. 这被称为“会合问题”(rendezvousproblem),一般而言,待在原地让开奖机来找你,会对你更加有利。

    This is called a " Rendezvous Problem " , and , in general , you would be better off staying where you are and letting the lottery machine find you .

  26. 第九,我们应该在世界贸易组织(wto)多哈会合谈判中达成协议,消除农业补贴造成的扭曲,开创出适应性更强、效率更高、更为公平的全球食品贸易格局。

    Ninth , we should conclude a Doha world trade organisation deal in order to remove the distortions of agricultural subsidies and create a more adaptable , efficient and fair global food trade .

  27. 用AresV我们将具有的载重量使得在轨道上的简单自动地会合及组件连接成为可能。

    The heavy lift capacity we 'll have with the Ares V will allow for simple automatic rendezvous in orbit and docking of components .

  28. 她的伴侣、影星布拉德皮特(bradpitt)一直在欧洲拍片,她与孩子们要赶往那儿与他会合。

    Her partner , actor Brad Pitt , had been filming in Europe and she and the children were there with him .

  29. 采用萨杜恩C-3运载火箭,关键技术是月球轨道会合。

    The booster was Saturn C-3 and the key technique was lunar orbit rendezvous .

  30. 根据孔洞增长和与主裂纹顶端会合的微观力学分析,用蠕变J积分参量和裂纹张开位移速率推导出蠕变裂纹扩展公式。

    Based on micromechanical analysis of the cavity growth and coalescence with the main crack tip , creep crack growth formulas were derived by using creep J integral parameter J and COD rate parameter δ .