
  • 网络leo;The Sign of Leo
  1. 太阳土星契合将位于14狮子星座并且海王星将是在18宝瓶星座。

    A Sun Saturn conjunction will be located at14 Leo and Neptune will be at18 Aquarius .

  2. 如果你住在霓虹闪烁的城市里,就得开车远离城市,往流星雨辐射点的星座方向。例如,看狮子星座流星雨往北开。

    If you live near a brightly lit city , drive away from the glow of city lights and toward the constellation from which the meteors will appear to radiate.For example , drive north to view the Leonids .

  3. 狮子是火相星座的中心。火引发了创造,革新和领导的欲望。

    Leo is Fire to the core ! Fire brings a desire to create , innovate , and lead .

  4. 嗯,如果你的生日在7月23日和8月22日之间,那么你就是狮子座,这个星座的标志是狮子。

    That 's right , if your birthday is between July 23 and August 22 , then you 're a Leo . Its symbol is the lion .

  5. 这些流行之所以被冠之以“狮子座”的名称,那是因为它们好象与狮子星座来自同一方向。

    The meteors are called Leonids because they appear to come from the direction of the constellation Leo the Lion .