
  • The Lion King;Lion King,The
  1. 《狮子王》在美国和国际舞台上的票房收入已达72亿美元。

    Altogether , " The Lion King " has taken in $ 7.2 billion from domestic and international productions .

  2. 据报道,碧昂丝也探讨过为《狮子王》里的娜拉配音,并且谣传她会为这部电影创作插曲。

    Bey is also reportedly in talks to voice Nala in The Lion King and is rumored to be producing the soundtrack for the film .

  3. 饭后我看“狮子王”和“TheSoundofMusic”,“TheSoundofMusic”是一部非常好的电影,我已经看过五六次了。

    The Sound of Music is a very good movie . I have watched itfive or six times already .

  4. 其中,最耳熟能详的当然是《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)、《狮子王》(TheLionKing)和《美女与野兽》(BeautyandtheBeast)。

    There was the little mermaid , the lion king , beauty and the beast , and many others .

  5. 《冰雪奇缘》的国内总票房已达2.978亿美元,全球票房为6.40亿美元,在迪士尼出品的动画电影中仅次于《狮子王》(TheLionKing)。

    The movie grossed $ 297.8 million domestically , and its global total of $ 640 million ranked it second only to ' The Lion King ' among Disney Animation releases .

  6. 1994年,迪士尼重回顶峰:《狮子王》(TheLionKing)成为票房排行第一的电影,电影原声带也极为畅销,共售出2500万张专辑,世嘉公司(Sega)根据电影开发的视频游戏也风靡一时。

    Come 1994 , Walt Disney Studios was back on top : " The Lion King " was the No. 1 movie , the top-selling soundtrack with 25 million albums sold , and a blockbuster video game developed by Sega .

  7. 新版《狮子王》由乔恩·费儒导演,用逼真的CGI动画技术取代了传统的动画技术,还推出了新歌和新的配音阵容,包括碧昂斯、切瓦特·埃加福特、塞斯·罗根和唐纳德·格洛沃。

    Directed by Jon Favreau , the new Lion King replaces the traditional animation with photo-realistic CGI , and it has some new songs as well as a new voice cast - including Beyonc é , Chiwetel Ejiofor , Seth Rogen and Donald Glover .

  8. 我是森林中的狮子王,谁也没有我强壮。

    I am the lion , the king of the forest .

  9. 最近,我又看了一遍《狮子王》。

    Recently , I have watched the Lion King again .

  10. 该节目与在纽约百老汇演出的《狮子王》是同一个版本。

    This production is identical to the New York version .

  11. 昨天我们去看了《狮子王》,我对它推崇备至。

    We went to see'the lion king'yesterday and I highly recommed it .

  12. 我们去看电影《狮子王》吗?

    Sall we go to the film the lion king ?

  13. 像八岁小女孩一样唱“哈库那马他他”吗?(《狮子王》电影中的欢乐歌曲,意为“不用担心”或“没有问题”)

    Sing " Hakuna Matata " Like an eight-year-old girl ?

  14. 他是百老汇音乐剧狮子王的一名表演者。

    He works as a performer in the Broadway musical The Lion King .

  15. 我只看过电影“狮子王”,可是我从没看过音乐剧。

    I only the movie lion king , but I 've never the musical .

  16. 等不及成为狮子王

    I Just can 't wait to be king The Lion King The Lion KING

  17. 《狮子王》的百老汇之路

    How the Lion King Made it to Broadway

  18. 当然这里有狮子王在那里,数量上有20条恒河的沙子那么多。

    Also there were lion kings there , as numerous as the sands of20 Ganges .

  19. 解析翻译转移作为一种策略对电影《狮子王》翻译的作用

    An Analysis of Translation Shift as a Strategy to the Translation of the Lion King

  20. 看过电影《狮子王》之后,我意识到动物也有感情。

    After seeing the film The Lion King , I realize that animals have feelings , too .

  21. 查理一世更被人们普遍认为是“狮子王查理”。他也有一头红发。

    Richard I , more commonly known as Richard the Lionheart , was another who had red hair .

  22. 这些美丽“风景”节选自迪士尼动画片《小美人鱼》、《魔发奇缘》以及《狮子王》。

    Among her favorite are scenes from Disney animated movies like Little Mermaid , Entangled and Lion King .

  23. 在去年的10月份,威廉王子说4岁儿子也喜欢《狮子王》。

    In October of last year , Prince William revealed that his then-4-year-old son also loved The Lion King .

  24. 《狮子王》——是一部取材于威廉·莎士比亚的经典悲剧《哈姆雷特》的电影。

    Take " The Lion King " - a film based on William Shakespeare 's classic tragedy " Hamlet . "

  25. 2019年,迪士尼还计划要推出真人版的《小飞象》、《阿拉丁》以及《狮子王》。

    Just in 2019 , Disney plans to release live-action renditions of Dumbo , Aladdin , and The Lion King .

  26. 过去的20年里,《狮子王》这部电影我看过不下12遍。

    Over the past 20 years , I have watched the Lion King for more than a dozen of times .

  27. 哈里说,他最喜欢的电影是《狮子王》,而梅根“一直都喜欢《小美人鱼》”。

    Harry said that he loves The Lion King , while Meghan has " always loved the Little Mermaid . "

  28. 2006年,英文版《狮子王》在上海巡演,大获成功——这一点也有帮助。

    It helped that the company had toured an English-language production of the show in Shanghai in 2006 to great success .

  29. 听到妈妈的这番话,我突然想起了以前看过的一部电影《狮子王》。

    At that time , I suddenly remembered a movie I have watched before , which named " Lion King " .

  30. 在狮子王的展区,游客们只要站在指定位置就可以以环绕立体声的效果聆听来自影片中的歌曲。

    In the Lion King section , stand at a designated position and enjoy the songs from the film in surround sound .