
xìn tiáo
  • creed;doctrine;tenet;dogma;motto;article of faith;precept;article of creed;creed dogma
信条 [xìn tiáo]
  • (1) [creed dogma;motto;article of faith]∶宗教信仰的条文或体系

  • 一个由习惯和感情构成的宗教,而非信条的宗教

  • (2) [tenet]∶可指普遍相信的任何原则或主张

  • 基督教信条

信条[xìn tiáo]
  1. 这对于他们来说只是一种信条。

    It 's just an article of faith for them .

  2. 但在特朗普时代,这已变成自由派的一个信条。

    But in the age of Trump , it has become a liberal article of faith .

  3. 他根据自己的信条,不投资军火工业。

    He doesn 't invest in the arms industry on principle .

  4. 克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。

    Lord Clarendon 's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct .

  5. 这里所说的决定论信条坚称一些人天生就是奴隶。

    The determinist doctrines in question maintained that certain people were born to be slaves .

  6. 这一信条不容改变。

    The doctrine is unchangeable .

  7. 他们坚持法律面前人人平等的信条。

    They adhere to the principle that everyone is equal before the law .

  8. 他的信条之一就是人生苦短,不必心存怨恨。

    It is one of his doctrines that life is too short to hold grudges .

  9. “诚实乃上策”是他做生意的信条。

    “ Honesty is the best policy ” was his creed in all his business dealings .

  10. 他们坚持高工资导致失业的信条。

    They cling to the doctrine that high wages cause unemployment .

  11. 信条不同经常是分裂的原因。

    Creeds are often a cause of division .

  12. 在过去的五年里,我注意到父母又回归到青少年需要长辈的引导这一信条,而非20世纪下半叶流行起来的自由的“散养教育模式。

    Within just the past five years , I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal , " anything goes " mode of child-rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century .

  13. 这份报纸力求不受政治信条影响

    The newspaper seeks to be independent of political dogma .

  14. 我们的信条一直是公私分明。

    Our creed has always been that business is business .

  15. 他们继续倡导自立的信条。

    They continue to preach their gospel of self-reliance .

  16. 魅力超男是自信、有型有款、对于人生各方面都有坚定追求的异性恋男性。与都市型男相比,都市型男只对他自己感兴趣,而魅力超男对事业和信条充满热情。都市型男修饰头发,而魅力超男充实头脑。

    Ubersexual is a heterosexual male who is confident , stylish and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life . In comparison with metrosexual , the ubersexual is passionate his mind , the metrosexual grooms his hair .

  17. 就其推崇的信条而言,WTO是一个强调公开自由竞争的市场经济组织;

    As for its credendum , the WTO is an organization of market economy which lays its emphasis on open and free competition ;

  18. 至少这是WholeFoodsMarket等高档食品超市和一批发展迅猛的小型果汁生产商的信条,他们正试图将狂热的冷榨果汁潮流从小批量变成大规模生产。

    At least that 's the belief of high-end grocers like Whole Foods Market and a spurt of small juice companies trying to move the cold-pressed-juice craze from small-batch to mass-produced .

  19. 私人部门参与(psi)成为一种新的信条。

    Private sector involvement ( PSI ) was the new doctrine .

  20. 反核信条的核心留下了认为对和平构成威胁的是技术的而非政治的因素的观念(b乔治F.威尔)

    The core of the catechism of the antinuclear left , the notion that the threat to peace is technological , not political ( bGeorge F.Will )

  21. 去年12月9日,欧盟宣布改变信条,逆转了多维尔峰会出炉的PSI创新。

    On December 9 a change in doctrine reversing the Deauville PSI innovation was announced .

  22. 伯纳德阿尔诺(BernardArnault)有一个简单的商业信条。

    Bernard Arnault has a simple business creed .

  23. 然而,cfa的调查表明,金融业尚未准备好放弃自己的信条。

    However , the CFA survey suggests the finance industry is not yet ready to rip up its creed .

  24. 编写TDD的信条是:“可以为其编写测试的最简单内容是什么?”

    The mantra for coding TDD is : " What is the simplest thing for which I can write a test ?"

  25. 经济低迷将检验这种观点,这是明略行母公司WPP集团(WPPGroup)等广告营销公司的信条。

    The downturn will test that proposition , which is a tenet of advertising and marketing companies such as WPP Group , the parent of Millward Brown .

  26. 正是这种信条在过去十多年里支撑着弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)的民望,不过民众正开始对这种信条失去兴趣。

    This is the conviction that , for more than a decade , fuelled the popularity of Vladimir Putin , but is now beginning to pall .

  27. 但在目前让希腊债务承担损失之际,未来将放弃psi信条的承诺能够让人信服吗?

    But can the promise to abandon the PSI doctrine in the future be convincing while losses on Greek debt are imposed at present ?

  28. Don说发表这些信条的原意是为了解释WCF的构建原则(或者至少是Indigo的最初目标)。

    Don said that the tenets were originally published to explain the principles WCF ( or at least the original Indigo vision ) was built .

  29. 下面的例子走了另一个极端,一位朋友曾告诉我,他在英国企业集团汉森信托(HansonTrust)工作时,该集团至高无上的信条就是股东至上。

    At the other extreme , a friend told me that when he worked at the British conglomerate Hanson Trust , its overriding motto was shareholders first , second and third .

  30. 特纳曾就职于麦肯锡(McKinsey)这家管理咨询机构一直是股东价值、自由市场竞争和金融资本主义等信条的倡导者。

    Turner previously worked at McKinsey , the management consultancy which has been an evangelist for the creed of shareholder value , free-market competition and financial capitalism .