
  • 网络GRIFFIN;Griffon;Gryphon
  1. 2008年他被赋予狮鹫奖和名叫大师秘密PSYCRETS(英国社会的神秘的艺人)。

    In2008 he was bestowed the Griffin award and named Grand Master of Mystery by PSYCRETS ( The British Society of Mystery Entertainers ) .

  2. 我来这里是为了帮助狮鹫帝国恢复秩序的。

    But I am here to help Griffin put things right .

  3. Yolo!制片和狮鹫公司联合打造了这部拉吉夫·约瑟夫的剧集,它讲述了一位折纸艺术家邀请一个天才少年和他的老师去她工作室的故事。

    Yolo ! Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph , in which an origami artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio .

  4. 狮鹫周:狮鹫产量加倍。

    Week of griffin : double growth for Griffins and imperial griffin .

  5. 兰斯洛特骑马去杀狮鹫了。

    Lancelot 's ridding out to kill the griffin !

  6. 只有魔法才能杀死狮鹫?

    the griffin can only be killed by magic ?

  7. 我还是第一次见到狮鹫笼是什么样的。

    This is the first time I see the critics what kind of cage .

  8. 伊莎贝尔:狮鹫帝国也同样需要你。

    Isabel : As does the Griffin Empire .

  9. 我相信那是狮鹫。

    I believe it to be a griffin .

  10. 狮鹫那是一种魔法生物。

    The Griffin is a creature of magic .

  11. 杀死那狮鹫的不是我。

    But I didn 't kill the griffin .

  12. 梅林杀了那狮鹫!

    Go and kill the griffin , Merlin !

  13. 精铁之羽就是狮鹫公国二元性的最佳代表。

    The Iron Feather is the very symbol of the duality of the Griffin Duchy .

  14. 蛰伏的亡灵士兵被狡猾地隐藏在狮鹫帝国的边境内。

    Dormant cells of Undead had been cleverly hidden within the borders of the Griffin Empire .

  15. 虽然狮鹫是有智能的,但是在它能忍受和一个乘客战斗之前,狮鹫需要训练。

    Although intelligent , a griffon requires training before it can bear a rider in combat .

  16. 伊莎贝尔:一个真正的狮鹫帝国女皇会与恶魔结为夫妻?杀死哥德里克?焚烧农民?

    Isabel : would a true Griffin queen consort with demons ? Kill godric ? Burn peasants ?

  17. 乘坐狮鹫时,减速魔法和效果不再会降低玩家的速度。

    Slowing abilities and spells will no longer decrease the speed of a player when traveling by Gryphon .

  18. 狮鹫:他们来了,陛下。人数众多,武器精良。

    Griffin : they come , your highness , in numbers and weapons far greater than our own .

  19. 你是谁,为什么挡在狮鹫帝国公路的中间?

    Who are you and what are you doing here , blocking the highways of the Griffin Empire ?

  20. 那里原先是一座狮鹫城,巫术活动十分频繁,后来被狂热的骑士摧毁。

    Once a hive of Necromantic activity in the Griffin Empire , this city was destroyed by fanatic knights .

  21. 狮鹫:你!你就是那个自称斯巴达想向魔帝穆图斯挑战的家伙吗?

    Griffon : You ! Are you the human , the son of Sparda who challenges the Darkness Mundus ?

  22. 英雄们弥补过错,挽救狮鹫女皇乃至拯救世界的时间所剩不多了。

    The heroes have little time to correct their mistakes and save the Griffin queen & and the world .

  23. 卡贝勒斯看来你在狮鹫帝国待的时间太久了,连是非轻重都分不清了吧?

    Kha-Beleth You see what spending too much time in the Griffin Empire does to your sense of priorities ?

  24. 但如果他就是个黑暗精灵,他怎么能在人类的狮鹫帝国当间谍?

    But if he was actually an elf , how could he be a spy in the human Griffin Empire ?

  25. 很不幸,他们的装备更精良了,比如他们不知道从那儿的白痴那里弄到了狮鹫。

    Unfortunately , they picked up better equipment along the way , as well as gryphons taken from fools somewhere .

  26. 在昔日同盟艾罗兰和狮鹫帝国的边境地区,小规模冲突每天不断。

    Small clashes happen every day in the borderland between the once allied nations of Irollan and the Griffin empire .

  27. 我所询问的人说牛头人能像其他种族的坐骑跑得一样快,他们能搭乘狮鹫等交通工具。

    The person I asked said that they will be able to run as fast as any other race 's mount .

  28. 把考德威尔领主和他的人民送到安全的地方,但不要冒险进入狮鹫帝国的领地。

    See Lord Caldwell and his people to safety , but do not at any cost cross into Griffin Empire lands .

  29. 尽管这把剑兢兢业业服侍帝国长达数个世纪,但是其仍然被看作是狮鹫家族叛逆的标志。

    Even if the blade has served the Empire without fault through the centuries , it remains a symbol of Griffin defiance .

  30. 这个叫“狮鹫行动”的计划还有一段有趣的插曲,似乎是希特勒的主意。

    There was an interesting adornment to the plan called " Operation Greif ," which seems to have been Hitler 's brain child .