
míng zǔ
  • eponym
名祖[míng zǔ]
  1. 前言主要是名祖名词的定义,阐述名祖名词的发展和存在现状,并强调了名祖名词始终与语言的发展共时。

    The introduction is mainly about the definition of eponym , and emphasizing its development and synchrony with language .

  2. 第五章是关于名祖名词对修辞的特殊影响。普救寺以其特殊的声学效应而名闻四海。

    Chapter Five is a study on the influence of eponyms on rhetoric . Pu-Jiu-Si Temple is well-known for it special acoustic of .

  3. 徐霞客祖籍江西,名宏祖,徐豫庵和王孺人的第二个儿子。

    With an ancestry in Jiangxi , he was born Xu Hongzu , as the second son of Xu Yu'an and Wang Ruren .