
míng liú
  • distinguished personages;celebrities
名流 [míng liú]
  • [distinguished personages;celebrities] 杰出的人士

  • 所有的名流都举行舞会

名流[míng liú]
  1. 诞生在院子内的名流人生。

    Distinguished personages life born in courtyard .

  2. 他只邀请头等名流参加他的聚会。

    He only invited A-list celebrities to his parties .

  3. 这是富人和名流最喜欢去度假的地方。

    It 's a favourite resort for the rich and famous .

  4. 歌剧院是个名流和时尚人士竞显风采的地方。

    The opera was the place to see and be seen .

  5. 这个度假胜地是富翁名流的娱乐场所。

    The resort is a playground of the rich and famous .

  6. 记者蜂拥在豪绅名流之后。

    In the train of the rich and famous came the journalists .

  7. 经常露面的地方名流都在那里。

    All the usual local notables were there .

  8. 到处都是人,全是邀请来的贵客名流。

    There were wall-to-wall people , all invited guests and celebrities .

  9. 她开始接二连三地与社会名流有染。

    She embarked on a series of sexual liaisons with society figures .

  10. 众多的好莱坞名流都去光顾珍妮特·沃恩的美甲店。

    The glitterati of Hollywood are flocking to Janet Vaughan 's nail salon .

  11. 他不仅仅是足球场上的巨星,也是一位社会名流。

    He was more than a footballing superstar , he was a celebrity .

  12. 由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。

    Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly

  13. 很多名流出席了她的婚宴。

    There were many celebrities at her wedding feast .

  14. 他现在正往上爬,到处结交芝加哥的名流。

    He 's on the make everywhere and cultivates all the Chicago hotshots .

  15. 好几位社会名流都鼎力支持这部舞台剧,首演非常成功。

    A number of celebrities1 threw their weight behind the production and the opening show was a big success .

  16. 毫不意外地,这种“冰山宅”是富裕名流们的最爱。与越来越多富裕的伦敦人一样,他也将自己的住所变成了所谓的“冰山大宅”。

    Iceberg . Example : He joined the growing number of wealthy Londoners who have been turning their mansions into so called " iceberg homes . "

  17. 著名的双C标志让全世界的名流为之疯狂。

    The famous double-C logo made the world 's celebrities crazy .

  18. 《X夫人的画像》是由年轻移民名流约翰·辛格·萨金特以维吉妮·阿维尼·高雷为模特创造的一幅名画。

    The Portrait of Madame X is a prominent painting by a young American immigrant and celebrity named John Singer Sargent of Virginie Avegno Gautreau .

  19. 让苹果(Apple)十分沮丧的是,iCloud名流裸照泄露事件就像长了超模的长腿一样传得飞快。

    Much to Apple 's dismay , the nude-celebs-on-the-iCloud story has legs like a supermodel .

  20. AustralianGold上月赞助了一期《名人学徒》,在节目中,诸位名流基于黄金生活的概念,为该品牌防晒霜设计了一次推广活动。

    Australian Gold sponsored an episode of the show last month in which celebrities developed a campaign for the sunscreen based on the gold life concept .

  21. NGO的管理者常常是社会名流,与政界、学术界和媒体的关系良好。

    NGO directors are often public figures , well-connected in politics , academia or the media .

  22. 哈里王子,28岁,击败了39位名流包括乔治•克鲁尼和泰勒斯威夫特的夏日恋人康纳肯尼迪被《TownCountry》评选为最合格的单身汉。

    Prince Harry , 28 , beat out 39 famous faces – including George Clooney and Taylor Swift 's summer romance , Conor Kennedy – to be named Town Country 's most eligible bachelor .

  23. 把每条信息限制在140字符以内的微博客服务twitter,已成为各界名流和网络达人的最爱。

    Twitter , the microblogging service , which limits posts to 140 characters , has become a favourite of celebrities and digerati .

  24. 由名流、运动员、政客甚至前总统布什的女儿BarbaraBush参演的广告也支持法案的通过。

    Commercials starring celebrities , athletes , politicians , even Barbara Bush , daughter of George W. , pushed for passage of the bill .

  25. 这里最高端的街道名流荟萃,既住过诗人塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(SamuelTaylorColeridge),又住过超模凯特·莫斯(KateMoss)。

    The poshest thoroughfare has been home to the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge , the supermodel Kate Moss and many others .

  26. 当晚,夫妇二人就和名流们在阿姆斯特丹的SohoHouseclub一起度过了宴会,出席的名流包括艾迪·雷特梅恩、尼克·格雷姆肖以及珍娜·路易斯。

    The Royal couple then spent the evening with a host of celebrities including Eddie Redmayne , Nick Grimshaw and Jenna Coleman at the exclusive Soho House club in Amsterdam .

  27. 我见过很多人物&总统,州长,社会(Community)名流等很多人。我做了很多有趣的事,赴过很多有意向思的地方。

    I 've got to meet so many wonderful people & president , heads of state , huge celebrities , just so many great people , I 've done so many wonderful things , and go to so many wonderful places .

  28. 你在VOGUE杂志和其他时装杂志的人际网,以及你所认识的一些名流,我们的模式和市场分布,完全是可重复的。

    Your connections with people in VOGUE magazine , skirt magazine , and celebrities Our model and our marketing distribution string are completely repeatable .

  29. 2000年,这三位工程师推出了具有开创性的消费级智能手机,其中包括曾在名流圈中大红大紫的T-MobileSidekick。

    The three engineers launched pioneering consumer smartphones , like the once-ubiquitous-among-celebrities T-Mobile sidekick in 2000 .

  30. 他在比佛利山的第一家餐厅chadwick就挤满了社交名流。

    His first restaurant , Chadwick in Beverly Hills , was packed with celebrity guests .